Search Results - "Reischig, P."
Non-destructive mapping of grain orientations in 3D by laboratory X-ray microscopy
Published in Scientific reports (23-10-2015)“…The ability to characterise crystallographic microstructure, non-destructively and in three-dimensions, is a powerful tool for understanding many aspects…”
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Microstructural evolution during sintering of copper particles studied by laboratory diffraction contrast tomography (LabDCT)
Published in Scientific reports (12-07-2017)“…Pressureless sintering of loose or compacted granular bodies at elevated temperature occurs by a combination of particle rearrangement, rotation, local…”
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First laboratory X-ray diffraction contrast tomography for grain mapping of polycrystals
Published in Journal of applied crystallography (01-12-2013)“…The first results of three‐dimensional grain mapping using a laboratory tomograph equipped with a microfocus W target X‐ray tube source, operated at 90 kV and…”
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New opportunities for 3D materials science of polycrystalline materials at the micrometre lengthscale by combined use of X-ray diffraction and X-ray imaging
Published in Materials science & engineering. A, Structural materials : properties, microstructure and processing (25-10-2009)“…Non-destructive, three-dimensional (3D) characterization of the grain structure in mono-phase polycrystalline materials is an open challenge in material…”
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Polychromatic diffraction contrast tomography
Published in Materials characterization (01-11-2014)“…This tutorial review introduces the use of polychromatic radiation for 3D grain mapping using X-ray diffraction contrast tomography. The objective is to…”
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Three-dimensional observation and image-based modelling of thermal strains in polycrystalline alumina
Published in Acta materialia (01-12-2013)“…Diffraction contrast tomography (DCT) with synchrotron X-rays was used to map the three-dimensional microstructure of alumina. Each grain boundary (GB) of this…”
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Characterization of polycrystalline materials using synchrotron X-ray imaging and diffraction techniques
Published in JOM (1989) (01-12-2010)“…The combination of synchrotron radiation x-ray imaging and diffraction techniques offers new possibilities for in-situ observation of deformation and damage…”
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Non-destructive analysis of micro texture and grain boundary character from X-ray diffraction contrast tomography
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (2010)“…Recent advances in synchrotron based X-ray imaging and diffraction techniques offer interesting new possibilities for mapping 3D grain shapes and…”
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Tailoring of Ostwald ripening behaviour in multicomponent Al alloys
Published in Scripta materialia (01-04-2005)“…The effects of additional alloying components in Al–Cu–Mg alloys on precipitate coarsening kinetics are explored. Additions of Cr and Ni are shown to have a…”
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Theory for diffusional transformation kinetics: Multicomponent and multiphase systems
Published in Scripta materialia (01-11-2005)“…Expressions for describing the simultaneous diffusion controlled multicomponent growth and dissolution of several phases are presented. Local equilibrium at…”
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Comparison between a near-field and a far-field indexing approach for characterization of a polycrystalline sample volume containing more than 1500 grains
Published in Journal of applied crystallography (01-08-2014)“…A comparison of the performance of X‐ray diffraction tomography, a near‐field diffraction technique, and a far‐field diffraction technique for indexing X‐ray…”
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Analysis of Snow Microstructure by Means of X-Ray Diffraction Contrast Tomography
Published in Advanced engineering materials (01-03-2011)“…Snow is an agglomerate of ice crystals. The details of its mechanical behavior are still controversially discussed: what is the relative importance of…”
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New opportunities for 3D materials science of polycrystalline materials at the micrometre lengthscale by combined use of X-ray diffraction and X-ray imaging : Probing strains and dislocation gradients with diffraction
Published in Materials science & engineering. A, Structural materials : properties, microstructure and processing (2009)Get full text
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Diffraction Contrast Tomography in the Laboratory – Applications and Future Directions
Published in Microscopy today (01-07-2016)“…Higher spatial resolution is achieved, albeit for relatively small volumes [4]. Because of the destructive nature of data acquisition, 3D EBSD cannot be used…”
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