Search Results - "Ribeiro, Victor Henrique Alves"
Data treatment methods for real-time colorimetric loop-mediated isothermal amplification reactions
Published in Scientific reports (01-09-2023)“…With the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the need for affordable and rapid mass testing, colorimetric isothermal amplification reactions such as Loop-Mediated…”
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Hilab system, a new point-of-care hematology analyzer supported by the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence
Published in Scientific reports (21-06-2022)“…The complete blood count (CBC) is one of the most requested tests by physicians. CBC tests, most realized in conventional hematological analyzers, are…”
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Ensemble learning by means of a multi-objective optimization design approach for dealing with imbalanced data sets
Published in Expert systems with applications (01-06-2020)“…•A new taxonomy for multi-objective ensemble learning is proposed.•A holistic study on multi-objective ensemble learning is performed.•A collection of…”
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Multi-objective ensembles of echo state networks and extreme learning machines for streamflow series forecasting
Published in Engineering applications of artificial intelligence (01-10-2020)“…Streamflow series forecasting composes a fundamental step in planning electric energy production for hydroelectric plants. In Brazil, such plants produce…”
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Random vector functional link forests and extreme learning forests applied to UAV automatic target recognition
Published in Engineering applications of artificial intelligence (01-01-2023)“…This paper proposes two novel machine learning algorithms, namely Random Vector Functional Link Forests and Extreme Learning Forests, to develop an improved…”
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Development of an optimized colorimetric RT-LAMP for SARS-CoV-2 assay with enhanced procedure controls for remote diagnostics
Published in Scientific reports (11-12-2022)“…The coronavirus pandemic accentuated the need for molecular diagnostic tests. A technique highly used to this end is the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)—a…”
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Detection and classification of abnormal red blood cells with computational intelligence techniques: a review
Published in Revista Principia (10-10-2023)“…Red blood cells (RBCs), or erythrocytes, are usually disc-shaped. However, pathological conditions can change their shape. The complete blood count (CBC) is a…”
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Feature selection and regularization of interpretable soft sensors using evolutionary multi-objective optimization design procedures
Published in Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems (15-05-2021)“…Soft sensors are mathematical models that estimate hard-to-measure variables given easy-to-measure ones. This field of study has given the industry a valuable…”
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A Dynamic Multi-criteria Multi-engine Approach for Text Simplification
Published in 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (18-07-2021)“…In this work we present a multi-criteria multi-engine approach for text simplification. The main goal is to demonstrate a way to take advantage of a pool of…”
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A holistic multi-objective optimization design procedure for ensemble member generation and selection
Published in Applied soft computing (01-10-2019)“…In the last few years, machine learning techniques have been successfully applied to solve engineering problems. However, owing to certain complexities found…”
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Multi-Objective Ensemble Model for Short-Term Price Forecasting in Corn Price Time Series
Published in 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (01-07-2019)“…Short-term forecasting plays an important role in the economic area. Several studies have been carried, where models with good forecast capacity, focusing on…”
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A novel dynamic multi-criteria ensemble selection mechanism applied to drinking water quality anomaly detection
Published in The Science of the total environment (20-12-2020)“…The provision of clean and safe drinking water is a crucial task for water supply companies from all over the world. To this end, automatic anomaly detection…”
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Dynamic Multi-criteria Classifier Selection for Illegal Tapping Detection in Oil Pipelines
Published in 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (01-07-2020)“…Illegal tapping of fuel pipelines has recently become one of the most relevant safety problems faced by the industry. Hundreds of illegal interventions have…”
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Comparison of Different Classifiers for Automatic Target Recognition Systems
Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-01-2018)“…Within unmanned aerial vehicles on-going research topics, automatic target recognition is acquiring relevance. This is due to the easiness with which it is…”
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A study of Pareto-based methods for ensemble pool generation and aggregation
Published in 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (01-06-2019)“…In the field of machine learning, the application of ensemble methods is one of the most successful techniques in order to achieve a good performance in…”
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Multi-objective Support Vector Machines Ensemble Generation for Water Quality Monitoring
Published in 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (01-07-2018)“…Real-world classification problems generally deal with imbalanced data, where one class represents the majority of the data set. The present work deals with…”
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Multi-objective PID Controller Tuning for an Industrial Gasifier
Published in 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (01-07-2018)“…Control of industrial plants is an important engineering field of study, where the optimization of such processes can lead to better product quality and higher…”
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