Search Results - "Ribeiro, Carlos Pinto"
Biofilm growth and hydrodynamic behaviour in the biological plate tower (BPT) with and without hanging biomass (BPT-HB)
Published in Water science and technology (01-01-2012)“…Deodorization and volatile organic compound abatement from polluted air streams can be accomplished with the biological plate tower (BPT), which has proved to…”
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Bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae) ectoparasites of bats at an Atlantic Rainforest site in northeastern Brazil
Published in Biota neotropica (01-06-2013)“…Bat flies were surveyed between March, 2007 and February, 2008, in the Carnijó Private Natural Heritage Reserve (08° 07′ S and 35° 05′ W), an area of Atlantic…”
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Análise do Processo de Entrada e Saída de Veículos no Aeroporto Regional de Uberlândia: Um Modelo de Simulação
Published in GEPROS : Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas (01-11-2017)“…O crescente número de usuários que utilizam os terminais de passageiros dos aeroportos regionais indica a necessidade de buscar meios para aperfeiçoar a…”
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As negociações internacionais do Brasil em cooperação militar contemporâneas
Published in Meridiano 47 (01-10-2017)“…This paper analyzes international negotiations related to international military technology cooperation specificallythe case of Aeronautics between Brazil and…”
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Aggressive Natural-Killer Cell Lymphoma Presenting with Skin Lesions, Breast Nodule, Suprarenal Masses and Life-Threatening Pericardial and Pleural Effusions
Published in Leukemia & lymphoma (01-11-2001)“…We report the clinical and laboratory findings of a patient with an aggressive Epstein-Barr virus positive CD2+/CD56+ natural killer-cell lymphoma with a high…”
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Dinâmica Realista de Operações Simuladas: o conta gotas como objeto de aprendizagem na simulação computacional de eventos discretos
Published in GEPROS : Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas (06-08-2015)“…Este trabalho apresenta a “Dinâmica Realista de Operações Simuladas” (DROpS), nome dado à dinâmica que utiliza o dispositivo “conta gotas” como objeto de…”
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Process analysis for vehicle access in Uberlândia’s regional airport: a simulation model
Published in GEPROS : Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas (01-11-2017)“…The growing number of users of these passenger terminals indicates that the quality of services should be improved through the expansion of their capacity or…”
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Unraveling sources of stimulus control in a temporal discrimination task
Published in Learning & behavior (01-03-2017)“…In temporal discriminations tasks, more than one stimulus may function as a time marker. We studied two of them in a matching-to-sample task, the sample…”
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Hematological Remission and Long Term Hematological Control of Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia Induced and Maintained by Granulocyte-colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) Therapy
Published in Leukemia & lymphoma (01-12-2003)“…We describe a case of a patient with CD34+, TdT+, CD13-, CD33-, MPO- undifferentiated acute leukemia who refused chemotherapy and who achieved complete…”
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DROpS: an object of learning in computer simulation of discrete events
Published in GEPROS : Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas (01-09-2015)“…This work presents the “Realistic Dynamics Of Simulated Operations” (DROpS), the name given to the dynamics using the “dropper” device as an object of teaching…”
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Coding in pigeons: Multiple-coding versus single-code/default strategies
Published in Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior (01-05-2015)“…To investigate the coding strategies that pigeons may use in a temporal discrimination tasks, pigeons were trained on a matching‐to‐sample procedure with three…”
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Joint stimulus control in a temporal discrimination task
Published in Animal cognition (01-11-2017)“…The ability to identify stimuli that signal important events is fundamental for an organism to adapt to its environment. In the present paper, we investigated…”
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Brazilian international negotiations in military contemporary technical cooperation: the aeronautical case with France/As negociacoes internacionais do Brasil em cooperacao militar contemporaneas: o caso aeronautico com a Franca
Published in Meridiano 47 (01-03-2013)“…This paper analyzes international negotiations related to international military technology cooperation specifically the case of Aeronautics between Brazil and…”
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The international negotiations of Brazil's contemporary military cooperation: the aeronautical case with France
Published in Meridiano 47 (01-03-2013)“…This paper analyzes international negotiations related to international military technology cooperation specifically the case of Aeronautics between Brazil and…”
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The relative value of two options for pigeons depends on their context
Published in Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior (01-01-2016)“…It is well known that when humans are given a choice between two options, their preference is affected by the presence of a third. Generally, there is an…”
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Learning and coding strategies in pigeons (Columba livia)
Published 01-01-2016“…In a series of five studies, we analyzed discrimination learning in pigeons by focusing on which stimuli the animals would attend to, and, based on those…”
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Dissertation -
Integração da teoria das filas ao Time-Driven ABC Model: uma análise da capacidade ociosa - doi: 10.4025/enfoque.v28i1.8219
Published in Enfoque : reflexão contábil (01-09-2009)“…Com o surgimento do custeio ABC estimava-se uma melhoria na apuração dos custos indiretos, porém a dificuldade de implementação do modelo não deixou que o…”
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The Accountant's Image From The Stakeholders Perspective
Published in Sociedade, contabilidade e gestão (12-08-2019)Get full text
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As Negociac?es Internacionais Do Brasil Em Cooperac?o Militar Contemporaneas: O Caso Aeronautico Com A Franca
Published in Meridiano 47 (01-03-2013)“…This paper analyzes international negotiations related to international military technology cooperation specifically the case of Aeronautics between Brazil and…”
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Brazilian international negotiations in military contemporary technical cooperation: the aeronautical case with France/As negociacoes internacionais do Brasil em cooperacao militar contemporaneas: o caso aeronautico com a Franca
Published in Meridiano 47 (01-03-2013)“…This paper analyzes international negotiations related to international military technology cooperation specifically the case of Aeronautics between Brazil and…”
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