Search Results - "RICHARDSON, D. B"
Discrete time hazards models for occupational and environmental cohort analyses
Published in Occupational and environmental medicine (London, England) (01-01-2010)“…Objective:To discuss the use of discrete time hazards models for the analysis of occupational and environmental cohort data.Methods:Analytical data structures…”
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Mechanisms of GABAergic and cholinergic neurotransmission in auditory thalamus: Impact of aging
Published in Hearing research (15-03-2021)“…Age-related hearing loss is a complex disorder affecting a majority of the elderly population. As people age, speech understanding becomes a challenge…”
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Lung cancer mortality and fibre exposures among North Carolina asbestos textile workers
Published in Occupational and environmental medicine (London, England) (01-08-2009)“…Objective:To describe mortality among workers exposed to chrysotile asbestos and evaluate the relationship between lung cancer and asbestos fibre…”
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Mortality associated with chronic external radiation exposure in the French combined cohort of nuclear workers
Published in Occupational and environmental medicine (London, England) (01-09-2013)“…Objective The long-term effects of protracted low level ionising radiation exposure are investigated in a combined analysis of French nuclear workers employed…”
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Dose Estimation for a Study of Nuclear Workers in France, the United Kingdom and the United States of America: Methods for the International Nuclear Workers Study (INWORKS)
Published in Radiation research (01-06-2015)“…In the framework of the International Nuclear Workers Study conducted in France, the UK and the U.S. (INWORKS), updated and expanded methods were developed to…”
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Lifetime excess absolute risk for lung cancer due to exposure to radon: results of the pooled uranium miners cohort study PUMA
Published in Radiation and environmental biophysics (01-03-2024)“…The Pooled Uranium Miners Analysis (PUMA) study is the largest uranium miners cohort with 119,709 miners, 4.3 million person-years at risk and 7754 lung cancer…”
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An incidence density sampling program for nested case-control analyses
Published in Occupational and environmental medicine (London, England) (01-12-2004)“…Background: The nested case-control design can be a very efficient approach to an epidemiological investigation. In order to obtain unbiased estimates of…”
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Mortality from diseases other than cancer following low doses of ionizing radiation: results from the 15-Country Study of nuclear industry workers
Published in International journal of epidemiology (01-10-2007)“…Background Ionizing radiation at very high (radio-therapeutic) dose levels can cause diseases other than cancer, particularly heart diseases. There is…”
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Poisson regression analysis of ungrouped data
Published in Occupational and environmental medicine (London, England) (01-05-2005)“…Background: Poisson regression is routinely used for analysis of epidemiological data from studies of large occupational cohorts. It is typically implemented…”
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The impact of exposure categorisation for grouped analyses of cohort data
Published in Occupational and environmental medicine (London, England) (01-11-2004)“…Background: Poisson regression is routinely used in occupational and environmental epidemiology. For typical Poisson regression analyses, person-time and…”
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The impact on relative risk estimates of inconsistencies between ICD-9 and ICD-10
Published in Occupational and environmental medicine (London, England) (01-11-2006)“…Background: The 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) represents a major change in the ICD system. This paper investigates the…”
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Age at exposure to ionising radiation and cancer mortality among Hanford workers: follow up through 1994
Published in Occupational and environmental medicine (London, England) (01-07-2005)“…Background: Studies of workers at the plutonium production factory in Hanford, WA have led to conflicting conclusions about the role of age at exposure as a…”
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Occupational injuries among aides and nurses in acute care
Published in American journal of industrial medicine (01-12-2009)“…Background Occupational injuries are common among nursing personnel. Most epidemiologic research on nursing aides comes from long‐term care settings. Reports…”
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Mortality among uranium miners in North America and Europe: the Pooled Uranium Miners Analysis (PUMA)
Published in International journal of epidemiology (17-05-2021)“…The Pooled Uranium Miners Analysis (PUMA) study draws together information from cohorts of uranium miners from Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Germany and…”
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Investigating time patterns of variation in radiation cancer associations
Published in Occupational and environmental medicine (London, England) (01-08-2005)“…Aims: In occupational settings, carcinogenic exposures are often repeated or protracted over time. The time pattern of exposure accrual may influence…”
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Deindustrialisation and the long term decline in fatal occupational injuries
Published in Occupational and environmental medicine (London, England) (01-07-2004)“…Aims: To examine the extent to which deindustrialisation accounts for long term trends in occupational injury risk in the United States. Methods: Rates of…”
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Greater sensitivity to ionizing radiation at older age : follow-up of workers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory through 1990
Published in International journal of epidemiology (01-06-1999)“…Workers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) were individually monitored for whole body exposure to ionizing radiation. Studies of these workers may provide…”
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Risk of cancer after low doses of ionising radiation: retrospective cohort study in 15 countries
Published in BMJ (09-07-2005)“…Abstract Objectives To provide direct estimates of risk of cancer after protracted low doses of ionising radiation and to strengthen the scientific basis of…”
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Microarray analysis of trophoblast differentiation: gene expression reprogramming in key gene function categories
Published in Physiological genomics (17-07-2001)“…Departments of Endocrinology and Molecular and Developmental Biology, Childrens Hospital Research Foundation and Department of Pediatrics, University of…”
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Perfluoroalkyl Substances During Pregnancy and Validated Preeclampsia Among Nulliparous Women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study
Published in American journal of epidemiology (01-04-2014)“…Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are persistent and ubiquitous environmental contaminants, and human exposure to these substances may be related to…”
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