Search Results - "Pereira da Silva, Maynara Priscila"
Exploring the Networks of Relationships Between the 5Cs of Positive Youth Development Through Sport
Published in Acta colombiana de psicología (01-01-2024)“…The theoretical 5Cs model (character, confidence, competence, connection and caring) is a promising theory for evaluating Positive Youth Development (PYD)…”
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Bem-estar Subjetivo em praticantes de exercício físico: estrutura e invariância fatorial
Published in Motricidade (01-01-2024)“…O bem-estar subjetivo (BES) tem sido bastante estudado em populações gerais, entretanto, poucos estudos avaliam aspectos relacionados a estrutura interna do…”
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Sport Connection Scale (ECE): Acquiescence Control and Invariance
Published in Psicologia, teoria e pesquisa (2024)“…Abstract The Sports Connection Scale (ECE) is one instrument to assess the connection of the 5C’s model of positive youth development. In a previous study, the…”
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Stress Mindset Measure: A Study of Acquiescence Control and Factor Invariance Between the Regions of Brazil
Published in Paidéia cadernos de Psicologia e Educação (2022)“…Abstract Stress mindset is defined as the belief that stress can lead to enriching or debilitating consequences in different spheres of life. The present…”
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Proposal and validation of a battery of the 5Cs of Positive Youth Development through sport
Published in Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) (2024)“…Abstract Objective This article aimed to propose a battery to measure the theoretical model of the 5Cs of the positive development of young people in sport and…”
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Courage Measure (CM) - Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties for Brazilian Adolescents
Published in Psychological Test Adaptation and Development (18-10-2024)“…The objective of the study was to adapt the Courage Scale and estimate validity evidence based on content and internal structure. The study included 510 young…”
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European health literacy survey questionnaire short form (HLS-Q12): adaptation and evidence of validity for the Brazilian context
Published in Psicologia, reflexão e crítica (06-09-2023)“…Health literacy (HL) refers to knowledge, motivation and skills to understand, evaluate and apply health information, enabling appropriate decision making in…”
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Teamwork Scale for Youth: adaptação transcultural e propriedades psicométricas para o contexto esportivo = Teamwork Scale for Youth: cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties for the sport context = Teamwork Scale for Youth: adaptación transcultural y propiedades psicométricas para el contexto deportivo
Published in Psico : revista semestral do Instituto de Psicologia da PUC Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (01-01-2023)“…A pesquisa teve como objetivo adaptar a Teamwork Scale for Youth (TSY) para o contexto esportivo brasileiro, estimar as primeiras evidências de validade com…”
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Paixão pelo Trabalho e Workaholismo: Explorando o Papel Mediador da Persistência
Published in Revista Psicologia (2023)Get full text
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Teamwork Scale for Youth: Adaptação transcultural e propriedades psicométricas para o contexto esportivo
Published in Psico : revista semestral do Instituto de Psicologia da PUC Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (02-01-2024)“…A pesquisa teve como objetivo adaptar a Teamwork Scale for Youth (TSY) para o contexto esportivo brasileiro, estimar as primeiras evidências de validade com…”
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Escala de Conexão no Esporte (ECE): Controle de Aquiescência e Invariância
Published in Psicologia, teoria e pesquisa (2024)“…Resumo A Escala de Conexão no Esporte (ECE) é um dos instrumentos para avaliar a conexão no modelo dos 5C’s do desenvolvimento positivo de jovens. Em estudo…”
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Escala de Estado de Mindfulness para Atividade Física: novas evidências de validade
Published in Psicologia em Pesquisa (30-09-2021)“…Teve-se como objetivo estimar evidências de validade com base na relação com variáveis externaspara a Escala de Estado de Mindfulness para Atividade Física…”
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