Search Results - "Pitaevskii, L."
Thermal Lifshitz force between an atom and a conductor with a small density of carriers
Published in Physical review letters (17-10-2008)“…A new theory describing the interaction between atoms and a conductor with small densities of current carriers is presented. The theory takes into account the…”
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Dynamics of dark solitons in a trapped superfluid fermi gas
Published in Physical review letters (06-05-2011)“…We study soliton oscillations in a trapped superfluid Fermi gas across the Bose-Einstein condensate to Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BEC-BCS) crossover. We derive…”
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Measurement of the temperature dependence of the Casimir-Polder force
Published in Physical review letters (09-02-2007)“…We report on the first measurement of a temperature dependence of the Casimir-Polder force. This measurement was obtained by positioning a nearly pure 87Rb…”
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Fast thermalization and Helmholtz oscillations of an ultracold Bose gas
Published in Physical review letters (24-10-2014)“…We analyze theoretically the transport properties of a weakly interacting ultracold Bose gas enclosed in two reservoirs connected by a constriction. We assume…”
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Stabilization of solitons generated by a supersonic flow of Bose-Einstein condensate past an obstacle
Published in Physical review letters (25-04-2008)“…The stability of dark solitons generated by supersonic flow of a Bose-Einstein condensate past an obstacle is investigated. It is shown that in the reference…”
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Thermal vs Quantum Decoherence in Double Well Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates
Published in Physical review letters (29-10-2001)Get full text
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Increasing quantum degeneracy by heating a superfluid
Published in Physical review letters (24-08-2012)“…We consider a uniform superfluid confined in two compartments connected by a superleak and initially held at equal temperatures. If one of the two compartments…”
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Sensitive measurement of forces at the micron scale using Bloch oscillations of ultracold atoms
Published in Physical review letters (26-08-2005)“…We show that Bloch oscillations of ultracold fermionic atoms in the periodic potential of an optical lattice can be used for a sensitive measurement of forces…”
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Interacting fermions in highly elongated harmonic traps
Published in Physical review letters (30-07-2004)“…Quasi-one-dimensional two-component Fermi gases with effectively attractive and repulsive interactions are characterized for arbitrary interaction strength…”
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Macroscopic dynamics of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of 1D and 2D optical lattices
Published in Physical review letters (06-05-2002)“…The hydrodynamic equations of superfluids for a weakly interacting Bose gas are generalized to include the effects of periodic optical potentials produced by…”
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Expansion of a coherent array of Bose-Einstein condensates
Published in Physical review letters (26-11-2001)“…We investigate the properties of a coherent array containing about 200 Bose-Einstein condensates produced in a far detuned 1D optical lattice. The density…”
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The decay and collisions of dark solitons in superfluid Fermi gases
Published in New journal of physics (20-02-2012)“…We study soliton collisions and the decay of solitons into sound in superfluid Fermi gases across the Bose-Einstein condensate to Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer…”
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First and second sound in cylindrically trapped gases
Published in Physical review letters (08-10-2010)“…We investigate the propagation of density and temperature waves in a cylindrically trapped gas with radial harmonic confinement. Starting from two-fluid…”
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Formation of molecules near a Feshbach resonance in a 1D optical lattice
Published in Physical review letters (05-08-2005)“…We study the molecular behavior of two atoms interacting near a Feshbach resonance in the presence of a 1D periodic potential. The critical value of the…”
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Elementary Excitations in Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensed Gases Beyond the Mean-Field Approximation
Published in Physical review letters (23-11-1998)Get full text
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Insulating behavior of a trapped ideal Fermi gas
Published in Physical review letters (17-09-2004)“…We investigate theoretically and experimentally the center-of-mass motion of an ideal Fermi gas in a combined periodic and harmonic potential. We find a…”
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Interference of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Momentum Space
Published in Physical review letters (22-11-1999)Get full text
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Tkachenko oscillations and the compressibility of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate
Published in Physical review letters (04-06-2004)“…The elastic oscillations of the vortex lattice of a cold Bose gas (Tkachenko modes) are shown to play a crucial role in the saturation of the compressibility…”
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Thermodynamics of a Trapped Bose-Condensed Gas
Published in Journal of low temperature physics (01-10-1997)“…The mean field theory for nonuniform systems at finite temperature (T) is formulated based on the generalization of Bogoliubov theory for uniform gases and the…”
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Umklapp collisions and center-of-mass oscillations of a trapped Fermi gas
Published in Physical review letters (09-07-2004)“…Starting from the Boltzmann equation, we study the center-of-mass oscillation of a harmonically trapped normal Fermi gas in the presence of a one-dimensional…”
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