Search Results - "Reimberg, P"

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  1. 1

    Back in the saddle: large-deviation statistics of the cosmic log-density field by Uhlemann, C., Codis, S., Pichon, C., Bernardeau, F., Reimberg, P.

    “…We present a first principle approach to obtain analytical predictions for spherically averaged cosmic densities in the mildly non-linear regime that go well…”
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  2. 2

    Failures of Halofit model for computation of Fisher matrices: a response function analysis by Reimberg, P, Bernardeau, F, Nishimichi, T, Rizzato, M

    “…ABSTRACT The response function of a linear system undergoing a non-linear transformation measures the sensitivity of the non-linear output with respect to the…”
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  3. 3

    Euclid preparation – XXIII. Derivation of galaxy physical properties with deep machine learning using mock fluxes and H-band images by Cavuoti, S, Humphrey, A, Hunt, L K, Tortora, C, Auricchio, N, Bender, R, Branchini, E, Brinchmann, J, Camera, S, Capobianco, V, Castellano, M, Conversi, L, Corcione, L, Degaudenzi, H, Douspis, M, Dubath, F, Duncan, C A J, Dupac, X, Dusini, S, Farrens, S, Frailis, M, Fumana, M, Garilli, B, Gillard, W, Gillis, B, Grupp, F, Hornstrup, A, Jahnke, K, Kümmel, M, Kohley, R, Kunz, M, Kurki-Suonio, H, Ligori, S, Maiorano, E, Mansutti, O, Marggraf, O, Markovic, K, Marulli, F, Maurogordato, S, Medinaceli, E, Meneghetti, M, Merlin, E, Meylan, G, Moscardini, L, Munari, E, Niemi, S M, Padilla, C, Paltani, S, Pasian, F, Polenta, G, Poncet, M, Renzi, A, Rhodes, J, Riccio, G, Sartoris, B, Schneider, P, Scodeggio, M, Secroun, A, Seidel, G, Sirignano, C, Stanco, L, Tavagnacco, D, Taylor, A N, Tereno, I, Toledo-Moreo, R, Tutusaus, I, Valentijn, E A, Valenziano, L, Zacchei, A, Zamorani, G, Andreon, S, Boucaud, A, Graciá-Carpio, J, Maino, D, Mei, S, Scottez, V, Tenti, M, Ballardini, M, Biviano, A, Cappi, A, Casas, S, Cuby, J, Escoffier, S, Ganga, K, Gozaliasl, G, Hildebrandt, H, Kansal, V, Loureiro, A, Macías-Pérez, J F, Mainetti, G, Marcin, S, Martinelli, M, Metcalf, R B, Patrizii, L, Peel, A, Potter, D, Sakr, Z, Schirmer, M, Sereno, M, Valiviita, J

    “…ABSTRACT Next-generation telescopes, like Euclid, Rubin/LSST, and Roman, will open new windows on the Universe, allowing us to infer physical properties for…”
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  4. 4

    Failures of Halofit model for computation of Fisher Matrices by Reimberg, P, Bernardeau, F, Nishimichi, T, Rizzato, M

    Published 07-11-2018
    “…We use a simple cosmological model with two parameters $(A_s, n_s)$ to illustrate the impact of using Halofit on error forecast based on Fisher information…”
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  5. 5

    Euclid preparation: XLVIII. The pre-launch Science Ground Segment simulation framework by Euclid Collaboration, Serrano, S, Seidel, G, Pollack, J. E, Benielli, D, Fahed, R, Auphan, T, Carretero, J, Castander, F. J, Davies, J. E, Huot, S, Kermiche, S, Clément, B, Kümmel, M, Laugier, D, Montoro, A, Tonello, N, Zacchei, A, Aghanim, N, Andreon, S, Auricchio, N, Azzollini, R, Baccigalupi, C, Baldi, M, Basset, A, Bonino, D, Branchini, E, Casas, S, Cavuoti, S, Cledassou, R, Conselice, C. J, Conversi, L, Corcione, L, Courbin, F, Da Silva, A, Degaudenzi, H, Frailis, M, Franzetti, P, Galeotta, S, Giocoli, C, Grazian, A, Guzzo, L, Holmes, W, Kiessling, A, Liebing, P, Maiorano, E, Mansutti, O, Marcin, S, Martinelli, M, Medinaceli, E, Mellier, Y, Meylan, G, Moresco, M, Munari, E, Paltani, S, Pires, S, Popa, L. A, Raison, F, Rebolo, R, Renzi, A, Riccio, G, Romelli, E, Rossetti, E, Sánchez, A. G, Sapone, D, Sartoris, B, Schrabback, T, Scodeggio, M, Stanco, L, Steinwagner, J, Taylor, A. N, Tereno, I, Toledo-Moreo, R, Tutusaus, I, Weller, J, Bozzo, E, Graciá-Carpio, J, Scottez, V, Ballardini, M, Cappi, A, Carvalho, C. S, Cooray, A. R, de la Torre, S, Díaz-Sánchez, A, Di Domizio, S, Dole, H, Ferrero, I, Gozaliasl, G, Gregorio, A, Kajava, J. J. E, Magliocchetti, M, Martins, C. J. A. P, Popa, V, Porciani, C, Schneider, A, Simon, P, Tewes, M, Toft, S, Viel, M, Zinchenko, I. A

    Published 09-10-2024
    “…A&A 690, A103 (2024) The European Space Agency's Euclid mission is one of the upcoming generation of large-scale cosmology surveys, which will map the…”
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  6. 6

    Euclid preparation. The impact of relativistic redshift-space distortions on two-point clustering statistics from the Euclid wide spectroscopic survey by Euclid Collaboration, Amara, A, Auricchio, N, Baldi, M, Bonino, D, Brescia, M, Brinchmann, J, Camera, S, Capobianco, V, Carbone, C, Cardone, V. F, Cimatti, A, Copin, Y, Courtois, H. M, Da Silva, A, Degaudenzi, H, Di Giorgio, A. M, Duncan, C. A. J, Dupac, X, Farrens, S, Gómez-Alvarez, P, Haugan, S. V. H, Hormuth, F, Jahnke, K, Joachimi, B, Kermiche, S, Kiessling, A, Kilbinger, M, Kubik, B, Kümmel, M, Kunz, M, Kurki-Suonio, H, Ligori, S, Lilje, P. B, Lloro, I, Mansutti, O, Marggraf, O, Markovic, K, Marulli, F, Medinaceli, E, Mellier, Y, Meylan, G, Pedersen, K, Popa, L. A, Raison, F, Roncarelli, M, Sánchez, A. G, Schneider, P, Schrabback, T, Scodeggio, M, Secroun, A, Seidel, G, Stanco, L, Steinwagner, J, Taylor, A. N, Veropalumbo, A, Wang, Y, Weller, J, Zucca, E, Biviano, A, Calabrese, M, Di Ferdinando, D, Farinelli, R, Gracia-Carpio, J, Akrami, Y, Anselmi, S, Ballardini, M, Blot, L, Böhringer, H, Borgani, S, Bruton, S, Cabanac, R, Carvalho, C. S, Castro, T, de la Torre, S, Díaz-Sánchez, A, Diaz, J. J, Escoffier, S, Ferrero, I, Finoguenov, A, Gozaliasl, G, Hildebrandt, H, Hjorth, J, Karagiannis, D, Lacasa, F, Loureiro, A, Magliocchetti, M, Mannucci, F, Maurin, L, Monaco, P, Walton, Nicholas A, Sahlén, M, Schneider, A, Sereno, M, Mancini, A. Spurio, Tanidis, K, Tosi, S, Vergani, D, Verza, G, Hernández-Monteagudo, C

    Published 01-10-2024
    “…Measurements of galaxy clustering are affected by RSD. Peculiar velocities, gravitational lensing, and other light-cone projection effects modify the observed…”
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  7. 7

    Euclid preparation. XLIII. Measuring detailed galaxy morphologies for Euclid with machine learning by Euclid Collaboration, Aussel, B, Walmsley, M, Huertas-Company, M, Castellano, M, Veneri, M. Delli, Sánchez, H. Domínguez, La Marca, A, Stevens, G, Toba, Y, Amara, A, Andreon, S, Baldi, M, Bodendorf, C, Brinchmann, J, Copin, Y, Degaudenzi, H, Franceschi, E, Fumana, M, Galeotta, S, Giocoli, C, Hormuth, F, Kermiche, S, Kiessling, A, Kubik, B, Kurki-Suonio, H, Lindholm, V, Mansutti, O, Martinet, N, Marulli, F, Maurogordato, S, Medinaceli, E, Mei, S, Meneghetti, M, Merlin, E, Meylan, G, Munari, E, Pasian, F, Pedersen, K, Percival, W. J, Pettorino, V, Rebolo, R, Rhodes, J, Rossetti, E, Sartoris, B, Serrano, S, Taylor, A. N, Teplitz, H. I, Tereno, I, Wang, Y, Weller, J, Zacchei, A, Zamorani, G, Zoubian, J, Boucaud, A, Burigana, C, Farinelli, R, Mainetti, G, Marcin, S, Mauri, N, Nucita, A. A, Scottez, V, Tenti, M, Anselmi, S, Ballardini, M, Borgani, S, Bruton, S, Cabanac, R, Cappi, A, Castignani, G, Chambers, K. C, Coupon, J, Desprez, G, Gaztanaga, E, George, K, Gozaliasl, G, Guinet, D, Hall, A, Kajava, J. J. E, Kansal, V, Kirkpatrick, C. C, Macias-Perez, J, Martinelli, M, Martins, C. J. A. P, Maturi, M, Maurin, L, Metcalf, R. B, Morgante, G, Nadathur, S, Potter, D, Rocci, P. -F, Sánchez, A. G, Sereno, M, Simon, P, Mancini, A. Spurio, Stanford, S. A, Teyssier, R, Toft, S, Tosi, S, Vergani, D

    Published 20-09-2024
    “…A&A 689, A274 (2024) The Euclid mission is expected to image millions of galaxies with high resolution, providing an extensive dataset to study galaxy…”
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  8. 8

    Euclid preparation. Simulations and nonlinearities beyond $\Lambda$CDM. 1. Numerical methods and validation by Euclid Collaboration, Baldi, M, Brando, G, Hassani, F, Koyama, K, Winther, H. -A, Hernández-Aguayo, C, Potter, D, Altamura, E, Pourtsidou, A, Vernizzi, F, Amara, A, Andreon, S, Bonino, D, Branchini, E, Caillat, A, Capobianco, V, Castellano, M, Castignani, G, Cavuoti, S, Colodro-Conde, C, Congedo, G, Conversi, L, Courtois, H. M, Da Silva, A, Douspis, M, Dubath, F, Dupac, X, Farina, M, Ferriol, S, Fumana, M, Grupp, F, Hornstrup, A, Jahnke, K, Jhabvala, M, Keihänen, E, Kunz, M, Lilje, P. B, Lindholm, V, Martinet, N, Massey, R, Mei, S, Meneghetti, M, Pedersen, K, Percival, W. J, Pozzetti, L, Raison, F, Rhodes, J, Saglia, R, Sapone, D, Schirmer, M, Seidel, G, Sirri, G, Stanco, L, Torradeflot, F, Valenziano, L, Kleijn, G. Verdoes, Zucca, E, Biviano, A, Burigana, C, Vigo, J. A. Escartin, Gracia-Carpio, J, Pezzotta, A, Pöntinen, M, Scottez, V, Tenti, M, Atrio-Barandela, F, Balaguera-Antolinez, A, Ballardini, M, Böhringer, H, Borgani, S, Cañas-Herrera, G, Cappi, A, Caro, F, Chambers, K. C, Contarini, S, Díaz-Sánchez, A, Di Domizio, S, Ganga, K, Gaztanaga, E, Gianotti, F, Gozaliasl, G, Hjorth, J, Muñoz, A. Jimenez, Kirkpatrick, C. C, Graet, J. Le, Loureiro, A, Mannucci, F, Moretti, C, Patrizii, L, Popa, V, Rocci, P. -F, Sahlén, M, Tao, C, Tessore, N, Teyssier, R, Toft, S, Troja, A, Valieri, C, Vergani, D

    Published 05-09-2024
    “…To constrain models beyond $\Lambda$CDM, the development of the Euclid analysis pipeline requires simulations that capture the nonlinear phenomenology of such…”
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    Euclid preparation. Simulations and nonlinearities beyond $\Lambda$CDM. 2. Results from non-standard simulations by Euclid Collaboration, Rácz, G, Pizzuti, L, Carella, E, Pardede, K, Vernizzi, F, Adame, A. G, Despali, G, Kunz, M, Rasera, Y, Yepes, G, Corasaniti, P. -S, Hamaus, N, Marinucci, M, Moretti, C, Piga, L, Pisani, A, Bonino, D, Brinchmann, J, Camera, S, Cardone, V. F, Cavuoti, S, Congedo, G, Conversi, L, Da Silva, A, De Lucia, G, Duncan, C. A. J, Dupac, X, Fosalba, P, Frailis, M, Franceschi, E, Holmes, W, Ilić, S, Jhabvala, M, Joachimi, B, Keihänen, E, Kubik, B, Mainetti, G, Marulli, F, Massey, R, Meneghetti, M, Pasian, F, Percival, W. J, Poncet, M, Raison, F, Rebolo, R, Romelli, E, Roncarelli, M, Saglia, R, Sánchez, A. G, Schirmer, M, Sirri, G, Stanco, L, Toledo-Moreo, R, Torradeflot, F, Biviano, A, Calabrese, M, Gracia-Carpio, J, Matthew, S, Scottez, V, Tenti, M, Allevato, V, Bruton, S, Calabro, A, Quevedo, B. Camacho, Castro, T, Contarini, S, de la Torre, S, Díaz-Sánchez, A, Di Domizio, S, Escoffier, S, Ferrari, A. G, Fontana, A, Gasparetto, T, Gozaliasl, G, Hall, A, Kajava, J. J. E, Karagiannis, D, Kirkpatrick, C. C, Lacasa, F, Legrand, L, Liaudat, T. I, Loureiro, A, Magliocchetti, M, Maoli, R, Martins, C. J. A. P, Metcalf, R. B, Monaco, P, Montoro, A, Nadathur, S, Patrizii, L, Popa, V, Reimberg, P, Sahlén, M, Stadel, J, Tanidis, K, Tao, C, Tessore, N, Testera, G, Troja, A

    Published 05-09-2024
    “…The Euclid mission will measure cosmological parameters with unprecedented precision. To distinguish between cosmological models, it is essential to generate…”
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  10. 10

    Euclid preparation. Simulations and nonlinearities beyond $\Lambda$CDM. 4. Constraints on $f(R)$ models from the photometric primary probes by Euclid Collaboration, Bose, B, Sáez-Casares, I, Fiorini, B, Pace, F, Pourtsidou, A, Winther, H. -A, Altamura, E, Vernizzi, F, Andreon, S, Bardelli, S, Bonino, D, Caillat, A, Camera, S, Carbone, C, Castellano, M, Castignani, G, Cavuoti, S, Colodro-Conde, C, Congedo, G, Conversi, L, Courtois, H. M, Da Silva, A, Douspis, M, Dubath, F, Dupac, X, Farrens, S, Frailis, M, Grupp, F, Hormuth, F, Jahnke, K, Joachimi, B, Kubik, B, Kunz, M, Lilje, P. B, Marggraf, O, Markovic, K, Munari, E, Niemi, S. -M, Pasian, F, Pires, S, Polenta, G, Poncet, M, Renzi, A, Rhodes, J, Riccio, G, Saglia, R, Salvignol, J. -C, Schrabback, T, Serrano, S, Stanco, L, Steinwagner, J, Tallada-Crespí, P, Taylor, A. N, Weller, J, Biviano, A, Calabrese, M, Farinelli, R, Mauri, N, Blanchard, A, Blot, L, Bruton, S, Calabro, A, Quevedo, B. Camacho, Cappi, A, Carvalho, C. S, Castro, T, Desprez, G, Diaz, J. J, Ferreira, P. G, Ganga, K, García-Bellido, J, Gasparetto, T, Gaztanaga, E, Hildebrandt, H, Hjorth, J, Muñoz, A. Jimenez, Joudaki, S, Kirkpatrick, C. C, Liaudat, T. I, Loureiro, A, Mannucci, F, Martín-Fleitas, J, Maurin, L, Miluzio, M, Mora, A, Nadathur, S, Pagano, L, Reimberg, P, Risso, I, Rocci, P. -F, Sahlén, M, Sarpa, E, Stadel, J, Tanidis, K, Tao, C, Tessore, N, Testera, G, Toft, S, Troja, A

    Published 05-09-2024
    “…We study the constraint on $f(R)$ gravity that can be obtained by photometric primary probes of the Euclid mission. Our focus is the dependence of the…”
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  11. 11

    Euclid preparation. Angular power spectra from discrete observations by Euclid Collaboration, Tessore, N, McEwen, J. D, Amara, A, Andreon, S, Baccigalupi, C, Baldi, M, Bardelli, S, Brinchmann, J, Caillat, A, Capobianco, V, Cardone, V. F, Carretero, J, Casas, S, Castignani, G, Colodro-Conde, C, Congedo, G, Courtois, H. M, Cropper, M, Da Silva, A, Dinis, J, Faustini, F, Ferriol, S, Frailis, M, Franceschi, E, Fumana, M, Galeotta, S, Haugan, S. V. H, Hudelot, P, Kümmel, M, Lilje, P. B, Lindholm, V, Martinelli, M, Martinet, N, Marulli, F, Merlin, E, Moscardini, L, Munari, E, Nakajima, R, Niemi, S. -M, Pires, S, Poncet, M, Popa, L. A, Raison, F, Riccio, G, Roncarelli, M, Saglia, R, Sakr, Z, Sánchez, A. G, Secroun, A, Sirri, G, Steinwagner, J, Toledo-Moreo, R, Wang, Y, Weller, J, Biviano, A, Bolzonella, M, Di Ferdinando, D, Finelli, F, Mancini, A. Spurio, Tenti, M, Anselmi, S, Archidiacono, M, Atrio-Barandela, F, Ballardini, M, Bruton, S, Cabanac, R, Caro, F, Castro, T, de la Torre, S, Dole, H, Ferrari, A. G, Ferrero, I, Finoguenov, A, Gasparetto, T, Gaztanaga, E, Hartley, W. G, Hildebrandt, H, Muñoz, A. Jimenez, Kansal, V, Kirkpatrick, C. C, Graet, J. Le, Lesgourgues, J, Liaudat, T. I, Maoli, R, Martins, C. J. A. P, Maurin, L, Metcalf, R. B, Miluzio, M, Murray, C, Patrizii, L, Popa, V, Reimberg, P, Rocci, P. -F, Rollins, R. P, Sarpa, E, Sereno, M, Simon, P, Vielzeuf, P, Sellentin, E

    Published 29-08-2024
    “…We present the framework for measuring angular power spectra in the Euclid mission. The observables in galaxy surveys, such as galaxy clustering and cosmic…”
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  12. 12

    Euclid preparation. The Cosmic Dawn Survey (DAWN) of the Euclid Deep and Auxiliary Fields by Euclid Collaboration, McPartland, C. J. R, Szapudi, I, Chartab, N, Allen, N, Taamoli, S, Arnouts, S, Brinchmann, J, Chary, R, Ortiz, O. Chávez, Gwyn, S, Mohr, J. J, Ouchi, M, Oguri, M, Silverman, J. D, Shuntov, M, Amara, A, Bardelli, S, Brescia, M, Camera, S, Capobianco, V, Cavuoti, S, Cimatti, A, Congedo, G, Conselice, C. J, Conversi, L, Copin, Y, De Lucia, G, Di Giorgio, A. M, Dinis, J, Frailis, M, Franceschi, E, Garilli, B, Giocoli, C, Guzzo, L, Hook, I, Hormuth, F, Hornstrup, A, Keihänen, E, Kiessling, A, Kilbinger, M, Kunz, M, Lindholm, V, Lloro, I, Marggraf, O, Markovic, K, Martinet, N, Marulli, F, Maurogordato, S, Meneghetti, M, Merlin, E, Moresco, M, Moscardini, L, Munari, E, Nakajima, R, Neissner, C, Niemi, S. -M, Paltani, S, Pedersen, K, Pozzetti, L, Riccio, G, Romelli, E, Sakr, Z, Sartoris, B, Serrano, S, Stanco, L, Surace, C, Tereno, I, Torradeflot, F, Valentijn, E. A, Veropalumbo, A, Biviano, A, Di Ferdinando, D, Farinelli, R, Mauri, N, Viel, M, Wiesmann, M, Cañas-Herrera, G, Ferrari, A. G, Fornari, F, García-Bellido, J, Gregorio, A, Hall, A, Hjorth, J, Kajava, J. J. E, Kansal, V, Karagiannis, D, Libet, G, Maggio, G, Mannucci, F, Maoli, R, Metcalf, R. B, Musi, P, Porciani, C, Potter, D, Sereno, M, Tao, C, Testera, G, Tucci, M, Shankar, F

    Published 09-08-2024
    “…Euclid will provide deep NIR imaging to $\sim$26.5 AB magnitude over $\sim$59 deg$^2$ in its deep and auxiliary fields. The Cosmic DAWN survey complements the…”
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  13. 13

    Euclid Preparation. Cosmic Dawn Survey: Data release 1 multiwavelength catalogues for Euclid Deep Field North and Euclid Deep Field Fornax by Euclid Collaboration, Szapudi, I, Chartab, N, Allen, N, Taamoli, S, Ortiz, O. Chávez, Gwyn, S, McCracken, H. J, Andreon, S, Bardelli, S, Bonino, D, Conselice, C. J, Degaudenzi, H, De Lucia, G, Dupac, X, Farrens, S, Ferriol, S, Fotopoulou, S, Franceschi, E, Galeotta, S, Giocoli, C, Gómez-Alvarez, P, Holmes, W, Hook, I, Hormuth, F, Jahnke, K, Keihänen, E, Kuijken, K, Kümmel, M, Laureijs, R, Lindholm, V, Mainetti, G, Markovic, K, Martinelli, M, Martinet, N, Marulli, F, Massey, R, Mellier, Y, Meylan, G, Moscardini, L, Munari, E, Nightingale, J. W, Padilla, C, Paltani, S, Pasian, F, Percival, W. J, Pettorino, V, Polenta, G, Raison, F, Rebolo, R, Romelli, E, Roncarelli, M, Sakr, Z, Schirmer, M, Schrabback, T, Steinwagner, J, Teplitz, H. I, Vassallo, T, Weller, J, Bolzonella, M, Burigana, C, Di Ferdinando, D, Vigo, J. A. Escartin, Gracia-Carpio, J, Wiesmann, M, Allevato, V, Blanchard, A, Calabro, A, Carvalho, C. S, Cooray, A. R, De Caro, B, Desprez, G, Di Domizio, S, Escoffier, S, Finelli, F, Ganga, K, Gaztanaga, E, Hall, A, Hildebrandt, H, Hjorth, J, Huertas-Company, M, Muñoz, A. Jimenez, Loureiro, A, Macias-Perez, J, Maggio, G, Magliocchetti, M, Mannucci, F, Martins, C. J. A. P, Moretti, C, Morgante, G, Patrizii, L, Pöntinen, M, Popa, V, Simon, P, Mancini, A. Spurio, Stanford, S. A, Teyssier, R, Tucci, M, Valiviita, J, Zinchenko, I. A

    Published 09-08-2024
    “…The Cosmic Dawn Survey (DAWN survey) provides multiwavelength (UV/optical to mid-IR) data across the combined 59 deg$^{2}$ of the Euclid Deep and Auxiliary…”
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  14. 14

    Euclid preparation. Sensitivity to non-standard particle dark matter model by Euclid Collaboration, Schwagereit, J, Parimbelli, G, Giri, S. K, Schneider, A, Amara, A, Auricchio, N, Bodendorf, C, Brescia, M, Camera, S, Carretero, J, Castellano, M, Conselice, C. J, Conversi, L, Courbin, F, Courtois, H. M, Dubath, F, Dusini, S, Farrens, S, Fosalba, P, Frailis, M, Fumana, M, Guzzo, L, Haugan, S. V. H, Joachimi, B, Lilje, P. B, Maino, D, Mansutti, O, Marggraf, O, Marulli, F, Medinaceli, E, Mellier, Y, Merlin, E, Meylan, G, Moscardini, L, Munari, E, Nakajima, R, Niemi, S. -M, Nightingale, J. W, Pasian, F, Pedersen, K, Percival, W. J, Poncet, M, Rebolo, R, Renzi, A, Riccio, G, Sánchez, A. G, Scaramella, R, Sefusatti, E, Seidel, G, Tallada-Crespí, P, Toledo-Moreo, R, Wang, Y, Zucca, E, Biviano, A, Boucaud, A, Bozzo, E, Calabrese, M, Fabbian, G, Mauri, N, Nucita, A. A, Akrami, Y, Anselmi, S, Blot, L, Böhringer, H, Calabro, A, Cappi, A, Cooray, A. R, Ferreira, P. G, Ferrero, I, Fornari, F, Gabarra, L, García-Bellido, J, Giacomini, F, Gozaliasl, G, Hildebrandt, H, Hjorth, J, Munñoz, A. Jimenez, Kansal, V, Kirkpatrick, C. C, Loureiro, A, Macias-Perez, J, Magliocchetti, M, Maoli, R, Martins, C. J. A. P, Metcalf, R. B, Moretti, C, Morgante, G, Nadathur, S, Walton, Nicholas A, Patrizii, L, Popa, V, Reimberg, P, Risso, I, Rocci, P. -F, Sereno, M, Simon, P, Tosi, S, Vergani, D, Verza, G

    Published 26-06-2024
    “…The Euclid mission of the European Space Agency will provide weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering surveys that can be used to constrain the…”
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  15. 15

    Euclid preparation. Detecting globular clusters in the Euclid survey by Euclid Collaboration, Voggel, K, Lançon, A, Saifollahi, T, Rejkuba, M, Cuillandre, J. -C, Romelli, E, Schirmer, M, Baes, M, Conselice, C. J, Hunt, L. K, Sánchez-Janssen, R, Andreon, S, Baldi, M, Bardelli, S, Bodendorf, C, Camera, S, Castellano, M, Congedo, G, Degaudenzi, H, Di Giorgio, A. M, Dinis, J, Dubath, F, Dupac, X, Farina, M, Fotopoulou, S, Frailis, M, Gillis, B, Giocoli, C, Grazian, A, Hook, I, Jahnke, K, Kiessling, A, Kümmel, M, Laureijs, R, Mansutti, O, Marggraf, O, Markovic, K, Massey, R, Maurogordato, S, Mei, S, Mellier, Y, Meneghetti, M, Merlin, E, Meylan, G, Moresco, M, Moscardini, L, Munari, E, Nakajima, R, Paltani, S, Pedersen, K, Pires, S, Rebolo, R, Rhodes, J, Roncarelli, M, Saglia, R, Secroun, A, Seidel, G, Sirignano, C, Teplitz, H. I, Tutusaus, I, Weller, J, Biviano, A, Calabrese, M, Liebing, P, Tenti, M, Viel, M, Wiesmann, M, Allevato, V, Baccigalupi, C, Blanchard, A, Borgani, S, Borlaff, A. S, Canas-Herrera, G, Díaz-Sánchez, A, Di Domizio, S, Dole, H, Fornari, F, Gabarra, L, García-Bellido, J, Gaztanaga, E, Hall, A, Hjorth, J, Kirkpatrick, C. C, Legrand, L, Magliocchetti, M, Maoli, R, Martins, C. J. A. P, Metcalf, R. B, Monaco, P, Popa, V, Porciani, C, Sahlén, M, Schneider, A, Sefusatti, E, Steinwagner, J, Tucci, M, Vergani, D, Mamon, G. A, Scott, D

    Published 22-05-2024
    “…Extragalactic globular clusters (EGCs) are an abundant and powerful tracer of galaxy dynamics and formation, and their own formation and evolution is also a…”
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  16. 16

    Euclid. V. The Flagship galaxy mock catalogue: a comprehensive simulation for the Euclid mission by Stadel, J, Tallada-Crespí, P, Pozzetti, L, Huertas-Company, M, Scarlata, C, Li, S. -S, Zhai, Z, Pezzotta, A, Guzzo, L, Manera, M, Altieri, B, Bender, R, Branchini, E, Camera, S, Cavuoti, S, Conversi, L, Degaudenzi, H, Douspis, M, Dubath, F, Farina, M, Giocoli, C, Gómez-Alvarez, P, Holliman, M. S, Hook, I, Jahnke, K, Keihänen, E, Kilbinger, M, Laureijs, R, Maino, D, Mansutti, O, Marggraf, O, Markovic, K, Massey, R, Maurogordato, S, Meneghetti, M, Pedersen, K, Popa, L. A, Raison, F, Roncarelli, M, Schirmer, M, Schrabback, T, Scodeggio, M, Serrano, S, Sirignano, C, Stanco, L, Taylor, A. N, Tereno, I, Toledo-Moreo, R, Veropalumbo, A, Weller, J, Zamorani, G, Zoubian, J, Bernardeau, F, Casenove, P, Castignani, G, Colodro-Conde, C, Di Ferdinando, D, Vigo, J. A. Escartin, Fabbian, G, Marcin, S, Pöntinen, M, Sakr, Z, Tenti, M, Akrami, Y, Anselmi, S, Archidiacono, M, Atrio-Barandela, F, Ballardini, M, Canas-Herrera, G, Davini, S, Diaz, J. J, Ezziati, M, Gabarra, L, Gozaliasl, G, Hartley, W. G, Graet, J. Le, Macias-Perez, J, Mancini, C, Maurin, L, Oguri, M, Popa, V, Schneider, A, Schultheis, M, Shankar, F, Silvestri, A, Tewes, M, Toft, S, Tucci, M, Valieri, C, Vergani, D, Vernizzi, F, Verza, G, Dimauro, P, Duc, P. -A, Gutierrez, C. M, Kruk, S, Brun, A. M. C. Le, Paoletti, D, Sarpa, E, Viitanen, A

    Published 22-05-2024
    “…We present the Flagship galaxy mock, a simulated catalogue of billions of galaxies designed to support the scientific exploitation of the Euclid mission…”
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  17. 17

    Euclid preparation. Sensitivity to neutrino parameters by Euclid Collaboration, Casas, S, Pace, F, Sabarish, V. M, Costanzi, M, Camera, S, Clesse, S, Fumagalli, A, Scott, D, Viel, M, Amara, A, Auricchio, N, Baldi, M, Bonino, D, Branchini, E, Cardone, V. F, Carretero, J, Cavuoti, S, Cimatti, A, Conversi, L, Copin, Y, Courtois, H. M, Da Silva, A, Dusini, S, Ealet, A, Farrens, S, Ferriol, S, Frailis, M, Giocoli, C, Grupp, F, Haugan, S. V. H, Hoekstra, H, Hormuth, F, Jahnke, K, Kiessling, A, Kilbinger, M, Ligori, S, Lilje, P. B, Maiorano, E, Mansutti, O, Markovic, K, Martinet, N, Meylan, G, Munari, E, Pasian, F, Percival, W. J, Pires, S, Polenta, G, Poncet, M, Popa, L. A, Pozzetti, L, Riccio, G, Roncarelli, M, Sapone, D, Schirmer, M, Tereno, I, Vassallo, T, Wang, Y, Boucaud, A, Bozzo, E, Fabbian, G, Graciá-Carpio, J, Mauri, N, Scottez, V, Anselmi, S, Ballardini, M, Bernardeau, F, Bertacca, D, Borsato, E, Bruton, S, Cabanac, R, Carvalho, C. S, Castro, T, Cañas-Herrera, G, Chambers, K. C, Desprez, G, Di Domizio, S, Vigo, J. A. Escartin, Ferreira, P. G, Ferrero, I, Finelli, F, Ilić, S, Macias-Perez, J, Maggio, G, Mannucci, F, Martins, C. J. A. P, Matthew, S, Morgante, G, Nadathur, S, Walton, Nicholas A, Patrizii, L, Pöntinen, M, Sahlén, M, Sánchez, A. G, Mancini, A. Spurio, Tewes, M, Toft, S, Valiviita, J, Vergani, D, Vielzeuf, P

    Published 09-05-2024
    “…The Euclid mission of the European Space Agency will deliver weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering surveys that can be used to constrain the…”
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  18. 18

    Euclid preparation. LIII. LensMC, weak lensing cosmic shear measurement with forward modelling and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling by Euclid Collaboration, Congedo, G, Miller, L, Taylor, A. N, Duncan, C. A. J, Martinet, N, Amara, A, Auricchio, N, Baldi, M, Bonino, D, Brinchmann, J, Camera, S, Cardone, V. F, Castander, F. J, Courbin, F, Farina, M, Farrens, S, Fosalba, P, Garilli, B, Grazian, A, Grupp, F, Holliman, M. S, Holmes, W, Hornstrup, A, Kubik, B, Kuijken, K, Kümmel, M, Kunz, M, Lloro, I, Mansutti, O, Marulli, F, Massey, R, Maurogordato, S, Moresco, M, Morin, B, Moscardini, L, Niemi, S. -M, Padilla, C, Paltani, S, Pasian, F, Pedersen, K, Percival, W. J, Pettorino, V, Pires, S, Poncet, M, Popa, L. A, Renzi, A, Rossetti, E, Saglia, R, Sartoris, B, Schneider, P, Secroun, A, Seidel, G, Sirri, G, Tallada-Crespí, P, Tereno, I, Torradeflot, F, Valentijn, E. A, Valenziano, L, Vassallo, T, Wang, Y, Zoubian, J, Bozzo, E, Tenti, M, Akrami, Y, Ballardini, M, Bruton, S, Cappi, A, Carvalho, C. S, Castignani, G, Chambers, K. C, Di Domizio, S, Finelli, F, Gabarra, L, García-Bellido, J, Giacomini, F, Hall, A, Muñoz, A. Jimenez, Joudaki, S, Kajava, J. J. E, Kansal, V, Karagiannis, D, Macias-Perez, J, Martinelli, M, Martins, C. J. A. P, Metcalf, R. B, Morgante, G, Patrizii, L, Reimberg, P, Rocci, P. -F, Sánchez, A. G, Schewtschenko, J. A, Schneider, A, Sefusatti, E, Steinwagner, J, Teyssier, R, Tosi, S, Troja, A, Valieri, C, Vergani, D

    Published 01-05-2024
    “…LensMC is a weak lensing shear measurement method developed for Euclid and Stage-IV surveys. It is based on forward modelling in order to deal with convolution…”
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  19. 19

    Euclid preparation. XLII. A unified catalogue-level reanalysis of weak lensing by galaxy clusters in five imaging surveys by Euclid Collaboration, Sereno, M, Lesci, G. F, Vannier, M, Maurogordato, S, Moscardini, L, Aghanim, N, Andreon, S, Bardelli, S, Bonino, D, Branchini, E, Brescia, M, Carbone, C, Carretero, J, Congedo, G, Copin, Y, Courbin, F, Courtois, H. M, Degaudenzi, H, Di Giorgio, A. M, Duncan, C. A. J, Ferriol, S, Garilli, B, Gillis, B, Grupp, F, Holmes, W, Hook, I, Hormuth, F, Hornstrup, A, Jahnke, K, Kiessling, A, Kubik, B, Marggraf, O, Markovic, K, Medinaceli, E, Meneghetti, M, Merlin, E, Moresco, M, Munari, E, Padilla, C, Pettorino, V, Pires, S, Polenta, G, Poncet, M, Popa, L. A, Renzi, A, Saglia, R, Sartoris, B, Schneider, P, Seidel, G, Serrano, S, Sirignano, C, Tallada-Crespí, P, Torradeflot, F, Wang, Y, Zoubian, J, Boucaud, A, Bozzo, E, Cerna, C, Israel, H, Neissner, C, Wiesmann, M, Akrami, Y, Allevato, V, Benielli, D, Borlaff, A. S, Burigana, C, Cabanac, R, Cappi, A, Carvalho, C. S, Castignani, G, Cañas-Herrera, G, Cooray, A. R, Coupon, J, Dole, H, Vigo, J. A. Escartin, Ferrero, I, Gabarra, L, Gaztanaga, E, George, K, Gozaliasl, G, Hildebrandt, H, Legrand, L, Macias-Perez, J, Martins, C. J. A. P, Matthew, S. Z, Maturi, M, Morgante, G, Nadathur, S, Nucita, A. A, Pöntinen, M, Popa, V, Porciani, C, Reimberg, P, Schneider, A, Stadel, J, Stanford, S. A, Steinwagner, J, Teyssier, R, Viel, M

    Published 11-04-2024
    “…Precise and accurate mass calibration is required to exploit galaxy clusters as astrophysical and cosmological probes in the Euclid era. Systematic errors in…”
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  20. 20

    Euclid Preparation XXXIII. Characterization of convolutional neural networks for the identification of galaxy-galaxy strong lensing events by Euclid Collaboration, Metcalf, R. B, Rosati, P, Bergamini, P, Gentile, F, Grillo, C, Amara, A, Bodendorf, C, Branchini, E, Brescia, M, Brinchmann, J, Capobianco, V, Castellano, M, Cavuoti, S, Cimatti, A, Congedo, G, Conversi, L, Corcione, L, Courbin, F, Courtois, H. M, Da Silva, A, Dinis, J, Dupac, X, Dusini, S, Frailis, M, Franceschi, E, Fumana, M, Galeotta, S, Giocoli, C, Grazian, A, Haugan, S. V. H, Hormuth, F, Jahnke, K, Keihänen, E, Kermiche, S, Kiessling, A, Lilje, P. B, Lindholm, V, Marggraf, O, Massey, R, Medinaceli, E, Merlin, E, Nightingale, J. W, Padilla, C, Paltani, S, Pedersen, K, Pires, S, Poncet, M, Renzi, A, Rhodes, J, Roncarelli, M, Rossetti, E, Schneider, P, Sirignano, C, Sirri, G, Tallada-Crespí, P, Taylor, A. N, Toledo-Moreo, R, Torradeflot, F, Valenziano, L, Wang, Y, Boucaud, A, Colodro-Conde, C, Di Ferdinando, D, Farinelli, R, Graciá-Carpio, J, Mauri, N, Scottez, V, Tenti, M, Tramacere, A, Baccigalupi, C, Biviano, A, Borlaff, A. S, Burigana, C, Cabanac, R, Castignani, G, Cooray, A. R, Coupon, J, de la Torre, S, Di Domizio, S, Ganga, K, Garcia-Bellido, J, Hildebrandt, H, Kajava, J. J. E, Kansal, V, Legrand, L, Mainetti, G, Martinelli, M, Matthew, S, Monaco, P, Nadathur, S, Nucita, A. A, Patrizii, L, Porciani, C, Reimberg, P, Simon, P, Stadel, J, Steinwagner, J, Teyssier, R, Viel, M

    Published 26-01-2024
    “…Astronomy & Astrophysics,2024, 681, A68 Forthcoming imaging surveys will potentially increase the number of known galaxy-scale strong lenses by several orders…”
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