Search Results - "Rekesh, A N"
The effect of nonreceptor adsorption on the lethal action of colicin E1
Published in FEBS letters (08-05-1989)“…The survivability of Escherichia coli K12s cells has been studied after treatment with 125I-labeled colicin E1. It has been shown that for low amounts of…”
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A physiological role for DNA supercoiling in the anaerobic regulation of colicin gene expression
Published in Molecular & general genetics (01-02-1991)“…The mechanism of anaerobic regulation of synthesis of colicins E1, E2, E3, K and D was studied. It was found that anaerobiosis significantly increases…”
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Classical and pulsed gel electrophoresis of biopolymers. Theory and applications
Published in Biofizika (01-03-1992)“…The work is devoted to the modern theory of gel electrophoresis in stationary and alternating electric fields, and it brings together results of numerous…”
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Spontaneous synthesis of colicin
Published in Molekuliarnaia biologiia (01-01-1990)“…We studied regularities of the spontaneous synthesis of colicin E1 and its regulatory role in the survival of each cell and the population. For the first time,…”
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Molecular mechanisms of regulating mammalian sex and problems of fractionating spermatozoa
Published in Molekuliarnaia biologiia (01-01-1991)“…We present results of a study devoted to genetic determination and to the mechanism of primary sex differentiation in mammals. Progress is achieved in the…”
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The role of pulsed gel electrophoresis in the study of biological macromolecules
Published in Molekuliarnaia biologiia (01-05-1990)“…We present modern conceptions concerning movement of biopolymer molecules in a gel under the action of static and pulsed electric fields, and we basically…”
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The effect of supercoiling of DNA from colicinogenic plasmids on the expression of col, imm and lys genes
Published in Molekuliarnaia biologiia (01-09-1989)“…The expression of colicin genes is controlled by the SOS-system (Lex A repressor) and the adenylate-cyclase system (cAMP-CAP complex). The effect of plasmid…”
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Study of the regulation of colicin E1 and K synthesis
Published in Molekuliarnaia biologiia (01-07-1984)“…Synthesis of colicins E1 and K and other plasmids was studied using DNA templates of corresponding plasmids in a cell-free system of coupled transcription and…”
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The nature of typhimuricin--a substance produced by Salmonella typhimurium LT2 and relation of its synthesis to the cryptic plasmid
Published in Molekulârnaâ genetika, mikrobiologiâ i virusologiâ (01-02-1987)“…The effect of typhimuricin on Escherichia coli K12 cells and the properties of this substance produced by Salmonella typhimurium LT2 have been studied. The…”
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In vivo and in vitro studies of phage T4 lysozyme mRNA translation
Published in Biokhimiia (Moscow, Russia) (01-07-1977)“…Translation of phage T4 lysozyme mRNA is studied in vivo and in vitro. Polyribosomes, carrying growing lysozyme polypeptides, are found to be homogenous enough…”
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Plasmid proteins inhibiting the activity of K and E1 colicins
Published in Molekuliarnaia biologiia (01-01-1982)“…Plasmid proteins with m. w. of 14 000--15 000 were chromatographically isolated from lysates of E. coli cells containing plasmids ColK and ColE1. These…”
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Aeration affects DNA supercoiling in bacterial cells
Published in Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR (1987)Get more information
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Spontaneous colicin E1 synthesis
Published in Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR (1985)Get more information
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Isolation of Escherichia coli polysomes synthesizing alkaline phosphatase
Published in Molecular biology (New York) (01-09-1974)Get more information
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Ribonuclease activity linked to the colicinogenic plasmid Col V-K 30
Published in Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR (1980)Get more information
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Synthesis of alkaline phosphatase by Escherichia coli in vitro
Published in Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR (1974)Get more information
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