Search Results - "Petrie, T W"
Plasma surface interactions in impurity seeded plasmas
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-08-2011)“…With tokamak devices developing towards higher heating powers, and carbon plasma facing components being increasingly replaced by high-Z materials like…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding -
Compatibility of the radiating divertor with high performance plasmas in DIII-D
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (15-06-2007)“…A radiating divertor approach was successfully applied to high performance ‘hybrid’ plasmas [M.R. Wade et al., in: Proceedings of the 20th IAEA Fusion Energy…”
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Toroidally resolved structure of divertor heat flux in RMP H-mode discharges on DIII-D
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-08-2011)“…As shown on DIII-D edge localized modes (ELMs) can be either completely eliminated or mitigated with resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) fields. Two infrared…”
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First results examining the compatibility of RMP ELM suppression with the radiating divertor in DIII-D
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-08-2011)“…We report on recent DIII-D experiments that integrate edge localized mode (ELM) suppression using resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) with divertor heat…”
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Fluid modeling of an ELMing H-mode and a RMP H-mode
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (15-06-2009)“…In this paper, we investigate the role of wall conditions during the density pump-out observed in Resonant Magnetic Perturbation (RMP) experiments. We use a 2D…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding -
Experimental comparison of recycling and pumping changes during resonant magnetic perturbation experiments at low and high collisionality in DIII-D
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (15-06-2009)“…Resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) have been shown to successfully suppress edge localized modes (ELMs) in the DIII-D tokamak. A previous study of target…”
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Characterization of chemical sputtering using the Mark II DiMES porous plug injector in attached and semi-detached divertor plasmas of DIII-D
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (15-06-2009)“…An improved, self-contained gas injection system for the divertor material evaluation system (DiMES) on DIII-D has been employed for in situ study of chemical…”
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Sensitivity of injected argon behavior to changes in magnetic balance in double-null plasmas in DIII-D
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (15-06-2009)“…Recent DIII-D experiments show that both magnetic balance and particle drifts are important to understanding how argon impurities accumulate in balanced and…”
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Heat flux management via advanced magnetic divertor configurations and divertor detachment
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-08-2015)“…The snowflake divertor (SFD) control and detachment control to manage the heat flux at the divertor are successfully demonstrated at DIII-D. Results of the…”
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Radiative snowflake divertor studies in DIII-D
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-08-2015)“…Recent DIII-D experiments assessed the snowflake divertor (SF) configuration in a radiative regime in H-mode discharges with D2 seeding. The SF configuration…”
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Physics basis for the advanced tokamak fusion power plant, ARIES-AT
Published in Fusion engineering and design (2006)“…The advanced tokamak is considered as the basis for a fusion power plant. The ARIES-AT design has an aspect ratio of A ≡ R / a = 4.0 , an elongation and…”
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Application of the radiating divertor approach to innovative tokamak divertor concepts
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-08-2015)“…We survey the results of recent DIII-D experiments that tested the effectiveness of three innovative tokamak divertor concepts in reducing divertor heat flux…”
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Assessment of the poloidal distribution of core plasma fueling and impurity sources in DIII-D
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-03-2005)“…Measurements and modeling of the 2D poloidal Dα intensity distribution in DIII-D low density L-mode and medium density ELMy H-mode plasmas indicate that the…”
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Regime of very high confinement in the boronized DIII-D Tokamak
Published in Physical review letters (25-11-1991)“…Following boronization, tokamak discharges in DIII-D have been obtained with confinement times up to a factor of 3.5 above the ITER89-P {ital L}-mode scaling…”
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Effect of separatrix magnetic geometry on divertor behavior in DIII-D
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-07-2013)“…We report on recent experiments on DIII-D that examined the effects that variations in the parallel connection length in the scrape-off layer (SOL), L||, and…”
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Distributed Divertor Radiation through Convection in DIII-D
Published in Physical review letters (23-06-1997)Get full text
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Effect of B-field dependent particle drifts on ELM behavior in the DIII-D boundary plasma
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-03-2005)“…Edge localized mode (ELM) effects in the DIII-D pedestal and boundary plasmas were measured with multiple fast diagnostics in matched, lower single-null,…”
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Variation in particle pumping due to changes in topology in high performance DIII-D plasmas
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-03-2005)“…Recent experiments on DIII-D point to the importance of two factors in determining the rate at which deuterium particles can be pumped at the divertor…”
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Overview of the recent DiMES and MiMES experiments in DIII-D
Published in Physica scripta (01-12-2009)Get full text
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Simulation of Edge Plasmas in DIII-D Double-Null Configurations
Published in Contributions to plasma physics (1985) (01-04-2002)“…We present fluid model simulation results for the edge plasma in the DIII‐D tokamak with unbalanced double‐null magnetic configurations, including cross field…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding