Search Results - "Rafaela Karen Fabri"
Benefits and Difficulties of Implementing Family-Farming Food Purchases in the Brazilian National School Feeding Program
Published in International journal of public health (2024)“…To explore the opinions of Brazilian National School Feeding Program (NSFP) nutritionists concerning the benefits and difficulties of implementing…”
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Government Policy for the Procurement of Food from Local Family Farming in Brazilian Public Institutions
Published in Foods (10-07-2021)“…This study aims to explore and compare Brazilian public institutional food services’ characteristics concerning the implementation of the government policy for…”
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Oferta de preparações culinárias e alimentos regionais e da sociobiodiversidade na alimentação escolar: um estudo na Região Sul do Brasil
Published in Revista Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (Online) (17-10-2018)“…O presente estudo teve como objetivos identificar e analisar a utilização de alimentos e preparações culinárias regionais e alimentos da sociobiodiversidade na…”
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Potencialidades da compra institucional na promoção de sistemas agroalimentares locais e sustentáveis: o caso de um restaurante universitário
Published in Revista Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (Online) (04-11-2015)“…O objetivo foi analisar a potencialidade da compra institucional de alimentos para a promoção de sistemas sustentáveis e localizados de produção. Analisou-se a…”
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Published in Demetra: Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde (13-10-2014)“…O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar a composição dos cardápios escolares da rede pública de ensino de três municípios da Região Sul do Brasil. Trata-se de…”
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Approach to food processing in the main messages of food-based dietary guidelines: A qualitative analysis
Published in Revista de nutrição (2023)“…ABSTRACT Objective: Analyze the content of the main messages of the world food guides, identifying the approach regarding the food processing level. Methods:…”
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Absence of symbolic and sustainable aspects in recommendations for healthy eating: a qualitative analysis of food-based dietary guidelines
Published in Revista de nutrição (2021)“…ABSTRACT Objective Was analyzed the contents of the main messages of food-based dietary guidelines to promote healthy eating, identifying nutritional,…”
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Reflections on proposed modifications to the regulation of genetically modified food labeling in Brazil
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-12-2021)“…Given the uncertainty surrounding the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the precautionary principle and constitution provide that consumers…”
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Criteria adopted for school menu planning within the framework of the Brazilian School Feeding Program
Published in Revista de nutrição (2020)“…ABSATRCT Objective This study aimed to investigate the main criteria used by nutritionists to plan school menus within the framework of the Brazilian National…”
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A label survey to identify ingredients potentially containing GM organisms to estimate intake exposure in Brazil
Published in Public health nutrition (01-10-2018)“…To identify ingredients from products and by-products derived from GM crops in packaged food products and to analyse the presence of these ingredients in the…”
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Strategies for the promotion of healthy, adequate and sustainable food in Brazil in times of Covid-19
Published in Revista de nutrição (2020)“…Abstract The current scenario generated by the Covid-19 pandemic enhances the condition of food and nutrition insecurity due to the worsening of poverty,…”
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Compra e venda de alimentos orgânicos para a alimentação escolar: dificuldades e estratégias de superação
Published in Demetra: Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde (01-12-2020)“…Objective: To evaluate the difficulties in the process of buying/selling organic products from family farming for school meals in 21 municipalities in southern…”
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Brazilian National School Food Program as a promoter of local, healthy and sustainable food systems: evaluating the financial implementation
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-12-2018)“…This study aimed to analyze the financial investment used for the procurement of food for the Brazilian National School Food Program (PNAE) in a city in the…”
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Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar como promotor de Sistemas Alimentares Locais, Saudáveis e Sustentáveis: uma avaliação da execução financeira
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-12-2018)“…Resumo O objetivo foi analisar o investimento financeiro para a aquisição de alimentos destinados à alimentação escolar em um município no Sul do Brasil. As…”
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Purchase and sale of organic foods for school feeding: difficulties and strategies to overcome/Compra e venda de alimentos organicos para a alimentacao escolar: dificuldades e estrategias de superacao
Published in Demetra: Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde (01-01-2020)“…Objective: To evaluate the difficulties in the process of buying/selling organic products from family farming for school meals in 21 municipalities in southern…”
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Labeling of packaged foods in Brazil: Use of terms such as homemade, traditional, and the like / Rotulagem de alimentos industrializados no Brasil: uso de termos como caseiro, tradicional e similares
Published in Revista de nutrição (01-01-2018)“…The study aimed to shed light on the use of the terms "homemade", "traditional", and other similar terms in the front-of-pack labels of industrialized foods…”
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Do Foods Products Labeled "Home-made" Contain Fewer Additives? A Brazilian Survey
Published in Journal of food products marketing (01-09-2020)“…The objective of this study was to investigate the presence and classes of food additives in packaged foods labeled 'home-made'. Food identification…”
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Labeling of packaged foods in Brazil: Use of terms such as homemade, traditional, and the like
Published in Revista de nutrição (01-02-2018)“…ABSTRACT Objective The study aimed to shed light on the use of the terms “homemade”, “traditional”, and other similar terms in the front-of-pack labels of…”
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Regional foods in Brazilian school meals
Published in British food journal (1966) (08-06-2015)“…Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify regional foods and analyze its use on school menus of a Brazilian city, as well as the respect to symbolic…”
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Reflexões sobre a proposta de modificação da regulamentação de rotulagem de alimentos transgênicos no Brasil
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-12-2021)“…Resumo Diante da existência de incertezas científicas em relação à segurança dos transgênicos para a saúde humana e considerando o Princípio da Precaução e…”
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