Search Results - "Prinke, Amanda M."
Evaluation of an airborne alpha and beta particle detection capability using an environmental continuous air monitor system
Published in Journal of environmental radioactivity (01-03-2021)“…We evaluate the ability of the Canberra Alpha Beta Environmental Continuous Air Monitor (ECAM) to detect and quantify airborne radiological contamination. The…”
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Anticoincidence analysis for radioxenon detection
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-10-2018)“…An algorithm was developed to improve the quantification of metastable isotopes in the presence of 133 Xe. Radioxenon emissions are commonly used to monitor…”
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Real-time stack monitoring at the BaTek medical isotope production facility
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-04-2016)“…Radioxenon emissions from fission-based radiopharmaceutical production are a major source of background concentrations affecting the radioxenon detection…”
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Stilbene cell development to improve radioxenon detection
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11-04-2019)“…A prototype stilbene beta cell has been designed, manufactured, tested, and compared to a plastic scintillator beta cell used for nuclear explosion monitoring…”
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Validation of MCNPX-PoliMi code for simulations of radioxenon beta–gamma coincidence detection
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21-10-2018)“…Radioxenon detection is an important component of the verification regime for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. We developed and validated a new model…”
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Adaptively Reevaluated Bayesian Localization (ARBL): A novel technique for radiological source localization
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01-06-2015)“…We present a novel technique for the localization of radiological sources in urban or rural environments from an aerial platform. The technique is based on a…”
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Improved Cumulative Fission Yield Measurements with Fission Spectrum Neutrons on 238U
Published in Nuclear data sheets (01-01-2020)“…Two isotopically-characterized targets of high-purity (99.961±0.002%) 238U metal and a neutron dosimetry package were exposed to a pulsed neutron irradiation…”
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Noble gas migration experiment to support the detection of underground nuclear explosions
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-03-2016)“…A Noble Gas Migration Experiment injected 127 Xe, 37 Ar, and sulfur hexafluoride into a former underground nuclear explosion shot cavity. These tracer gases…”
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A program to generate simulated radioxenon beta–gamma data for concentration verification and validation and training exercises
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-03-2016)“…PNNL developed a beta–gamma simulator (BGSim) that incorporated GEANT-modeled data sets from radioxenon decay chains, as well as functionality to use nuclear…”
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Radioxenon detector calibration spike production and delivery systems
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-03-2016)“…Beta–gamma coincidence radioxenon detectors must be calibrated for each of the four-radioxenon isotopes ( 135 Xe, 133 Xe, 133m Xe, and 131m Xe). Without a…”
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