Search Results - "Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J"

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  1. 1

    Cumulative exposure to solar ultraviolet A & B increases apoptosis of peripheral blood cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA)+ T-Lymphocytes in outdoor workers by Hidayati, Afif Nurul, Pohan, Saut Sahat, Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J., Effendy, Isaak

    “…Background: Exposure to ultraviolet A & B (UVA-UVB) plays a role in the survival of human life, but it may cause negative effects, such as immunosuppression…”
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  2. 2

    Improving Performance of Nursing Documentation Based on Knowledge Management Through Seci Concept Model’s by Santoso, R. Arief, Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J.

    Published in Jurnal Ners (Surabaya) (02-04-2017)
    “…Introduction: Documentation of nursing care in Kalianget RSI in 2011 was totaled average 58,1% and in 2012 achieve was still low. According the lowest…”
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  3. 3

    Factors impact the cost differences between INA-CBGs tariffs and hospital costs in JKN patients with appendicitis cases by Lathifah, Rofida, Chalidyanto, Djazuly, Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J

    Published in Enfermeria clinica (01-10-2020)
    “…To identify the factors which affect the cost difference in appendicitis cases. This was an observational analytic research with cross-sectional study design…”
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  4. 4

    Beban Kerja Obyektif Tenaga Perawat di Pelayanan Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit by Romadhoni, Rohmat Dwi, Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J.

    “…Inpatient services at the X Hospital consists of Intensive Care Units and Inpatient Units. In 2014, a nurse  at the unit as a whole experienced a shortfall of…”
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    ORAL PHENAZOPYRIDINE HCL FOR URETER ORIFICE IDENTIFICATION AND RETROGRADE STENTING by Gumilar, Ogi Bahaurini, Soebadi, Doddy M, Djojodimedjo, Tarmono, Askandar, Brahmana, Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J

    “…Objective:  To compare the successful of the identification of the ureteral orifice at cervical cancer patients who received phenazopyridine orally and to…”
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    DIAGNOSTIC VALUE OF NON-CONTRAST HELICAL CT-SCAN AND INTRAVENOUS UROGRAPHY IN UROLITHIASIS EVALUATION by Hasan, Fadhli, Soebadi, Doddy M, Hardjowijoto, Sunaryo, Soebadi, Mohamad Ayodhia, Pria, Triyono Karmawan Sukmana, Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J

    “…Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of Non Contrast Helical Computed Tomography (NCHCT) scanning as the first choice diagnostic modality for detecting…”
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    STONE-FREE RATE DIFFERENCES IN KIDNEY STONES PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT TAMSULOSIN AFTER ESWL by Prasadja, Nindra, Soebadi, Doddy M, Djatisoesanto, Wahjoe, Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J

    “…Objective: To determine whether the administration of tamsulosin, as adjunctive medical therapy, increases the efficacy of one session of extracorporeal shock…”
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  9. 9

    The behavior of specialist towards completeness of medical records by Ernawaty, Ernawaty, Rochmah, Thinni Nurul, Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J., Junaidi, Mohammad

    “…This study aims to overview and identify how medical record is executed by specialists in undertaking their medical tasks. This study involves specialists at…”
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  10. 10

    Strengthening of CYFRA 21-1 using urine creatinine correction as potential endometriosis biomarker  [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review] by Saputra, Nicko Pisceski Kusika, Samsulhadi, Samsulhadi, Hendarto, Hendy, Sa'adi, Ashon, Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J, Arsana, I Wayan, Yanuari, Relly, Dwiningsih, Sri Ratna

    Published in F1000 research (2024)
    “…Background This study aimed to determine the accuracy of CYFRA 21-1 using urine creatinine correction (CYFRA/Cr) as a biomarker of endometriosis. Methods This…”
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