Search Results - "Reason, Robert D"
Improving College Student Retention: New Developments in Theory, Research, and Practice
Published in Stylus Publishing LLC (25-04-2023)“…Higher education institutions have already begun to see decreasing enrollment numbers, even as higher education enrollment is predicted to drop precipitously…”
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An Examination of Persistence Research through the Lens of a Comprehensive Conceptual Framework
Published in Journal of college student development (01-11-2009)“…Writing a comprehensive review of research on student persistence is a Herculean task. The publications that feature persistence as a primary outcome measure…”
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Working with Missing Data in Higher Education Research: A Primer and Real-World Example
Published in Review of higher education (2014)“…Nearly all quantitative analyses in higher education draw from incomplete datasets-a common problem with no universal solution. In the first part of this…”
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Life Happens (Outside of College): Non-College Life-Events and Students' Likelihood of Graduation
Published in Research in higher education (01-11-2016)“…Students' lives outside of college can have dramatic effects on academic outcomes (e.g., grades, persistence, graduation). However, the manner in which…”
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Civic Learning for Dissent: Developing Students' Activist Orientation
Published in Journal of college student development (2021)“…Our multi-institutional study addresses the question: How do college students' backgrounds, collegiate engagement, and perceptions of the campus climate relate…”
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The Process of Academic Validation Within a Comprehensive College Transition Program
Published in The American behavioral scientist (Beverly Hills) (01-03-2020)“…Postsecondary institutions often create support programs to encourage the academic success of underserved students. Comprehensive college transition programs…”
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A Classroom Study on the Relationship Between Student Achievement and Retrieval-Enhanced Learning
Published in Educational psychology review (01-06-2016)“…Retrieval practice has been shown to produce powerful learning gains in laboratory experiments but has seldom been explored in classrooms as a means of…”
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Pedagogy of Validation: Autobiographical Reading and Writing Courses for First-Year, Low-Income Students
Published in Innovative higher education (01-12-2021)“…This embedded case study leveraged Rendón’s ( 1994 ) validation theory as well as theories connecting self-reflection and transformative learning (e.g.,…”
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Improved Student Learning through a Faculty Learning Community: How Faculty Collaboration Transformed a Large-Enrollment Course from Lecture to Student Centered
Published in CBE life sciences education (01-06-2016)“…Undergraduate introductory biology courses are changing based on our growing understanding of how students learn and rapid scientific advancement in the…”
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Differing Perceptions: How Students of Color and White Students Perceive Campus Climate for Underrepresented Groups
Published in Journal of college student development (2005)“…Using a campus climate assessment instrument developed by Rankin (1998), we surveyed students (n = 7,347) from 10 campuses to explore whether students from…”
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First Things First: Developing Academic Competence in the First Year of College
Published in Research in higher education (01-03-2006)“…Perhaps two-thirds of the gains students make in knowledge and cognitive skill development occur in the first 2 years of college (Pascarella, E. T , and…”
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Examining the Impact of Interdisciplinary Programs on Student Learning
Published in Innovative higher education (01-08-2017)“…We investigated how learning outcomes of students majoring in interdisciplinary fields differ from those of students in discipline-based majors. We found that…”
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Lip Service or Actionable Insights? Linking Student Experiences to Institutional Assessment and Data-Driven Decision Making in Higher Education
Published in The Journal of higher education (Columbus) (02-11-2017)“…Despite an increasing focus on issues of accountability, assessment, and data-driven decision making (DDDM) within the postsecondary context, assumptions…”
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Developing and Assessing Personal and Social Responsibility in College: New Directions for Higher Education, Number 164
Published 2013“…In 2007, wanting to expand higher education's civic engagement conversation, the Association of American Colleges and Universities launched the Core…”
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Climate for Learning and Students' Openness to Diversity and Challenge: A Critical Role for Faculty
Published in Journal of diversity in higher education (01-12-2016)“…Utilizing data from 15 institutions that participated in the 2013 and 2014 administrations of the Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory (PSRI), this…”
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A Culture of Teaching: Policy, Perception, and Practice in Higher Education
Published in Research in higher education (01-12-2011)“…In an effort to identify policies that foster an institutional "culture of teaching," or encourage use of effective pedagogies, this study uses data from 5,612…”
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Factors Shaping Students' Perceptions of Campus Climate for Civic Learning and Engagement
Published in Journal of student affairs research and practice (20-10-2019)“…This study examined the student characteristics, student engagement, and the campus climate for civic learning and engagement. Using 13,780 student responses…”
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Understanding Interdisciplinarity: Curricular and Organizational Features of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Programs
Published in Innovative higher education (01-04-2013)“…Though the number of interdisciplinary undergraduate programs has increased rapidly over the past several decades, little empirical research has characterized…”
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Students' Use of Optional Online Reviews and Its Relationship to Summative Assessment Outcomes in Introductory Biology
Published in CBE life sciences education (01-06-2017)“…Retrieval practice has been shown to produce significant enhancements in student learning of course information, but the extent to which students make use of…”
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Improving Student Outcomes of Community-Based Programs through Peer-to-Peer Conversation
Published in Journal of college student development (01-04-2016)“…The authors used the Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory (PSRI), a nationally available campus climate assessment, for this study. The PSRI, which…”
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