Search Results - "Pupatenko, V. V."
Seismic Wave Attenuation in the Lithosphere of the Amur River Region
Published in Russian journal of Pacific geology (01-02-2023)“…The seismic-wave attenuation parameters (seismic quality factor at 1 Hz Q 0 and frequency parameter n ) in the lithosphere of the Amur River region were…”
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GNSS-Based Modeling and Study of Postseismic Crustal Movement of the May 24, 2013, MW 8.3 Sea of Okhotsk Deep-Focus Earthquake
Published in Geodinamika i tektonofizika (18-06-2024)“…The mechanisms of preparation and occurrence of the strongest deep-focus earthquakes with MW≥8, as well as their surface manifestations, remain insufficiently…”
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Published in Geodinamika i tektonofizika (15-02-2024)“…The strongest earthquakes with magnitudes Mw 8–9 generate coseismic displacements of the Earth’s crust, covering entire regions of the world. These…”
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Using Global Navigation Systems for Early Tsunami Warning about Tsunamis Excited by Magnitude 7–8 Earthquakes
Published in Journal of volcanology and seismology (2021)“…Rapid and reliable tsunami forecasting for regions close to the epicenter of an undersea earthquake remains an unsolved problem. The only method of rapid…”
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Mantle Seismic Anisotropy beneath the Amur Plate According to the Data of ScS Waves from Deep-Focus Earthquakes
Published in Russian journal of Pacific geology (01-09-2018)“…Mantle seismic anisotropy beneath the Amur Plate is studied using the data of ScS waves reflected from the outer core of the Earth from local deep earthquakes…”
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Use of Waveform Cross Correlation to Reconstruct the Aftershock Sequence of the August 14, 2016, Sakhalin Earthquake
Published in Seismic instruments (01-09-2019)“…The waveform cross correlation technique is used to detect signals from aftershocks of the ML = 6.1, August 14, 2016, Sakhalin earthquake using regional…”
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Seismic anisotropy of the mantle beneath Eastern Asia based on ScS and S waves from deep-focus earthquakes
Published in Russian journal of Pacific geology (01-07-2016)“…The seismic anisotropy of the mantle is studied based on the data of S and ScS waves from earthquakes occurred in the mantle transition zone over the period of…”
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Dynamics of geophysical medium from power spectral density of microseisms before and after earthquakes: case study of Bureya massif, Amur region
Published in Russian journal of Pacific geology (01-09-2017)“…The time–frequency parameters of weak earthquakes and microseisms are studied. The qualitative and quantitative relationships of the power spectral density of…”
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Modeling of coseismic crustal movements initiated by the May 24, 2013, M w = 8.3 Okhotsk deep focus earthquake
Published in Doklady earth sciences (01-08-2014)“…The Okhotsk deep focus earthquake (M w = 8.3), the largest in the history of instrumental seismology, occurred on May 24, 2013, at 05:45 UTC in the Sea of…”
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Post-seismic deformation following the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku–Oki earthquake and its impact on Northeast Asia
Published in Geophysical journal international (01-11-2023)“…SUMMARY The objective of this study was to examine co- and post-seismic deformation following the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku–Oki earthquake and its impact on Northeast…”
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Splitting of ScS and S waves from the Mw 8.4 Okhotsk deep-focus earthquake (May 24, 2013) and its strong aftershocks
Published in Russian journal of Pacific geology (05-12-2014)“…The parameters of split shear ScS and S waves from the strongest ( M w = 8.4) Okhotsk earthquake and its strong aftershocks that occurred in the mantle’s…”
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Splitting of ScS and S waves from the M^sub w^ 8.4 Okhotsk deep-focus earthquake (May 24, 2013) and its strong aftershocks
Published in Russian journal of Pacific geology (01-11-2014)“…The parameters of split shear ScS and S waves from the strongest (M ^sub w^ = 8.4) Okhotsk earthquake and its strong aftershocks that occurred in the mantle's…”
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Splitting of ScS and S waves from the M sub(w) 8.4 Okhotsk deep-focus earthquake (May 24, 2013) and its strong aftershocks
Published in Russian journal of Pacific geology (01-11-2014)“…The parameters of split shear ScS and S waves from the strongest (M sub(w) = 8.4) Okhotsk earthquake and its strong aftershocks that occurred in the mantle's…”
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Splitting of ScS and S waves from the M w 8.4 Okhotsk deep-focus earthquake (May 24, 2013) and its strong aftershocks
Published in Russian journal of Pacific geology (01-11-2014)Get full text
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Post-seismic deformation following the 2011 M w9.0 Tohoku–Oki earthquake and its impact on Northeast Asia
Published in Geophysical journal international (27-07-2023)“…The objective of this study was to examine co- and post-seismic deformation following the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku–Oki earthquake and its impact on Northeast Asia…”
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Modeling of coseismic crustal movements initiated by the May 24, 2013, Mw = 8.3 Okhotsk deep focus earthquake
Published in Doklady earth sciences (2014)“…The Okhotsk deep focus earthquake ( M w = 8.3), the largest in the history of instrumental seismology, occurred on May 24, 2013, at 05:45 UTC in the Sea of…”
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Modeling of coseismic crustal movements initiated by the May 24, 2013, M^sub w^ = 8.3 Okhotsk deep focus earthquake
Published in Doklady earth sciences (01-08-2014)“…The Okhotsk deep focus earthquake (M ^sub w^ = 8.3), the largest in the history of instrumental seismology, occurred on May 24, 2013, at 05:45 UTC in the Sea…”
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