Search Results - "Radin, M.J"
Plasma Vasoprotective Eicosanoid Concentrations in Healthy Greyhounds and Non‐Greyhound Dogs
Published in Journal of veterinary internal medicine (01-03-2016)“…Background Hypertension and albuminuria often coexist in Greyhounds, suggesting generalized vascular dysfunction that could contribute to the development of a…”
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The Renin‐Angiotensin‐Aldosterone System in Greyhounds and Non‐Greyhound Dogs
Published in Journal of veterinary internal medicine (01-07-2017)“…Background The renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone system (RAAS) regulates blood pressure, electrolyte homeostasis, and renal function. Blood pressure, serum sodium…”
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IgM paraprotein interference with hemoglobin measurement using the CELL-DYN 3500
Published in Veterinary clinical pathology (01-03-2008)“…: A 10‐year‐old male Labrador Retriever was presented for a 6‐week history of polyuria, polydipsia, rear limb weakness, and ocular discharge. The dog had…”
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Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in Persian and Persian-cross cats
Published in Veterinary pathology (01-03-1997)“…A form of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) similar in clinical features to human ADPKD occurs in the Persian cat. We characterized the…”
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Inheritance of polycystic kidney disease in Persian cats
Published in The Journal of heredity (01-01-1996)“…Polycystic kidney disease in Persian cats culminates in chronic renal failure after a variable clinical course. An affected 6-year-old Persian cat was used to…”
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An animal model of gastric ulcer due to bacterial gastritis in mice
Published in Veterinary pathology (01-09-1995)“…Conventional female BalbC mice were inoculated with Gastrospirillum-like bacteria in mouse gastric homogenate or in 5.0-microns filtrate of gastric homogenate…”
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Muscle potassium content and potassium gluconate supplementation in normokalemic cats with naturally occurring chronic renal failure
Published in Journal of veterinary internal medicine (01-07-1997)“…Muscle potassium content and supplementation with potassium gluconate were evaluated in normokalemic cats with chronic renal failure (CRF). Affected cats…”
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Acute renal failure as the cause of death in chickens following intravenous inoculation with avian influenza virus A/chicken/Alabama/7395/75 (H4N8)
Published in Avian diseases (01-01-1994)“…One-day-old and 5-week-old commercial leghorn, specific-pathogen-free leghorn, and broiler chickens were inoculated intravenously with either avian influenza…”
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Renal function and organic anion and cation transport during dehydration and/or food restriction in chickens
Published in Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology (1996)“…The effect of dehydration in the presence or absence of continued food intake on renal function was evaluated in chickens. In addition, renal transport of…”
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pathophysiological effects of water and feed restriction in chickens
Published in Avian pathology (01-12-1991)“…Three-to-five days of water restriction in 5-week-old chickens produced mild dilatation of tubules in distal nephron segments and epithelial necrosis. Most…”
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Effects of vitamin A deficiency on the reproductive system of mature white leghorn hens
Published in Avian diseases (01-04-1993)“…Two groups of 100 white leghorn hens were fed rations either supplemented or deficient in vitamin A for 32 weeks. At the conclusion of the study, vitamin…”
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Choosing Family Law over Contract Law as a Paradigm for Surrogate Motherhood
Published in Law, medicine & health care (1988)“…Among the many new forms of human reproduction, none raises more problems of public policy and of law than the practice of what is known, rather inaccurately,…”
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Povidone-iodine lavage treatment of experimentally induced equine infectious arthritis
Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-04-1987)“…Both tarsocrural joints of 4 horses were inoculated with 1.5 X 10(5) colony-forming units of Staphylococcus aureus. On days 1, 3, and 6, each horse had one…”
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Electronic measurement of erythrocyte volume and volume heterogeneity in horses during erythrocyte regeneration associated with experimental anemias
Published in Veterinary pathology (01-11-1986)“…Anemia was induced in three groups of horses by moderate or severe acute hemorrhage, or by acetyl phenylhydrazine-induced hemolysis (Groups I, II, and III,…”
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Enteric disease in specific-pathogen-free turkey poults inoculated with a small round turkey-origin enteric virus
Published in Avian diseases (01-07-1990)“…Four-and 5-day-old specific-pathogen-free turkey poults were inoculated orally or by contact exposure to a small round turkey-origin enteric virus. At days 4…”
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Treatment of obese female and male SHHF/Mcc-facp rats with antihypertensive drugs, nifedipine and enalapril: effects on body weight, fat distribution, insulin resistance and systolic pressure
Published in Obesity research (01-11-1993)“…Little is known about the effects of common antihypertensive drugs in obese, insulin‐resistant females. Nine‐month‐old obese female SHHF/Mcc‐fncp rats that…”
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Use of a single injection solute-clearance method for determination of glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma flow in chickens
Published in Laboratory animal science (Chicago) (01-12-1993)“…A single-injection clearance method for determining glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) in chickens was compared with the…”
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