Search Results - "Porter, Blake S"
Stimulation in the Rat Anterior Insula and Anterior Cingulate During an Effortful Weightlifting Task
Published in Frontiers in neuroscience (26-02-2021)“…When performing tasks, animals must continually assess how much effort is being expended, and gage this against ever-changing physiological states. As effort…”
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Rhythmic coordination of hippocampal neurons during associative memory processing
Published in eLife (11-01-2016)“…Hippocampal oscillations are dynamic, with unique oscillatory frequencies present during different behavioral states. To examine the extent to which these…”
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Dorsomedial prefrontal neural ensembles reflect changes in task utility that culminate in task quitting
Published in Journal of neurophysiology (01-07-2021)“…When performing a physically demanding behavior, sometimes the optimal choice is to quit the behavior rather than persist to minimize energy expenditure for…”
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Anterior cingulate cortex encoding of effortful behavior
Published in Journal of neurophysiology (01-02-2019)“…An animal's ability to assess the value of their behaviors to minimize energy use while maximizing goal achievement is critical to its survival. The anterior…”
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Hippocampal place cell encoding of sloping terrain
Published in Hippocampus (01-11-2018)“…Effective navigation relies on knowledge of one's environment. A challenge to effective navigation is accounting for the time and energy costs of routes…”
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Regional Activity in the Rat Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Insula during Persistence and Quitting in a Physical-Effort Task
Published in eNeuro (01-09-2020)“…As animals carry out behaviors, particularly costly ones, they must constantly assess whether or not to persist in the behavior or quit. The anterior cingulate…”
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