Search Results - "Pypka, O.O."

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  1. 1

    Automorphism groups of some non-nilpotent Leibniz algebras by Kurdachenko, L.A., Minaiev, P.Ye, Pypka, O.O.

    Published in Researches in mathematics (Online) (08-07-2024)
    “…Let $L$ be an algebra over a field $F$ with the binary operations $+$ and $[,]$. Then $L$ is called a left Leibniz algebra if it satisfies the left Leibniz…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    On Poisson (2-3)-algebras which are finite-dimensional over the center by Minaiev, P.Ye, Pypka, O.O., Shyshenko, I.V.

    Published in Researches in mathematics (Online) (08-07-2024)
    “…One of the classic results of group theory is the so-called Schur theorem. It states that if the central factor-group $G/\zeta(G)$ of a group $G$ is finite,…”
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    Journal Article
  3. 3

    Description of the automorphism groups of some Leibniz algebras by Kurdachenko, L.A., Pypka, O.O., Semko, M.M.

    Published in Researches in mathematics (Online) (19-06-2023)
    “…Let $L$ be an algebra over a field $F$ with the binary operations $+$ and $[,]$. Then $L$ is called a left Leibniz algebra if it satisfies the left Leibniz…”
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    Journal Article
  4. 4

    The description of the automorphism groups of finite-dimensional cyclic Leibniz algebras by Kurdachenko, L.A., Pypka, O.O., Subbotin, I.Ya

    “…In the study of Leibniz algebras, the information about their automorphisms (as well as about endomorphisms, derivations, etc.) is very useful. We describe the…”
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    Journal Article
  5. 5

    Some Relationships between the Generalized Central Series of Leibniz Algebras by Pypka, O. O.

    Published in Ukrainian mathematical journal (01-05-2022)
    “…We prove the existence of a close relationship between the generalized central series of Leibniz algebras. We also prove some analogs of the classical Schur…”
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  6. 6

    On the Automorphism Groups for Some Leibniz Algebras of Low Dimensions by Kurdachenko, L. A., Pypka, O. O., Velychko, T. V.

    Published in Ukrainian mathematical journal (01-03-2023)
    “…We study the automorphism groups of Leibniz algebras of low dimensions and obtain complete descriptions of the automorphism groups of Leibniz algebras of…”
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    Journal Article
  7. 7

    On Leibniz Algebras whose Subalgebras are Either Ideals or Self-Idealizing Subalgebras by Kurdachenko, I. A., Pypka, O. O., Subbotin, I. Ya

    Published in Ukrainian mathematical journal (01-11-2021)
    “…A subalgebra S of a Leibniz algebra L is called self-idealizing in L if it coincides with its idealizer I L ( S ) . We study the structure of Leibniz algebras…”
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  8. 8

    On the Relationships Between Central Series in Some Locally Finite Groups by Pypka, O. O.

    Published in Ukrainian mathematical journal (01-03-2017)
    “…It is shown that the class of locally finite divisible-by-bounded groups is both a Schur class and a Baer class…”
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  9. 9

    Про деякi групи з чернiковською групою автоморфiзмiв by O.O. Pypka

    “…Отримано автоморфний аналог теореми Шура у випадку, коли довiльна пiдгрупа A групи автоморфiзмiв Aut(G) групи G та фактор-група групи G по A-центру є…”
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