Search Results - "Real, Jordi Gatius"
All‐cause and cardiorenal mortality in 6 million adults with and without type 2 diabetes: A comparative, trend analysis in Canada, Spain, and the UK
Published in Diabetes, obesity & metabolism (01-01-2023)“…Aims To understand geographical and temporal patterns in the diabetes gap, the excess mortality risk associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D), in three…”
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First manifestation of cardiovascular disease according to age and sex in a Mediterranean country
Published in Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine (17-09-2024)“…Cardiovascular (CV) diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide. This study aimed to investigate the incidence and type of first CV event in a broad…”
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Prevalencia de infección por Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina en heridas crónicas en atención primaria de Lleida: estudio retrospectivo
Published in Gerokomos (01-12-2015)“…Objetivo: averiguar la prevalencia de infecciones por Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) y S. aureus resistente a meticilina (MRSA) en los cultivos de heridas…”
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Assessment of the length of sick leave in patients with ischemic heart disease
Published in BMC cardiovascular disorders (18-01-2017)“…The prevalence of ischemic heart disease is high. Few recent studies have investigated the periods of sick leave of these patients. Our aim is to determine the…”
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Fracturas de cadera en pacientes tratados con fármacos antipsicóticos. Estudio de cohortes históricas en Cataluña
Published in Atención primaria (01-02-2022)“…Evaluar la incidencia de fractura de cadera en pacientes con tratamiento antipsicótico, comparándola con la de individuos que no han sido tratados con…”
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Heart failure patients in Primary Care: aging, comorbidities and polypharmacy
Published in Atención primaria (01-02-2011)“…To assess heart failure prevalence, epidemiology, co-morbidities and polypharmacy in our region from electronic patient records. To evaluate gender differences…”
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Análisis poblacional de la prescripción potencialmente inadecuada en ancianos según criterios STOPP/START (estudio STARTREC)
Published in Atención primaria (01-03-2017)“…Resumen Objetivo Racionalizar la prescripción en la población anciana es una prioridad de los sistemas sanitarios. Los criterios STOPP/START permiten detectar…”
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Feasibility Assessment of the Let's Walk Programme (CAMINEM): Exercise Training and Health Promotion in Primary Health-Care Settings
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (19-03-2021)“…Exercise is related to many individual health outcomes but impact evaluations of exercise programmes are seldom conducted. The purpose of the study is to…”
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Compliance with the DPP-4 inhibitors dose adjustment recommendations based on renal function in a population database
Published in Endocrinología, diabetes y nutrición. (01-02-2022)“…To examine the prescription pattern of the different dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP4is), depending on the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)…”
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Hip fractures in patients treated with antipsychotic drugs. Study of retrospective cohorts in Catalonia
Published in Atención primaria (01-02-2022)“…To evaluate the incidence of hip fracture in patients with antipsychotic treatment, comparing it with that of individuals who have not been treated with…”
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Potentially inappropriate prescribing in older Spanish population according to STOPP/START criteria (STARTREC study)
Published in Atención primaria (01-03-2017)“…Rational prescribing in older people is a priority for health care organizations. The STOPP/START screening tool has been developed to identify potentially…”
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Energy expenditure in low active overweight and obese children at varying treadmill grades
Published in Pediatric exercise science (01-02-2015)“…This study aimed to evaluate differences between low active overweight and obese children in terms of energy expenditure (EE), ventilation (VE), and cardiac…”
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Evaluation of a family intervention programme for the treatment of overweight and obese children (Nereu Programme): a randomized clinical trial study protocol
Published in BMC public health (23-10-2013)“…Obesity is mainly attributed to environmental factors. In developed countries, the time spent on physical activity tasks is decreasing, whereas sedentary…”
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Pacientes con el diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardiaca en Atención Primaria: envejecimiento, comorbilidad y polifarmacia
Published in Atención primaria (01-02-2011)“…Resumen Objetivo Describir el perfil clínico y de consumo farmacológico de los pacientes con registro diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) en una región…”
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Fenotipo neuropsicológico del trastorno de déficit atencional/hiperactividad: ¿existen diferencias entre los subtipos?
Published in Revista de neurologiá (2005)Get full text
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Una actuación de enfermería: intentar aliviar el dolor en las punciones de hemodiálisis
Published in Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica (01-09-2005)Get full text
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Una actuación de enfermería: intentar aliviar el dolor en las punciones de hemodiálisis
Published in Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica (01-09-2005)“…La teoría de control de la compuerta, propuesta originalmente en 1965 (Melzack y Wall), sugiere que la estimulación cutánea puede aliviar el dolor mediante la…”
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