Search Results - "Phillips, P. L."

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  1. 1

    Artificial diets used in mass production of the New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax by Chen, H, Chaudhury, M. F, Sagel, A, Phillips, P. L, Skoda, S. R

    Published in Journal of applied entomology (1986) (01-11-2014)
    “…The New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), has been eradicated from North and Central America using the sterile…”
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    Impact strength of optically transparent glass ribbon composites by Velez, M, Braisted, WR, Frank, GJ, Phillips, PL, Day, DE, McLaughlin, MD

    Published in Journal of composite materials (01-07-2012)
    “…Optically transparent ribbon-composite (OTRC) panels were made by reinforcing a clear polymer matrix with glass ribbons of matching refractive index. These…”
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    Long-term outcome of hypothalamic/chiasmatic astrocytomas in children treated with conservative surgery by SUTTON, L. N, MOLLOY, P. T, SERNYAK, H, GOLDWEIN, J, PHILLIPS, P. L, RORKE, L. B, MOSHANG, T, LANGE, B, PACKER, R. J

    Published in Journal of neurosurgery (01-10-1995)
    “…The feasibility of radical surgery for astrocytomas of the optic chiasm/hypothalamus has been reported by several groups. Such surgery carries significant…”
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  4. 4

    Direct measurement of optical phase in the near field by Phillips, P. L., Knight, J. C., Pottage, J. M., Kakarantzas, G., Russell, P. St. J.

    Published in Applied physics letters (31-01-2000)
    “…To fully characterize photonic crystal guided wave optical devices, one needs to measure the spatial variation of both the phase and amplitude of the…”
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    Modelling Strategies for Property Identification Based on Full-Field Surface Displacement Data by Phillips, P. L., Brockman, R. A., John, R.

    Published in Strain (01-04-2012)
    “…:  The use of full‐field displacement measurements in mechanical testing provides detailed response information that can be used, in conjunction with modelling…”
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    Glancing-Angle Neutron Diffraction from Smectic C Liquid-Crystal Surfaces by Phillips, P. L., Richardson, R. M., Cubitt, R., Haslam, S. D.

    Published in Journal of applied crystallography (01-12-1997)
    “…Glancing‐angle neutron diffraction has been used to study the variation in smectic layer tilt in high‐ and low‐pretilt smectic C cells with distance from the…”
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    Adult Age Differences in Memory for Massed and Distributed Repeated Actions by Kausler, Donald H, Wiley, Judith G, Phillips, Patricia L

    Published in Psychology and aging (01-12-1990)
    “…Adult age differences in memory for actions were investigated in 2 experiments in which actions were repeated with massed or distributed spacing. In Experiment…”
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    Variation in external context and adult age differences in action memory by Phillips, P L, Kausler, D H

    Published in Experimental aging research (01-03-1992)
    “…Adult age differences were determined for the memory and retention of the content of actions. Variation in the physical context from the time of performance of…”
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  9. 9

    Simulation of soil water above a water table in a forested Spodosol by Phillips, L. P., Comerford, N. B., Mansell, R. S., Neary, D. G.

    Published in Soil Science Society of America journal (01-07-1989)
    “…The relationships between soil water potential and water table depth in the upper five horizons of an Ultic Haplaquod of the lower Coastal Plain flatwoods are…”
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    Preliminary evaluation of an employer-sponsored mammography screening program by Bodner, K M, Bond, G G, Phillips, P L, Bollinger, L J, Lipps, T E, Cook, R R

    Published in Journal of occupational medicine (01-08-1992)
    “…Recognizing the importance of early detection of breast cancer, the Dow Chemical Company initiated a breast cancer awareness program in 1988. Evaluation of…”
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  11. 11

    Pressure drop and service life predictions for respirator canisters by Osmond, N M, Phillips, P L

    “…Respirator canister designers and manufacturers have a responsibility to provide canisters with increasingly higher capacity and longer service life due to…”
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  12. 12

    Artificial diets used in mass production of the N ew W orld screwworm, C ochliomyia hominivorax by Chen, H., Chaudhury, M. F., Sagel, A., Phillips, P. L., Skoda, S. R.

    Published in Journal of applied entomology (1986) (01-11-2014)
    “…The New World screwworm, C ochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) ( D iptera: C alliphoridae), has been eradicated from North and Central A merica using the sterile…”
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  13. 13

    An investigation of the porosity and surface roughness of liquid crystal alignment layers using neutron reflectivity by PHILLIPS, P. L., RICHARDSON, R. M., ZARBAKHSH, A., HASLAM, S. D.

    Published in Liquid crystals (01-11-1997)
    “…Neutron reflectivity has been used to investigate the porosity and surface roughness of three different liquid crystal alignment layers to elucidate how they…”
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    Endocytosis of erythrocytes in vivo and particulate substances in vitro by feline neoplastic mast cells by Madewell, B.R, Munn, R.J, Phillips, L.P

    Published in Canadian journal of veterinary research (01-10-1987)
    “…Clinical evidence for the phagocytic capability of neoplastic feline mast cells was provided by recognition of endocytosed erythrocytes in seven of 12…”
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    Instructional variation and adult age differences in activity memory by Kausler, D H, Phillips, P L

    Published in Experimental aging research (01-12-1988)
    “…Recall of a series of 12 activities was compared for young and elderly subjects performing under four instructional conditions: incidental memory, standard…”
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  18. 18

    Seasonal and Spatial Distributions of Adult Screwworms (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in the Panama Canal Area, Republic of Panama by Phillips, P L, Welch, J B, Kramer, M

    Published in Journal of medical entomology (01-01-2004)
    “…The distribution of screwworms, Cochliomyia hominivorax , (Coquerel) was studied in a seasonally moist lowland tropical forest in the Republic of Panama using…”
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  19. 19

    Spatial Asymmetry in Tree-shrub Clusters in a Subtropical Savanna by Phillips, P L, Barnes, P W

    Published in The American midland naturalist (01-01-2003)
    “…Plateau live oak (Quercus virginiana var. fusiformis) is thought to act as a nurse plant to other woody species in the upland savannas of the Edwards Plateau…”
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