Search Results - "Pedis, D de"

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    The small-angle performance of a dual-readout fiber calorimeter by Cardini, A., Cascella, M., Choi, S., De Pedis, D., Ferrari, R., Franchino, S., Gaudio, G., Ha, S., Hauptman, J., La Rotonda, L., Lee, S., Li, F., Livan, M., Meoni, E., Scuri, F., Sill, A., Wigmans, R.

    “…The performance of the RD52 dual-readout calorimeter is measured for very small angles of incidence between the 20GeV electron beam particles and the direction…”
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    First measurements of inclusive W and Z cross sections from run II of the fermilab tevatron collider by Acosta, D, Affolder, T, Akimoto, T, Albrow, M G, Ambrose, D, Amerio, S, Amidei, D, Anastassov, A, Anikeev, K, Annovi, A, Antos, J, Aoki, M, Apollinari, G, Arisawa, T, Arguin, J-F, Artikov, A, Ashmanskas, W, Attal, A, Azfar, F, Azzi-Bacchetta, P, Bacchetta, N, Bachacou, H, Badgett, W, Barbaro-Galtieri, A, Barker, G J, Barnes, V E, Barnett, B A, Baroiant, S, Barone, M, Bauer, G, Bedeschi, F, Behari, S, Belforte, S, Bellettini, G, Bellinger, J, Benjamin, D, Beretvas, A, Bhatti, A, Binkley, M, Bisello, D, Bishai, M, Blair, R E, Blocker, C, Bloom, K, Blumenfeld, B, Bocci, A, Bodek, A, Bolla, G, Bolshov, A, Booth, P S L, Bortoletto, D, Boudreau, J, Bourov, S, Bromberg, C, Brubaker, E, Budagov, J, Budd, H S, Burkett, K, Busetto, G, Bussey, P, Byrum, K L, Cabrera, S, Calafiura, P, Campanelli, M, Campbell, M, Canepa, A, Casarsa, M, Carlsmith, D, Carron, S, Carosi, R, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Castro, A, Catastini, P, Cauz, D, Cerri, A, Cerri, C, Cerrito, L, Chapman, J, Chen, C, Chen, Y C, Chertok, M, Chiarelli, G, Chlachidze, G, Chlebana, F, Cho, I, Cho, K, Chokheli, D, Chu, M L, Chuang, S, Chung, J Y, Chung, W-H, Chung, Y S, Ciobanu, C I, Ciocci, M A, Clark, A G, Clark, D, Coca, M, Connolly, A, Convery, M, Conway, J

    Published in Physical review letters (11-03-2005)
    “…We report the first measurements of inclusive W and Z cross sections times leptonic branching ratios for pp collisions at square root[s]=1.96 TeV, based on…”
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    Measurement of the cross-section of high transverse momentum vector bosons reconstructed as single jets and studies of jet substructure in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector by Aad, G, Abajyan, T, Abbott, B, Abdallah, J, Khalek, S Abdel, Abdinov, O, Aben, R, Abi, B, Abolins, M, AbouZeid, O S, Abramowicz, H, Abreu, H, Abulaiti, Y, Acharya, B S, Adamczyk, L, Adams, D L, Addy, T N, Adelman, J, Adomeit, S, Adye, T, Agatonovic-Jovin, T, Aguilar-Saavedra, J A, Agustoni, M, Ahlen, S P, Ahmadov, F, Aielli, G, Åkesson, T P A, Akimoto, G, Akimov, A V, Albert, J, Albrand, S, Alconada Verzini, M J, Aleksa, M, Aleksandrov, I N, Alexa, C, Alexander, G, Alexandre, G, Alexopoulos, T, Alhroob, M, Alimonti, G, Alio, L, Alison, J, Allbrooke, B M M, Allison, L J, Allport, P P, Allwood-Spiers, S E, Almond, J, Aloisio, A, Alon, R, Alonso, A, Alonso, F, Alpigiani, C, Altheimer, A, Gonzalez, B Alvarez, Alviggi, M G, Amako, K, Coutinho, Y Amaral, Amelung, C, Ammosov, V V, Amor Dos Santos, S P, Amorim, A, Amoroso, S, Amram, N, Amundsen, G, Anastopoulos, C, Ancu, L S, Andari, N, Andeen, T, Anders, C F, Anders, G, Anderson, K J, Andreazza, A, Andrei, V, Anduaga, X S, Angelidakis, S, Anger, P, Angerami, A, Anghinolfi, F, Anisenkov, A V, Anjos, N, Annovi, A, Antonaki, A, Antonelli, M, Antonov, A, Antos, J, Anulli, F, Aoki, M, Aperio Bella, L, Apolle, R, Arabidze, G, Aracena, I, Arai, Y, Arce, A T H, Arguin, J-F, Argyropoulos, S, Arik, E, Arik, M, Armbruster, A J, Arnaez, O, Arnal, V

    Published in New journal of physics (04-11-2014)
    “…This article presents a measurement of the cross-section for high transverse momentum W and Z bosons produced in pp collisions and decaying to all-hadronic…”
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    Polynomial representation of Fermat's Last Theorem by De Pedis, D

    Published 03-05-2011
    “…We propose a new approach at Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT) solution: for each FLT equation we associate a polynomial of the same degree. The study of the roots…”
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    Status of the ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger and Muon Barrel Trigger and First Results from Cosmic-Ray Data by Aielli, G., Antonelli, S., Ask, S., Bellagamba, L., Ben Amii, S., Benhammou, Y., Berge, D., Bianco, M., Biglietti, M.G., Bressler, S., Bruni, G., Buda, S., Camarri, P., Canale, V., Caracinha, D., Cardarelli, R., Carlino, G., Chiodini, G., Constantin, S., Conventi, F., Della Pietra, M., Della Volpe, D., Dogaru, M., De Pedis, D., Di Girolamo, A., DiCiaccio, A., Di Mattia, A., Etzion, E., Farthouat, P., Fukunaga, C., Gallno, P., Gorini, E., Grancagnolo, F., Haller, J., Hasegawa, Y., Ikeno, M., Iengo, P., Ishino, M., Iwasaki, H., Kadosaka, T., Kajomovitz, E., Kanaya, N., Kawagoe, K., Kiyamura, H., Klofver, P., Kobayashi, T., Kohno, T., Krasznahorkay, A., Kubota, T., Kurashige, H., Kuwabara, T., Lellouch, D., Levinson, L., Liberti, B., Luci, C., Lupu, N., Marchese, F., Messina, A., Mikenberg, G., Migliaccio, A., Niwa, T., Nomachi, M., Nomoto, H., Nozaki, M., Ochi, A., Ohm, C., Omachi, C., Oshita, H., Patricelli, S., Perantoni, M., Lima, H.P., Petrolo, E., Pasqualucci, E., Pectu, M., Perrino, R., Primavera, M., Rosati, S., Salamon, A., Sakamoto, H., Santonico, R., Sasaki, O., Schuler, G., de Seixas, J.M., Sekhniaidze, G., Solfaroli, E., Spagnolo, S., Spila, F., Spiwoks, R., Sugaya, Y., Sugimoto, T., Takahashi, Y., Takeda, H., Takeshita, T., Tanaka, S., Tomoto, M., Treidel, O.B., Vari, R., Veneziano, S., Yasu, Y., Zanello, L.

    “…The ATLAS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be exposed to proton-proton collisions from beams crossing at 40 MHz. A three-level trigger…”
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    Measurement of σΛb0/σB¯0×B(Λb0→Λc+π-)/B(B¯0→D+π-) in pp¯Collisions at s=1.96 TeV by Abulencia, A., Albrow, M. G., Ambrose, D., Annovi, A., Ashmanskas, W., Azzi-Bacchetta, P., Bacchetta, N., Bedeschi, F., Behari, S., Belloni, A., Beringer, J., Bhatti, A., Boudreau, J., Brigliadori, L., Cabrera, S., Carosi, R., Castro, A., Catastini, P., Chlachidze, G., Chung, W. H., Cortiana, G., Crescioli, F., Deisher, A., Fedorko, I., Fedorko, W. T., Feindt, M., Field, R., Foland, A., Gallinaro, M., Giurgiu, G., Glagolev, V., Goshaw, A. T., Handler, R., Happacher, F., Hare, M., Hirschbuehl, D., Husemann, U., Huston, J., Jensen, H., Karchin, P. E., Kato, Y., Kephart, R., Kerzel, U., Kim, H. S., Kim, J. E., Kim, S. B., Kim, Y. K., Knuteson, B., Kovalev, A., Kraan, A. C., Kraus, J., Levy, S., Lysak, R., Mack, P., Margaroli, F., Marginean, R., Martin, A., Matsunaga, H., Merkel, P., Mesropian, C., Miao, T., Naganoma, J., Necula, V., Oh, Y. D., Oksuzian, I., Okusawa, T., Oldeman, R., Parks, B., Penzo, A., Pondrom, L., Punzi, G., Rademacker, J., Robson, A., Santi, L., Sarkar, S., Sartori, L., Schwarz, T., Scodellaro, L., Semenov, A., Shapiro, M. D., Shochet, M., Sidoti, A., Sliwa, K., Smith, J. R., Takeuchi, Y., Takikawa, K., Tecchio, M., Terashi, K., Tkaczyk, S., Torretta, D., Trischuk, W., Tseng, J., Vázquez, F., Vilar, R., Vine, T., Wagner, W., Wester, W. C., Wicklund, A. B., Yeh, G. P., Yorita, K.

    Published in Physical review letters (19-03-2007)
    “…Here, we present the first observation of the baryon decay $Λ^{0}_{b}$ → $Λ^{+}_{c}$$⁢π^-$ followed by $Λ^{+}_{c}$ → $pK^-$$⁢π^+$ in 106 $pb^{-1}$…”
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