Search Results - "Pike, Adrian W"
Lipophilic Siderophores of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Prevent Cardiac Reperfusion Injury
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (28-04-1998)“…Reperfusion injury, which occurs upon the reintroduction of blood flow to an ischemic organ, is responsible for considerable damage in heart attacks and…”
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Systemic Absorption of Food Dye in Patients with Sepsis
Published in The New England journal of medicine (05-10-2000)“…To the Editor: Critically ill patients who are receiving enteral feeding are susceptible to pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents. Measures to enhance the…”
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An in vivo study of ovine placental transport of essential amino acids
Published in American journal of physiology: endocrinology and metabolism (01-01-2001)“…Under normal physiological conditions, essential amino acids (EA) are transported from mother to fetus at different rates. The mechanisms underlying these…”
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Semi-micro quantitative analysis of complex urinary steroid mixtures in healthy and diseased states
Published in Journal of chromatography (01-01-1984)“…A method for the determination of urinary steroid hormones in healthy and diseased states is described. The use of a Van den Berg all-glass injector coupled to…”
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Measurement of diethylstilbestrol in plasma from patients with cancer of the prostate
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (01-11-1981)“…A specific radioimmunoassay has been developed for diethylstilbestrol (DES), using an antiserum raised against DES monocarboxymethyl ether and a…”
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Progesterone metabolism in T47Dco human breast cancer cells--II. Intracellular metabolic path of progesterone and synthetic progestins
Published in Journal of steroid biochemistry (01-12-1986)“…We show here that progesterone added to the medium of proliferating T47Dco human breast cancer cells is metabolized with a half life of 2-4h. The final…”
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Leucine metabolism in chronically hypoglycemic hypoinsulinemic growth-restricted fetal sheep
Published in The American journal of physiology (01-01-1997)“…We measured leucine flux rates during infusions of L-[1-14C]- and L-[1-13C] in fetal sheep exposed to maternal insulin-induced hypoglycemia over the last 8 wk…”
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Ovine Placental and Fetal Arginine Metabolism at Normal and Elevated Maternal Plasma Arginine Concentrations † 1577
Published in Pediatric research (01-04-1998)Get full text
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Published in Pediatric research (01-04-1985)Get full text
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Identification of 20 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-3-one and 20 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-3-one in human pregnancy urine
Published in Journal of steroid biochemistry (01-02-1989)“…20 beta-Hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-3-one and 20 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-3-one were isolated and identified from a pool of urine collected from women in the…”
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Gas chromatography mass spectrometry of androstanolones as methyl oxime, tert-butyldimethylsilyl ether derivatives
Published in Biomedical mass spectrometry (01-03-1981)Get more information
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Analyses of steroids in saliva using highly selective mass spectrometric techniques
Published in Biomedical mass spectrometry (01-11-1980)“…Highly selective techniques of gas chromatography mass spectrometry have been used in the unequivocal identification of salivary steroids at concentrations…”
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Analysis of testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone in saliva by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Published in Steroids (01-08-1980)“…Testosterone and 3 beta-hydroxyandrost-5-en-17-one (dehydroepiandrosterone) have been identified in human parotid fluid and saliva by gas chromatography-mass…”
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