Search Results - "Queiruga Dios, Miguel Ángel"
Changing Spanish preservice teachers' environmental attitudes with a citizen science program integrated in Environmental Education subject
Published in European journal of education (01-12-2024)“…This research analyzes the effect of the implementation of citizen science activities in the Environmental Education (EE) subject program of the Degree in…”
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Implementation of a STEAM Project in Compulsory Secondary Education That Creates Connections with the Environment (Implementación de un proyecto STEAM en Educación Secundaria generando conexiones con el entorno)
Published in Infancia y aprendizaje (02-10-2021)“…The teaching of STEAM has been gaining ground in the world of education for some years now. This article presents two fundamental contributions to STEAM…”
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Editorial: Diversity in the social sciences: researching digital education in and for the global south
Published in Frontiers in education (Lausanne) (02-04-2024)Get full text
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Detección del alumno en riesgo en titulaciones de Ciencias de la Salud: aplicación de técnicas de Learning Analytics
Published in European journal of investigation in health, psychology and education (01-12-2018)“…The way of teaching and learning in twenty-first century society continues to change. At present, a high percentage of teaching takes place through Learning…”
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Assessment Methods for Service-Learning Projects in Engineering in Higher Education: A Systematic Review
Published in Frontiers in psychology (23-07-2021)“…Service-learning (SL) helps engineering students to be involved in community activities and to be motivated by their studies. Although several reviews and…”
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Observation of Metacognitive Skills in Natural Environments: A Longitudinal Study With Mixed Methods
Published in Frontiers in psychology (01-11-2019)“…Recent studies pointing to evaluation methods in natural environments suggest that their use in the analysis of metacognitive skills provides more precise…”
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Effectiveness of Self-Regulation and Serious Games for Learning STEM Knowledge in Primary Education
Published in Psicothema (01-10-2020)“…Palabras clave: serious games, self-regulated learning, STEM, genero, satisfaccion, lenguaje de programacion…”
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Has the Stereotype of the Scientist Changed in Early Primary School–Aged Students Due to COVID-19?
Published in Education sciences (01-07-2021)“…The image that students have of scientists and their context appears distorted by multiple factors. The detection and modification of this image is important…”
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Inquiry through Industrial Chemistry in Compulsory Secondary Education for the Achievement of the Development of the 21st Century Skills
Published in Education sciences (01-09-2021)“…At a key moment when education systems are moving towards the development of 21st-century skills at school, we propose to develop them with a series of enquiry…”
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Proyectos de ciencia ciudadana. Una oportunidad para la alfabetización científica y la educación en sostenibilidad
Published in Mètode Science Studies Journal: Annual Review (02-02-2022)“…Desde que surgió el término ciencia ciudadana hasta la actualidad, los proyectos de participación ciudadana en la ciencia han aumentado en cantidad y en…”
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Problemas-Proyectos Adaptativos y Creativos en la enseñanza de las ciencias. Descripción de la metodología y apreciación de los estudiantes involucrados
Published in Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives (20-12-2019)“…En este artículo se describe la metodología que se ha denominado Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas-Proyectos Adaptativos y Creativos (ABPac), utilizando como…”
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Cuestionarios de e-autoevaluación y e-feedback: una aplicación en Moodle
Published in European journal of health research (03-12-2018)“…En los entornos Learning Management System (LMS), uno de los recursos de aprendizaje mejor valorados por los estudiantes es la utilización de cuestionarios de…”
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Valoración de la Ecología de Aprendizaje Autorregulado Virtualizada para la Didáctica de las Ciencias de la Naturaleza durante la crisis COVID-19
Published in Publicaciones de la Facultad de Educación y Humanidades del Campus de Melilla (26-07-2021)“…Los modelos de enseñanza-aprendizaje universitarios están siendo afectados por la crisis originada por la COVID-19. Para atender a esta crisis desencadenada se…”
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