Search Results - "Riabova, T I"

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  1. 1

    The characteristics of lipid spectrum of blood serum in native and alien population in Amur region by Riabova, T I, Popova, T V, Sirotin, B Z

    Published in Klinicheskaia laboratornaia diagnostika (01-02-2012)
    “…The study was organized to establish the distinctive characteristics of lipid metabolism among the most numerous ethnic groups of native population in Amur…”
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  2. 2

    The concentration of homocysteine in blood serum among indigene and outsider population of priamurye by riabova, T I, Popova, T V, Sirotin, B Z

    Published in Klinicheskaia laboratornaia diagnostika (01-04-2012)
    “…The study evaluated the concentration of homocysteine in the most numerous groups of indigene population of Priamurye (Even, Ultch, Nanai) as compared with…”
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  3. 3

    Stroke epidemiology and evaluation of risk factors significance for survival of patients during 28 poststroke days in the open population of Chita by Riabova, T I, Shirshov, Iu A, Cherniavskiĭ, A M, Vinogradov, S P, Kursinov, L I, Vinogradova, T E

    “…To provide effective primary and secondary stroke prevention, the epidemiological stroke rates were investigated in the open population of a large Transbaykal…”
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  4. 4

    Putrescine in evaluation of the leukemic process in children by Kovtunova, M E, Riabova, T I

    Published in Gematologiia i transfuziologiia (01-01-1991)
    “…Relationship between elevated putrescine level in urine and its presence in the blood and bone marrow was analyzed in 44 children with acute leukemia in the…”
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  5. 5

    Polyamines as a prognostic criterion of the duration of clinico-hematologic remission in acute leukemia in children by Kovtunova, M E, Voronchikhina, L D, Riabova, T I, Riabov, N V

    Published in Terapevtic̆eskii arhiv (1988)
    “…The authors reported the results of retrospective analysis of the level of polyamines in urine and the duration of clinicohematological remission in 25 AL…”
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    Levels of extracellular DNA and polyamines as criteria of resistance to chemotherapy in patients with acute leukemia by Kovtunova, M E, Pan'kov, V N, Vorozhtsova, S I, Riabova, T I, Tselousova, O M

    Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-09-1990)
    “…Content of polyamines and extracellular DNA were studied in blood of patients with acute leukoses which did not respond to chemotherapy. Concentration of total…”
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