Search Results - "Pimentel, Róberson"
Influence of Temperature on the Development of Peach Fruit in a Subtropical Climate Region
Published in Agronomy (Basel) (01-01-2019)“…Understanding the growing process and fruit size differences among peach cultivars is extremely important in the technological domain of the crop and can…”
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Heart-of-palm byproduct for lactating cows
Published in Journal of Applied Animal Research (01-01-2020)“…Research on the use of heart of palm by-product (HPB) as a feed for dairy cattle is needed since it is a low-cost alternative in addition avoiding…”
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Silage from heart-of-palm waste produced from Alexander palm tree
Published in Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias (01-01-2019)“…Background: Production of heart-of-palm from Alexander palm tree generates a waste that could be used as silage for feeding ruminants. Objective: To evaluate…”
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Replacing of residue from production of palm Palm Royal Australian (Archontophoenix alexan- drae) in silage of sugar cane in diets of sheep
Published in Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (01-12-2014)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, voluntary intake and apparent digestibility of the diets containing residue from palm heart of…”
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Growth of the energy crop giant reed (Arundo donax L.) and optimization of the ARMIDA model in the south-central region of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Published in Industrial crops and products (01-05-2024)“…The impact of fossil fuels on greenhouse gas generation has intensified the study of new renewable energy sources such as energy crops. Arundo donax L. is one…”
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In vitro degradation dynamics of neutral detergent fiber and silage quality of waste from production of heart of palm of peach palm
Published in Revista brasileira de saúde e produção animal (2021)“…ABSTRACT The objective of the present work was to evaluate the chemical composition, fermentation profile, and degradation parameters of the neutral detergent…”
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Chemical composition and fermentative parameters of heart of palm waste produced from Alexander Palm ensiled with chemical additives
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-06-2017)“…ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and the fermentative parameters of heart of palm waste produced from Alexander…”
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Soil organic carbon stocks in a Brazilian Oxisol under different pasture systems
Published in Tropical grasslands-Forrajes tropicales (01-03-2014)Get full text
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Signal grass structure at different sites of the same pasture under three grazing intensities
Published in Acta scientiarum. Animal sciences (01-03-2013)“…The experiment was conducted to evaluate Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk at different sites of the same pasture featuring varying grazing intensities (under…”
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Effects of weed plants on tiller characteristics in brachiaria pasture
Published in Boletim de indústria animal (01-06-2016)“…The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the weed Solanum sisymbriifolium (sticky nightshade) on the number and characteristics of Urochloa…”
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Published in Ciência Agrícola (28-12-2017)“…Durante os períodos de outubro a dezembro de 2012 e setembro a dezembro de 2013, avaliou-se o efeito residual da adubação nitrogenada (0, 40, 80 e 120 kg…”
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Substituição do resíduo da produção de palmito da Palmeira Real Australiana (Archontophoenix alexandrae) na silagem de cana-de-açúcar em dietas de ovinos
Published in Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (01-12-2014)“…Objetivou-se avaliar a composição química, consumo voluntário e digestibilidade aparente de dietas contendo resíduo oriundo da produção de palmito da palmeira…”
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Ecofisiologia de plantas forrageiras
Published in PUBVET (31-08-2016)“…The study was conducted in order to conduct a review of the importance of ecophysiology of forage plants, to address the impacts of biotic and abiotic factors…”
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Signal grass structure at different sites of the same pasture under three grazing intensities - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v35i1.11801
Published in Acta scientiarum. Animal sciences (01-10-2012)“…The experiment was conducted to evaluate Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk at different sites of the same pasture featuring varying grazing intensities (under…”
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Signal grass structure at different sites of the same pasture under three grazing intensities/Estrutura do capim-braquiaria em locais de um mesmo pasto com tres intensidades de pastejo
Published in Acta scientiarum. Animal sciences (01-01-2013)“…The experiment was conducted to evaluate Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk at different sites of the same pasture featuring varying grazing intensities (under…”
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Características estruturais do pasto de capim-braquiária de acordo com a localização das fezes
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-10-2010)“…Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da localização das fezes de bovinos sobre as características de perfilhos vegetativos e reprodutivos, a massa dos componentes da…”
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Estrutura do pasto de capim-braquiária com variação de alturas
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-10-2010)“…Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar as características estruturais da Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk. Foram avaliadas quatro alturas de…”
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Structure of signalgrass in relation to weeds/Estrutura do capim-braquiaria em relacao a planta daninha
Published in Acta scientiarum. Animal sciences (01-07-2011)“…The objective of this study was to evaluate the structural characteristics of Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk in relation to Solanum sisymbrifolium in…”
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Estrutura do capim-braquiária em relação à planta daninha
Published in Acta scientiarum. Animal sciences (08-06-2011)Get full text
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Número e peso de perfilhos no pasto de capim-braquiária sob lotação contínua
Published in Acta scientiarum. Animal sciences (29-04-2011)Get full text
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