Search Results - "Rakočević, Jelena T"
Natural history of the aortic wall changes in adults with the degenerative tricuspid aortic valve stenosis: The morphometric proofs and implications for echocardiography
Published in Vojnosanitetski pregled (01-01-2019)“…Background/Aim. So far, no study has been focused exclusively on the tricuspid aortic valve stenosis (TAV) in the aorta without severe dilatation and none has…”
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Journal Article -
Correlation of structural defects in the ascending aortic wall to ultrasound parameters: benefits for decision-making process in aortic valve surgery
Published in Journal of cardiothoracic surgery (18-01-2018)“…Histopathological changes in the ascending aorta wall in patients with severe tricuspid aortic valve (TAV) stenosis were graded and correlated to…”
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Uticaj Nivoa Cirkulišućeg Serumskog Vaskularnog Endotelnog Faktora Rasta I Stepena Angiogeneze Aspiriranog Tromba na Angiografski I Klinički Ishod Pacijenata sa Akutnim Infarktom Miokarda sa Elevacijom st Segmenta Lečenih Primarnom Perkutanom Koronarnom Intervencijom
Published 01-01-2018“…Uvod.Koronarni tromb dobijen manuelnom aspiracionom trombektomijom od pacijenata sa akutnim infarktom miokarda sa elevacijom ST-segmenta (STEMI) lečenih…”
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