Search Results - "R. Hertenberger"

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    The Effects of Ultra-High Dose Rate Proton Irradiation on Growth Delay in the Treatment of Human Tumor Xenografts in Nude Mice by Zlobinskaya, O., Siebenwirth, C., Greubel, C., Hable, V., Hertenberger, R., Humble, N., Reinhardt, S., Michalski, D., Röper, B., Multhoff, G., Dollinger, G., Wilkens, J. J., Schmid, T. E.

    Published in Radiation research (01-02-2014)
    “…The new technology of laser-driven ion acceleration (LDA) has shown the potential for driving highly brilliant particle beams. Laser-driven ion acceleration…”
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    Precision branching-ratio measurements in 18O by Pirrie, S., Wheldon, C., Kokalova, Tz, Bishop, J., Faestermann, Th, Hertenberger, R., Wirth, H. F., Bailey, S., Curtis, N., Dell’Aquila, D., Mengoni, D., Smith, R., Torresi, D., Turner, A.

    “…An experiment has been performed utilising the 12 C( 7 Li, p ) 18 O reaction to populate high-energy states in 18 O. Using the Munich Q3D magnetic spectrograph…”
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    Three-Dimensional Hydrogen Microscopy in Diamond by Reichart, P., Datzmann, G., Hauptner, A., Hertenberger, R., Wild, C., Dollinger, G.

    “…A microprobe of protons with an energy of 17 million electron volts is used to quantitatively image three-dimensional hydrogen distributions at a lateral…”
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    Fast and precise large area metrology of micropattern detectors using laser distance sensors by Müller, R., Biebel, O., Hertenberger, R., Lösel, P., Schaile, O.

    “…Novel developments in micropattern detector technology require fast and precise methods to measure large area topologies in the order of a few square meters…”
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    Is γ-ray emission from novae affected by interference effects in the 18F(p,α)15O reaction? by Laird, A M, Parikh, A, Murphy, A St J, Wimmer, K, Chen, A A, Deibel, C M, Faestermann, T, Fox, S P, Fulton, B R, Hertenberger, R, Irvine, D, José, J, Longland, R, Mountford, D J, Sambrook, B, Seiler, D, Wirth, H-F

    Published in Physical review letters (18-01-2013)
    “…The (18)F(p,α)(15)O reaction rate is crucial for constraining model predictions of the γ-ray observable radioisotope (18)F produced in novae. The determination…”
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    Isotopic 32S/33S ratio as a diagnostic of presolar grains from novae by Parikh, A., Wimmer, K., Faestermann, T., Hertenberger, R., José, J., Wirth, H.-F., Hinke, C., Krücken, R., Seiler, D., Steiger, K., Straub, K.

    Published in Physics letters. B (07-10-2014)
    “…Measurements of sulphur isotopes in presolar grains can help to identify the astrophysical sites in which these grains were formed. A more precise…”
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    Clustering in $^{18}$O - absolute determination of branching ratios via high-resolution particle spectroscopy by Pirrie, Stuart, Wheldon, Carl, Kokalova, Tzany, Bishop, Jack, Hertenberger, R., Wirth, H.-F., Bailey, Stephanie, Curtis, Neil, Dell'Aquila, Daniele, Faestermann, Thomas, Mengoni, D., Smith, Robin, Torresi, Domenico, Turner, Ari

    Published in SciPost physics proceedings (24-02-2020)
    “…The determination of absolute branching ratios for high-energy states in light nuclei is an important and useful tool for probing the underlying nuclear…”
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    Development of muon drift-tube detectors for high-luminosity upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider by Bittner, B., Dubbert, J., Kortner, O., Kroha, H., Legger, F., Richter, R., Biebel, O., Engl, A., Hertenberger, R., Rauscher, F.

    “…The muon detectors of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have to cope with unprecedentedly high neutron and gamma ray background rates. In the…”
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    Energy splitting between the first two quasi-particle states in 230Pa in comparison with the isotone 229Th by Kotthaus, T., Reiter, P., Hess, H., Kalkühler, M., Wendt, A., Wiens, A., Hertenberger, R., Morgan, T., Thirolf, P.G., Wirth, H.-F., Faestermann, T.

    Published in Physics letters. B (05-12-2012)
    “…Excited states of the oddaodd isotope 230Pa have been identified by means of the one-neutron transfer reaction 231Pa(d a ,at)230Pa at a beam energy of 22 MeV…”
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    Nanosecond pulsed proton microbeam by Dollinger, G., Bergmaier, A., Hable, V., Hertenberger, R., Greubel, C., Hauptner, A., Reichart, P.

    “…We show the preparation of a pulsed 20 MeV proton beam at the Munich tandem accelerator which offers a fluence of more than 1 × 10 9 protons/cm 2 being…”
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    Direct reactions for nuclear structure required for fundamental symmetry tests by Garrett, P. E., Rand, E. T., Diaz Varela, A., Ball, G. C., Bildstein, V., Faestermann, T., Hadinia, B., Hertenberger, R., Jamieson, D. S., Jigmeddorj, B., Leach, K. G., Svensson, C. E., Wirth, H.-F.

    Published in EPJ Web of Conferences (01-01-2016)
    “…A program of nuclear structure studies to support fundamental symmetry tests has been initiated. Motivated by the search for an electric dipole moment in…”
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    Octupole correlations in positive-parity states of rare-earth and actinide nuclei by Spieker, M., Pascu, S., Bucurescu, D., Faestermann, T., Hertenberger, R., Wirth, H.-F., Zamfir, N.-V., Zilges, A.

    Published in EPJ Web of conferences (01-01-2015)
    “…In this contribution, further evidence of the importance of multiphonon-octupole excitations to describe experimental data in the rare earths and actinides…”
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    Enhanced density of low-lying 0+ states: A corroboration of shape phase transitional behavior by Meyer, D.A., Wood, V., Casten, R.F., Fitzpatrick, C.R., Graw, G., Bucurescu, D., Jolie, J., von Brentano, P., Hertenberger, R., Wirth, H.-F., Braun, N., Faestermann, T., Heinze, S., Jerke, J.L., Krücken, R., Mahgoub, M., Möller, O., Mücher, D., Scholl, C.

    Published in Physics letters. B (29-06-2006)
    “…A (p, t) study of eight nuclei in the rare earth region identified 96 0+ states (67 new). Their density at low energy is used to corroborate a fundamental…”
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    Investigation of excited 0+ states in 160Er populated via the (p, t) two-neutron transfer reaction by Burbadge, C, Garrett, P E, Ball, G C, Bildstein, V, A Diaz Varela, Dunlop, M R, Dunlop, R, Faesternann, T, Hertenberger, R, Jamieson, D S, Kisliuk, D, Leach, K G, Loranger, J, MacLean, AD, Radich, A J, Rand, E T, Svensson, CE, Triambak, S, H-F Wirth

    Published in EPJ Web of conferences (01-01-2018)
    “…Many efforts have been made in nuclear structure physics to interpret the nature of low-lying excited 0+ states in well-deformed rare-earth nuclei. However,…”
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    Conference Proceeding Journal Article