Search Results - "Ponomareva, N S"
Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) Experiment Onboard NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory
Published in Space science reviews (01-09-2012)“…The description of Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) experiment is presented, as a part of the NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission onboard the mars rover…”
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The first stage of the “BTN-Neutron” space experiment onboard the Russian segment of the International Space Station
Published in Cosmic research (01-08-2010)“…The aims and tasks of the space experiment “BTN-Neutron” onboard the Russian segment of the International Space Station are described. The experiment deals…”
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The specificity of students’ independent work in the disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle in terms of blended learning
Published in CTE workshop proceedings (21-03-2017)“…Research goals: to characterize features of independent work of students in the disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle in terms of blended learning and to…”
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Improvements in the selective perception and training of rats using an original analog of the C-terminal fragment of vasopressin
Published in Neuroscience and behavioral physiology (01-03-2000)“…This report presents studies on the effects of intranasal administration of five doses (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 microg/kg) of a new analog of…”
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The effects of a novel analog of the C-terminal fragment of vasopressin on the behavior of white rats
Published in Neuroscience and behavioral physiology (01-07-1999)“…The effects of an arginine-vasopressin fragment, Ac-D-MPRG, on the movement activity and orientational-investigative activity of white rats were studied…”
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Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) Experiment Onboard NASA's Mars Science Laboratory: Mars Science Laboratory
Published in Space science reviews (2012)Get full text
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Improvement of the selective perception and learning with the analog of C-terminal fragment of vasopressin in rats
Published in Rossiiskii fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova (01-12-1998)“…New analogue of the AVP(6-9), the D-MPRG was administered intranasally in different doses. The administration improved the process of conditioning. The most…”
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The effect of an original analog of the C-terminal fragment of vasopressin on the behavior of white rats
Published in Zurnal vyss̆ej nervnoj dejatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova (01-05-1998)“…The influence was studied of a new analog of C-terminal fragment of argininvasopressin Ac-D-MPRG on locomotor and exploratory activity of rats. The peptide…”
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Determining the temperature field of valve components exposed to the working medium
Published in Chemical and petroleum engineering (01-11-1987)Get full text
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Kumiss in complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis in the sanatorium "Mtsyri"
Published in Problemy tuberkuleza (1969)Get more information
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Audiological examination of patients in the diagnostic room of an antituberculosis sanatorium
Published in Sovetskaia meditsina (01-04-1976)Get more information
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Diseases of the lungs and other organs associated with tuberculosis
Published in Terapevtic̆eskii arhiv (01-08-1970)Get more information
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Problems of chronic pathology of the middle ear in patients with tuberculosis
Published in Problemy tuberkuleza (01-06-1977)Get more information
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