Search Results - "Pluquet, A."

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  1. 1

    Neutron imaging with a micromegas detector by Jeanneau, F., Junca, R., Pancin, J., Voytchev, M., Andriamonje, S., Dangendorf, V., Espagnon, I., Friedrich, H., Giganon, A., Giomataris, I., Menelle, A., Pluquet, A., Rodriguez, L.R.

    Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-04-2006)
    “…The micropattern gaseous detector Micromegas has been developed for several years in Saclay and presents good performance for neutron detection. A prototype…”
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    Neutron imaging with a Micromegas detector by Andriamonje, S., Dangendorf, V., Espagnon, I., Friedrich, H., Giganon, A., Giomataris, I., Jeanneau, F., Junca, R., Menelle, A., Pancin, J., Pluquet, A., Rodriguez, L.R., Voytchev, M.

    “…Due to its performances for neutron detection, the micropattern gaseous detector Micromegas is designed for neutron imaging. In this paper will be presented…”
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  4. 4

    Determination of Actinide Isotopic Composition: Performances of the IGA Code on Plutonium Spectra According to the Experimental Setup by Simon, A, Carrel, F, Espagnon, I, Lemercier, M, Pluquet, A

    Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-04-2011)
    “…The IGA code (a French acronym standing for actinides gamma isotopy) is a tool developed by the CEA LIST to determine the isotopic composition of plutonium and…”
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  5. 5

    Search for a new gauge boson in $\pi^{0}$ decays by Altegoer, J., Astier, P., Autiero, D., Baldisseri, A., Baldo-Ceolin, M., Ballocchi, G., Banner, M., Basa, S., Bassompierre, G., Benslama, K., Besson, N., Bird, I., Blumenfeld, B., Bobisut, F., Bouchez, J., Boyd, S., Bueno, A., Bunyatov, S., Cardini, A., Castera, A., Cattaneo, P W., Cavasinni, V., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Collazuol, G., Conforto, G., Conta, C., Contalbrigo, M., Cousins, R., Daniels, D., Desanto, A., del Prete, T., Dignan, T., Di Lella, L., Do Couto, E Silva E., Donnelly, I J., Dumarchez, J., Fazio, T., Feldman, G J., Ferrari, R., Ferrre, D., Flaminio, V., Fraternali, M., Gaillard, J.M., Galumian, P., Gangler, E., Geiser, A., Geppert, D., Gibin, D., Gninenko, S N., Gomez-Cadenas, J J., Gosset, J., Gssling, C., Gouanere, M., Grant, A., Graziani, G., Guglielmi, A., Hagner, C., Hernando, J., Hubbard, D., Hyett, N., Iacopini, E., Joseph, C., Kekez, D., Kirsanov, M M., Klimov, O., Kokkonen, J., Kovzelev, a V., Kuznetsov, V E., Lacaprara, S., Lanza, A., La, Rotondal, Laveder, M., Letessier-Selvon, A., Levy, J M., Linssen, L., Ljubicic, A., Long, J., Lupi, A., Manola-Poggioli, E., Marchionni, A., Martelli, F., Mchain, X., Mendiburu, J.P., Meyer, J P., Mezzetto, M., Mishra, S R., Moorhead, G F., Mossuz, L., Nedelec, P., Nefedov, Yu, Nguyen-Mau, C., Orestano, D., Pastore, F., Peak, L S., Pennacchio, E., Perroud, J P., Pessard, H., Petti, R., Placci, A., Plothow-Besch, H.

    Published in Physics letters. B (28-05-1998)
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  6. 6

    Incineration of 241Am induced by thermal neutrons by Fioni, G., Cribier, M., Marie, F., Aubert, M., Ayrault, S., Bolognese, T., Cavedon, J.-M., Chartier, F., Deruelle, O., Doneddu, F., Faust, H., Gaudry, A., Gunsing, F., Leconte, Ph, Lelievre, F., Martino, J., Oliver, R., Pluquet, A., Röttger, S., Spiro, M., Veyssiere, C.

    Published in Nuclear physics. A (01-10-2001)
    “…An experimental study of the 241Am incineration in a high-intensity thermal neutron flux was carried out at the high-flux reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin…”
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  7. 7

    Limit on $\nu_{e} \to \nu_{\tau}$ Oscillations from the NOMAD experiment by Astier, P., Autiero, D., Baldisseri, A., Baldo-Ceolin, M., Ballocchi, G., Banner, M., Bassompierre, G., Benslama, K., Besson, N., Bird, I G., Blumenfeld, B., Bobisut, F., Bouchez, J., Boyd, S., Bueno, A., Bunyatov, S., Camilleri, L., Cardini, A., Cattaneo, P W., Cavasinni, V., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Collazuol, G., Conforto, G., Conta, C., Contalbrigo, M., Cousins, R., Daniels, D., Degaudenzi, H., del Prete, T., de Santo, A., Dignan, T., Di Lella, L., Do Couto, E Silva E., Dumarchez, J., Ellis, M., Feldman, G J., Ferrari, R., Ferrhre, D., Flaminio, V., Fraternali, M., Gaillard, J.M., Gangler, E., Geiser, A., Geppert, D., Gibin, D., Gninenko, S., Godley, A., Gomez-Cadenas, J. J., Gosset, J., Gossling, C., Gouanere, M., Grant, A., Graziani, G., Guglielmi, A., Hagner, C., Hernando, J., Hubbard, D., Hurst, P., Hyett, N., Iacopini, E., Joseph, C., Juget, F., Kirsanov, M., Klimov, O., Kokkonen, J., Kovzelev, A., Krasnoperov, A., Kuznetsov, V E., Lacaprara, S., Lachaud, C., Lakic, B., Lanza, A., La Rotonda, L., Laveder, M., Letessier-Selvon, A., Levy, J M., Linssen, L., Ljubicic, A., Long, J., Lupi, A., Marchionni, A., Martelli, F., Mechain, X., Mendiburu, J.P., Meyer, J P., Mezzetto, M., Mishra, S R., Moorhead, G F., Nedelec, P., Nefedov, Yu, Nguyen-Mau, C., Orestano, D., Pastore, F., Peak, L S., Pennacchio, E., Pessard, H., Petti, R., Placci, A., Pluquet, A., Polayrush, A.

    Published in Physics letters. B (06-01-2000)
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  8. 8

    Limit on νe→ ντ oscillations from the NOMAD experiment by Astier, P, Autiero, D, Baldo-Ceolin, M, Ballocchi, G, Bassompierre, G, Besson, N, Bobisut, F, Bouchez, J, Boyd, S, Bueno, A, Bunyatov, S, Cardini, A, Cattaneo, P.W, Cavasinni, V, Cervera-Villanueva, A, Conforto, G, Conta, C, Contalbrigo, M, Daniels, D, Degaudenzi, H, Del Prete, T, De Santo, A, Di Lella, L, do Couto e Silva, E, Dumarchez, J, Ellis, M, Feldman, G.J, Gaillard, J.-M, Gangler, E, Geppert, D, Gninenko, S, Godley, A, Gomez-Cadenas, J.-J, Grant, A, Guglielmi, A, Hernando, J, Hubbard, D, Hyett, N, Kokkonen, J, Krasnoperov, A, Lacaprara, S, Lachaud, C, Lakić, B, Lanza, A, La Rotonda, L, Laveder, M, Letessier-Selvon, A, Levy, J.-M, Linssen, L, Ljubičić, A, Long, J, Lupi, A, Méchain, X, Mendiburu, J.-P, Meyer, J.-P, Mezzetto, M, Mishra, S.R, Moorhead, G.F, Nefedov, Yu, Nguyen-Mau, C, Orestano, D, Pastore, F, Pessard, H, Petti, R, Placci, A, Polayrush, A, Polesello, G, Pollmann, D, Poulsen, C, Rico, J, Riemann, P, Roda, C, Salvatore, F, Schahmaneche, K, Schmidt, B, Schmidt, T, Sevior, M, Sillou, D, Sozzi, G, Steele, D, Steininger, M, Stiegler, U, Stolarczyk, Th, Tareb-Reyes, M, Toropin, A, Touchard, A.-M, Tran, M.-T, Ulrichs, J, Valdata-Nappi, M, Vannucci, F, Varvell, K.E, Veltri, M, Vercesi, V, Vieira, J.-M, Vinogradova, T, Weber, F.V, Weisse, T, Yabsley, B.D, Zaccone, H, Zuber, K

    Published in Physics letters. B (2000)
    “…In the context of a two-flavour approximation we reinterpret the published NOMAD limit on ν μ → ν τ oscillations in terms of ν e → ν τ oscillations. At 90%…”
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  9. 9

    A more sensitive search for νμ→ ντ oscillations in NOMAD by Autiero, D, Ballocchi, G, Banner, M, Besson, N, Blumenfeld, B, Bobisut, F, Bouchez, J, Boyd, S, Bunyatov, S, Cardini, A, Cattaneo, P.W, Cervera-Villanueva, A, Collazuol, G, Conforto, G, Conta, C, Contalbrigo, M, Daniels, D, Degaudenzi, H, De Santo, A, Di Lella, L, do Couto e Silva, E, Donnelly, I.J, Ellis, M, Feldman, G.J, Ferrère, D, Fraternali, M, Gaillard, J.-M, Gandolfo, A, Geppert, D, Gninenko, S, Gößling, C, Gouanère, M, Graziani, G, Guglielmi, A, Hurst, P, Iacopini, E, Joseph, C, Juget, F, Kirsanov, M, Kokkonen, J, Lakić, B, La Rotonda, L, Laveder, M, Letessier-Selvon, A, Levy, J.-M, Linssen, L, Ljubičić, A, Manola-Poggioli, E, Marchionni, A, Martelli, F, Méchain, X, Mezzetto, M, Mishra, S.R, Moorhead, G.F, Mossuz, L, Orestano, D, Pastore, F, Peak, L.S, Pennacchio, E, Pessard, H, Petti, R, Placci, A, Pluquet, A, Popov, B, Rathouit, P, Renzoni, G, Rico, J, Riemann, P, Roda, C, Rubbia, A, Salvatore, F, Schahmaneche, K, Schmidt, B, Schmidt, T, Segneri, G, Sevior, M, Sillou, D, Sozzi, G, Steininger, M, Stolarczyk, Th, Tareb-Reyes, M, Taylor, G.N, Tereshchenko, V, Toropin, A, Touchard, A.-M, Tsesmelis, E, Ulrichs, J, Vacavant, L, Valdata-Nappi, M, Valuev, V, Vannucci, F, Varvell, K.E, Vieira, J.-M, Vinogradova, T, Volkov, S, Weber, F.V, Weisse, T, Yabsley, B.D, Zaccone, H, Zuccon, P

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-04-1999)
    “…With additional data and improved algorithms, we have enhanced the sensitivity of our appearance search for ν μ → ν τ oscillations in the NOMAD detector in the…”
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  10. 10

    Search for a new gauge boson in π0 decays by Astier, P., Baldisseri, A., Baldo-Ceolin, M., Ballocchi, G., Banner, M., Bassompierre, G., Benslama, K., Bird, I., Bouchez, J., Boyd, S., Bueno, A., Castera, A., Cattaneo, P.W., Cavasinni, V., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Collazuol, G.M., Conforto, G., Conta, C., Contalbrigo, M., Daniels, D., Santo, A.De, Dignan, T., Lella, L.Di, do Couto e Silva, E., Donnelly, I.J., Dumarchez, J., Fazio, T., Feldman, G.J., Ferrère, D., Fraternali, M., Gaillard, J-M., Galumian, P., Geiser, A., Geppert, D., Gibin, D., Gninenko, S.N., Gomez-Cadenas, J-J., Gosset, J., Gouanère, M., Guglielmi, A., Hernando, J., Hubbard, D., Hyett, N., Kekez, D., Khomenko, B., Klimov, O., Kuznetsov, V., Lanza, A., Laveder, M., Levy, J-M., Linssen, L., Ljubičić, A., Long, J., Lupi, A., Manola-Poggioli, E., Martelli, F., Méchain, X., Mendiburu, J-P., Mezzetto, M., Mishra, S.R., Nédélec, P., Nefedov, Yu, Orestano, D., Peak, L.S., Pennacchio, E., Pessard, H., Petti, R., Placci, A., Pluquet, A., Pope, B.G., Popov, B., Poulsen, C., Rathouit, P., Salvatore, F., Sconza, A., Sevior, M.E., Sillou, D., Sozzi, G., Steele, D., Steffen, P., Stiegler, U., Stolarczyk, T., Tareb-Reyes, M., Tereshchenko, S., Toropin, A.N., Touchard, A-M., Tran, M-T., Uros, V., Valuev, V., Vannucci, F., Varvell, K.E., Veltri, M., Vercesi, V., Vinogradova, T., Volkov, S.A., Weber, F., Weisse, T., Werlen, M., Winton, L.J., Zaccone, H.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-05-1998)
    “…A search was made for a new light gauge boson X which might be produced in π 0→ γ+ X decay from neutral pions generated by 450 GeV protons in the CERN SPS…”
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  11. 11

    Neutron imaging with a Micromegas detector by Jeanneau, F, Junca, R, Pancin, J, Voytchev, M, Andriamonje, S, Dangendorf, V, Espagnon, I, Friedrich, H, Giganon, A, Giomataris, I, Menelle, A, Pluquet, A, Rodriguez, L. R

    Published 21-07-2006
    “…IEEE-TNS, vol. 53, No 2, april 2006, p 595-600 The micropattern gaseous detector Micromegas has been developed for several years in Saclay and presents good…”
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