Search Results - "Penney, Gaylord W."
Photoionization and breakdown
Published in Annual Report 1962 Conference on Electrical Insulation (01-10-1962)“…For some time it has been recognized that in the Townsend mechanism of breakdown, radiation is the only mechanism that appears to be fast enough to account for…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Photoionization as the Secondary Mechanism in a Townsend Breakdown in Air
Published in 1982 Annual Meeting Industry Applications Society (01-10-1982)“…In a Townsend breakdown, a radiative secondary mechanism is necessary to explain the speed at which breakdown occurs. The simulations reported here indicate…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Movement of Dust between Electrodes in an Electrostatically Augmented Fabric Filter
Published in 1982 Annual Meeting Industry Applications Society (01-10-1982)“…An electric field normal to a fabric filter is used to improve the performance of the filter, but unfortunately this field provides a force tending to pull…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Movement of Dust Between Electrodes in an Electrostatically Augmented Fabric Filter
Published in IEEE transactions on industry applications (01-03-1985)“…An electric field normal to a fabric filter is used to improve the performance of the filter, but unfortunately, this field provides a force tending to pull…”
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Parallel and Turbulent Flow Precipitator Efficiencies for Distributions of Particle Mobilities
Published in IEEE transactions on industry applications (01-01-1982)“…Regimes of parallel and turbulent flow in a parallel plate precipitator are discussed as theoretical idealizations. Particle trajectories and resultant…”
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Experimental Investigation of Electrostatic Effects in the Adhesion of Dry Dusts
Published in 1982 Annual Meeting Industry Applications Society (01-10-1982)“…The work reported here is motivated by the supposition that in electrostatic precipitation, electrostatic forces arising from contact potential differences are…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Correlations of Single-Stage and Cascaded Two-Stage Single-Stage Precipitation Efficiencies to Particle Resistivity
Published in IEEE transactions on industry applications (01-01-1984)“…Precipitation efficiencies for redispersed welding smoke are measured as functions of humidity and hence resistivity for a single-stage precipitator and for a…”
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Electrostatic precipitation studies at Carnegie Institute of Technology
Published in Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association (01-09-1967)Get more information
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Experimental Investigation of Electrostatic Effects in the Adhesion of Dry Dusts
Published in IEEE transactions on industry applications (01-01-1984)“…It is supposed that in two-stage electrostatic precipitation, electrostatic forces arising from contact potential differences are important in the adhesion of…”
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Role of adhesion in electrostatic precipitation
Published in Archives of environmental health (01-03-1962)Get more information
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Sparkover as influenced by surface conditions in D-C Corona
Published in Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part 1. Communication and electronics (01-05-1960)“…Sparkover between clean electrodes has been investigated extensively but it is found that sparkover between contaminated electrodes exhibits very different…”
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Potentials in D-C corona fields
Published in Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part 1. Communication and electronics (01-05-1960)“…A probe method has been devised for measuring potentials in d-c corona fields which are uniform for a short distance in one direction. In unipolar corona, a…”
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Some measurements of abnormal corona
Published in Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part 1. Communication and electronics (01-07-1958)“…Corona is universally used for charging particles in electrostatic precipitation. In normal corona there is a glow at the active electrode, usually a wire,…”
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Measurements of charge imparted to fine particles by a corona discharge
Published in Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part 1. Communication and electronics (01-07-1957)“…IN electrostatic precipitation the diffusion mechanism of charging fine particles is extremely difficult to treat mathematically unless rather drastic…”
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Correlations of Single-Stage and Cascaded Two-Stage, Single-Stage Precipitation Efficiencies to Particle Resistivity
Published in 1982 Annual Meeting Industry Applications Society (01-10-1982)“…Precipitation efficiencies for redispersed welding smoke are measured as functions of humidity and hence resistivity for a single-stage precipitator and for a…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Charging of Fine Particles in Negative Corona near Sparkover
Published in IEEE transactions on industry applications (01-07-1974)“…The conventional theory for the charging of fine particles assumes that only ions are responsible for particle charging. Thus, the possibility of the presence…”
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A theoretical analysis of the effects of an electric field on the charging of fine particles
Published in Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part 1. Communication and electronics (01-09-1959)“…Recent measurements of charge imparted to fine particles by unipolar ions in a strong electric field have shown that this charge is appreciably higher than…”
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Effect of Capacitance on Electrostatic Precipitator Operating Voltage
Published in IEEE transactions on industry and general applications (01-05-1971)“…Pilot plant precipitators can usually operate at much higher voltages than the equipment they are meant to simulate. A possible reason for the difference in…”
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Ionization of a gas by radiation from a discharge
Published in Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part 1. Communication and electronics (01-01-1963)“…Measurements of ionization of a gas by radiation from the positive column of a glow discharge indicated that ionizing radiation is produced primarily by…”
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Influence of Mechanical Collection on Electrostatic Precipitator Sparkover Voltage---A Laboratory Simulation
Published in IEEE transactions on industry and general applications (01-05-1971)“…Experiments were conducted to study the effects that a mechanical collector might have on sparkover voltage in an electro-static precipitator located…”
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