Search Results - "ROLFHAMRE, P"
SmiNet-2 : Description of an internet-based surveillance system for communicable diseases in Sweden
Published in Euro surveillance : bulletin européen sur les maladies transmissibles (2006)“…Electronic systems for communicable diseases surveillance enhance quality by simplifying reporting, improving completeness, and increasing timeliness. In this…”
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An evaluation and comparison of three commonly used statistical models for automatic detection of outbreaks in epidemiological data of communicable diseases
Published in Epidemiology and infection (01-08-2006)“…We evaluated three established statistical models for automated ‘early warnings’ of disease outbreaks; counted data Poisson CuSums (used in New Zealand), the…”
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Around the World in 1,475 Salmonella Geo-serotypes
Published in Emerging infectious diseases (01-07-2016)“…Most Salmonella serotypes are named after geographic locations; a few others have surprisingly humorous origins. It’s easy to remember Salmonella serotypes…”
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Modeling pneumococcal resistance to penicillin in southern Sweden using artificial neural networks
Published in Microbial drug resistance (Larchmont, N.Y.) (01-09-2006)“…In recent decades, penicillin-resistant pneumococci (PRP) have emerged and spread rapidly between and within countries over the world. In this study we…”
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Implementing a public web based GIS service for feedback of surveillance data on communicable diseases in Sweden
Published in BMC infectious diseases (10-06-2004)“…Surveillance data allow for analysis, providing public health officials and policy-makers with a basis for long-term priorities and timely information on…”
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SmiNet-2: Description of an internet-based surveillance system for communicable diseases in Sweden
Published in Euro surveillance : bulletin européen sur les maladies transmissibles (01-05-2006)“…Electronic systems for communicable diseases surveillance enhance quality by simplifying reporting, improving completeness, and increasing timeliness. In this…”
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