Search Results - "Quispe, Katherine"
Scale dependence of canopy trait distributions along a tropical forest elevation gradient
Published in The New phytologist (01-05-2017)“…Average responses of forest foliar traits to elevation are well understood, but far less is known about trait distributional responses to elevation at multiple…”
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Phenotypic Stability and Correlation for Late Blight Resistance in Advanced Potato Clones Under Field and Controlled Conditions
Published in American journal of potato research (01-04-2022)“…Late blight (LB) is the main potato disease worldwide and one of the most important ways to control it is the use of resistant varieties. Twenty-two potato…”
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Covariance of Sun and Shade Leaf Traits Along a Tropical Forest Elevation Gradient
Published in Frontiers in plant science (31-01-2020)“…Foliar trait adaptation to sun and shade has been extensively studied in the context of photosynthetic performance of plants, focusing on nitrogen allocation,…”
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CIP-PODEROSA CROCANTE, CIP-PODEROSA POLLERA, and CIP-PODEROSA WATIA: New Potato Varieties for Family Farming with Resistance to Late Blight and High Quality for the Frying Industry
Published in American journal of potato research (01-08-2023)“…Three new potato varieties: CIP-PODEROSA CROCANTE, CIP-PODEROSA POLLERA and CIP-PODEROSA WATIA were generated through traditional breeding as healthy and…”
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New Potato Varieties Resistant to Late Blight and with High Quality for French Fries Generated in Peru
Published in Potato research (2024)“…Potato is one of the main crops worldwide and generates income for small-scale farmers, and it is a primary component of the diet of rural inhabitants,…”
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Solid Waste Management in Peru’s Cities: A Clustering Approach for an Andean District
Published in Applied sciences (01-01-2023)“…There is a great deficiency in the collection and disposal of solid waste, with a considerable amount disposed of in dumps instead of in landfills. In this…”
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Parental Value for Tuber Yield in Potato Under High Temperature Environments in Climate Change Conditions
Published in Open agriculture (01-01-2019)“…Potato crop is expanding to areas with temperatures higher than those required. Climate change is increasing temperatures in traditional areas of potato…”
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Prevalence and factors associated with food insecurity in eight high-altitude cities in Peru during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective, cross-sectional study
Published in BMC public health (25-10-2022)“…Background Food insecurity has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting an estimated 260 million people. However, little evidence is available on how…”
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Characterization of Pulmonary Bacteriobiota in Critically Ill Patients in Southern Peru through Next-Generation Sequencing Technology
Published in Current issues in molecular biology (01-12-2023)“…Sequence variation in the gene is widely used to characterize diverse microbial communities. This was the first pilot study carried out in our region where the…”
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Maternal clinical characteristics and perinatal outcomes among pregnant women with coronavirus disease 2019. A systematic review
Published in Travel medicine and infectious disease (01-01-2021)“…To describe the maternal clinical characteristics, maternal and perinatal outcomes in COVID-19-positive pregnant women. Articles in all languages on the…”
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Validation of scale of changes in lifestyles during the quarantine period in a population of university students from Lima, Peru
Published in Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana (11-09-2020)“…Introduction: Due to the presence of Covid-19 in the world, several countries, including Peru, have taken measures, including compulsory social isolation…”
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Presentación mixta de cetoacidosis diabética y estado hiperosmolar hiperglucémico en el embarazo: reporte de caso
Published in Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico (2022)“…Resumen ANTECEDENTES: La cetoacidosis diabética y el estado hiperosmolar hiperglucémico son complicaciones agudas de la diabetes que se superponen en uno de…”
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Published in Revista de derecho (01-01-2022)“… El presente artículo aborda, a partir de la criminología crítica, la estandarización de la prisión preventiva en nuestro medio como error en el que influyen…”
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Leaf-level photosynthetic capacity in lowland Amazonian and high-elevation Andean tropical moist forests of Peru
Published in The New phytologist (01-05-2017)“…We examined whether variations in photosynthetic capacity are linked to variations in the environment and/or associated leaf traits for tropical moist forests…”
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Aplicación del modelo de Peleg para estudiar el efecto de la temperatura y dureza del agua durante la rehidratación de frijol caballero (Phaseolus vulgarias)
Published in Agroindustrial science (En línea) (01-06-2012)“…En el presente trabajo se evaluó la aplicación del modelo de Peleg para estudiar el efecto de la temperatura y dureza del agua durante la rehidratación de…”
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Aplicación del modelo de Peleg para estudiar el efecto de la temperatura y dureza del agua durante la rehidratación de frijol caballero (Phaseolus vulgarias)
Published in Agroindustrial science (En línea) (2012)“…En el presente trabajo se evaluó la aplicación del modelo de Peleg para estudiar el efecto de la temperatura y dureza del agua durante la rehidratación de…”
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Validación de escala de cambios en los estilos de vida durante el periodo de cuarentena en una población de estudiantes universitarios de Lima, Perú
Published in Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana (01-10-2020)“…RESUMEN Introducción: Los estudiantes universitarios se han visto obligados a cambiar sus hábitos debido a la cuarentena por la pandemia COVID-19. Objetivo:…”
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Relación entre Esperanza, Bienestar, Actitudes Laborales y Sociodemográficos en Miembros de la PEA
Published 01-01-2009“…En una muestra de internautas peruanos económicamente activos (n=615) se utilizó la escala de Esperanza Disposicional de Snyder y la Escala de Bienestar…”
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