Search Results - "Qassim, M"
A Review on Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robots
Published in Applied sciences (01-10-2020)“…Rehabilitation is the process of treating post-stroke consequences. Impaired limbs are considered the common outcomes of stroke, which require a professional…”
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Proposed Fatigue Index for the Objective Detection of Muscle Fatigue Using Surface Electromyography and a Double-Step Binary Classifier
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (28-02-2022)“…The objective detection of muscle fatigue reports the moment at which a muscle fails to sustain the required force. Such a detection prevents any further…”
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Coastline instability evaluation: multitemporal bathymetric mapping and sediment characteristics
Published in Environmental earth sciences (2024)“…Coastline is a crucial dynamic transitional zone between land and open water that gets stressed by many environmental elements, which calls for monitoring…”
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On a Differential Equation Involving Hilfer-Hadamard Fractional Derivative
Published in Abstract and Applied Analysis (01-01-2012)“…This paper studies a fractional differential inequality involving a new fractional derivative (Hilfer-Hadamard type) with a polynomial source term. We obtain…”
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Intelligent saline controlling valve based on fuzzy logic
Published in Journal of engineering and applied science (Online) (01-12-2024)“…Valve control for patients feeding saline is a sensitive issue. Such a valve is used to control the amount of important fluid entering the body. In this paper,…”
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Preparation Geodatabase of Sedimentological and Geological Properties by Using GIS Technology: A Case Study Basrah Province, Southern Part of Iraq
Published in مجلة اداب ذي قار (31-03-2024)“…This study uses a combination of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) to create a geodatabase file of geological features in the southern…”
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A 5-year study of the impact of peatland revegetation upon DOC concentrations
Published in Journal of hydrology (Amsterdam) (27-11-2014)“…•A 5-year study of 3 restored sites in comparison to both an unrestored and restored control.•Soil water DOC concentration on the restored sites rose…”
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Pharmacokinetics and Bioequivalence Estimation of Two Formulations of Alfuzosin Extended‐Release Tablets
Published in Clinical pharmacology in drug development (01-10-2020)“…Alfuzosin is a medication approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms. Bioequivalence studies are demanded…”
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Comparative Randomized, Single‐Dose, Two‐Way Crossover Open‐Label Study to Determine the Bioequivalence of Two Formulations of Dalfampridine Tablets
Published in Clinical pharmacology in drug development (01-04-2019)“…Dalfampridine is a medication that is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to improve walking impairments in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS)…”
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Water Quality Assessment for Tigris River Through Salah Al-Din Province, Iraq Using Remote Sensing Techniques
Published in Iraqi journal of physics (01-12-2020)“…water quality assessment is still being done at specific locations of major concern. The use of Geographical Information System (GIS) based water quality…”
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Fugitive emissions of methane from abandoned, decommissioned oil and gas wells
Published in The Science of the total environment (15-03-2016)“…This study considered the fugitive emissions of methane (CH4) from former oil and gas exploration and production wells drilled to exploit conventional…”
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Attractor selection in semiconductor laser chaos generated by optoelectronic feedback
Published in مجلة جامعة الانبار للعلوم الصرفة (01-10-2017)“…In this paper, an experimental and numerical study for the evolution of the non-linear dynamics of semiconductor laser has been done under two conditions, when…”
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Restoration effects on water table depths and CO₂ fluxes from climatically marginal blanket bog
Published in Biogeochemistry (01-04-2014)“…This study aimed to measure the effects of ecological restoration on blanket peat water table depths and CO₂ fluxes. The flux of CO₂ and water table depths…”
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Dimensionality reduction in data from LASER applications
Published in مجلة جامعة الانبار للعلوم الصرفة (01-06-2012)“…Redundant variables not only in LASER applications, but in all experimental works are disturbing statistical analysis as a result of highly correlation among…”
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Enhancing the Performance of Biosensors Using Advanced Materials
Published in 2022 4th Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES) (22-10-2022)“…The performance of different components in various engineering applications can be enhanced when using advanced materials. These materials are distinguished…”
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Conference Proceeding -
The impact of indoor residual spraying with malathion on malaria in refugee camps in eastern Sudan
Published in Acta tropica (01-09-2001)“…An exploratory trial of the efficacy of indoor spraying with malathion on morbidity and mortality in refugee camps in eastern Sudan was conducted during the…”
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Published in Kufa journal of engineering (01-09-2014)“…A nonlinear finite element study has been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of strengthening RC beams with pre-stressedNSM CFRP rods in enhancing the…”
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Well-Posedness and Stability for a Differential Problem with Hilfer-Hadamard Fractional Derivative
Published in Abstract and Applied Analysis (01-01-2013)“…Motivated by the Hilfer fractional derivative (which interpolates the Riemann-Liouville derivative and the Caputo derivative), we consider a new type of…”
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Cholera Outbreak in Kenyan Refugee Camp: Risk Factors for Illness and Importance of Sanitation
Published in The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene (01-04-2009)“…An outbreak of watery diarrhea struck within the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya in April 2005; 418 people were treated, and 4 persons died. Vibrio cholerae O1…”
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Virtual Environment Modelling using Simulated Laser Scanners
Published in 2019 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication, Computer, Power and Control Engineering (ICECCPCE) (01-02-2019)“…Life quality of people with sever motor disabilities can be improved by developing and inventing new assistive technologies. In this context, it is proposed to…”
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Conference Proceeding