Search Results - "Promis, Álvaro"
Natural Advance Regeneration of Native Tree Species in Pinus radiata Plantations of South-Central Chile Suggests Potential for a Passive Restoration Approach
Published in Ecosystems (New York) (01-08-2022)“…Restoration of natural forests previously replaced by plantations is a widespread challenge for forestry in Chile and elsewhere. However, there is little…”
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Precipitation declines influence the understory patterns in Nothofagus pumilio old-growth forests in northwestern Patagonia
Published in Forest ecology and management (01-07-2021)“…•Understory patterns in lenga forests were studied in three precipitation sites.•Changes in understory patterns occurred from humid-mesic to dry sites.•The dry…”
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Leaf litter and irrigation can increase seed germination and early seedling survival of the recalcitrant‐seeded tree Beilschmiedia miersii
Published in Austral ecology (01-02-2019)“…Although regeneration of recalcitrant‐seeded tree species can be affected by prolonged drought, especially in Mediterranean regions, little is known about the…”
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Canopy composition and site are indicative of mineral soil conditions in Patagonian mixed Nothofagus forests
Published in Annals of forest science. (01-12-2019)“…Key message Canopy composition in mixed Patagonian Nothofagus forests has an impact on soil properties like cationic exchange capacity and pH, while most soil…”
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Plantaciones nativas o exóticas: Reflexiones sobre los impactos ambientales en Chile
Published in Ecología austral (01-08-2020)“…En este trabajo se plantea la necesidad de reorientar y diversificar la forestación, reforestación, rehabilitación o restauración con especies nativas a fin de…”
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Effect of Silvicultural Treatments on Nothofagus glauca Forests Regarding Canopy Structure Patterns, Solar Radiation Transmission, and Tree Regeneration
Published in Forests (01-01-2024)“…This study focuses on the natural regeneration of Nothofagus glauca, a critical component of temperate forests in the Mediterranean region of the Southern…”
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Published in Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias forestales y del ambiente (01-01-2013)“…El ambiente lumínico en el interior de un bosque influye en la supervivencia y crecimiento de las plántulas de especies arbóreas y en el desarrollo de las…”
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Flowering and seeding patterns in pure and mixed Nothofagus forests in Southern Patagonia
Published in Ecological processes (01-12-2016)“…Introduction Variation in reproductive phenology among species is an important mechanism for maintaining species coexistence. In mixed forests, the impact of…”
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Determination of optimal tree height models and calibration designs for Araucaria araucana and Nothofagus pumilio in mixed stands affected to different levels by anthropogenic disturbance in South-Central Chile
Published in Annals of forest science. (01-12-2023)“…AbstractKey messageHere, we present a workflow for determining the optimal tree height model and calibration design for forests affected to varying degrees by…”
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Tree seedlings respond to both light and soil nutrients in a Patagonian evergreen-deciduous forest
Published in PloS one (30-11-2017)“…Seedlings of co-occurring species vary in their response to resource availability and this has implications for the conservation and management of forests…”
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Forest canopy-cover composition and landscape influence on bryophyte communities in Nothofagus forests of southern Patagonia
Published in PloS one (24-11-2020)“…Bryophytes (liverworts, mosses and hornworts) are one of the most diverse plant groups worldwide but one of the least studied in temperate forests from an…”
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Inferring population dynamic trends of Nothofagus pumilio and N. betuloides in coastal and mountain forests of Tierra del Fuego: contrasting from flowering to seedling survival through several reproductive cycles
Published in Trees (Berlin, West) (01-02-2022)“…Key message Flower to fruits × and seed-to-seedling were the most critical transition in the early regeneration cycle of pure and mixed Nothofagus forests,…”
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Rehabilitation of Nothofagus pumilio forests in Chilean Patagonia: can fencing and planting season effectively protect against exotic European hare browsing?
Published in New forests (01-05-2022)“…In forests affected by heavy fires and continuous grazing of exotic herbivorous mammal species, Nothofagus pumilio (lenga) cannot recover naturally. The main…”
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Flowering and seeding patterns in pure and mixed Nothofagus forests in Southern Patagonia
Published in Ecological processes (01-12-2016)Get full text
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Notas sobre la variación de briófitas entre un bosque pantanoso de Amomyrtus luma y una pradera antropogénica húmeda de Juncus procerus
Published in Gayana. Botánica. (01-12-2020)“…The bryophyte richness was evaluated in the understory of a swamp forest of Amomyrtus luma and an anthropogenic wet prairie of Juncus procerus. Bryophyte…”
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Social preferences for vertebrates, invertebrates and plants: a multistakeholder approach for conservation management
Published in Human dimensions of wildlife (02-09-2024)“…We assessed social preferences toward vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants in a biodiversity hotspot in Chile. We asked respondents (n = 662) to rank species…”
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Silviculture of South American temperate native forests
Published in New Zealand journal of forestry science (17-01-2022)“…Overviews the practices of silviculture applied and recommended for South American temperate native forests, and discusses prospects to develop new…”
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Obituario: Claudio Donoso Zegers
Published in Gayana. Botánica. (01-08-2023)Get full text
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Published in Gayana. Botánica. (01-06-2023)Get full text
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Provenance influences seed germination and phenotypic responses to water restriction in the endemic Beilschmiedia miersii (Gay) Kosterm
Published in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change (19-01-2023)“…The higher drought intensity recorded in the last decades in the Mediterranean zone of Chile increased the level of threats of the endemic Beilschmiedia…”
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