Search Results - "Pavlovian journal of biological science"
On learned helplessness
Published in Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science (01-01-2002)“…"Learned helplessness" and its Pavlovian analog, learned irrelevance, are phenomena thought integral to understanding depression, PTSD, psychosomatic…”
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The orienting response, and future directions of its development
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-07-1990)“…The orienting response (OR) is a specific behavioral act directed towards extraction of information from the environment. Head and eye movements represent only…”
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Seeking the source of emotional Stroop interference effects in PTSD: a study of P3s to traumatic words
Published in Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science (01-01-1997)“…We investigated the source of emotional Stroop interference effects in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by measuring reaction times and P3 latencies and…”
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Posttraumatic stress disorder: a sensitization reaction
Published in Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science (01-01-1997)“…This article discusses past research bearing on the question of the etiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It argues that PTSD can be adequately…”
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Sustained attention in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder
Published in Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science (01-01-1997)“…There is substantial evidence that PTSD patients have information processing abnormalities for stimuli that are highly relevant to the traumas they have…”
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Internalizing and externalizing characteristics of sexually and/or physically abused children
Published in Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science (01-01-1997)“…This study evaluates the behavioral consequences of childhood abuse (sexual, physical, or both), with particular focus on prevalence of posttraumatic stress…”
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Biochemical pathogenesis of post-traumatic epilepsy
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-04-1990)“…Head trauma is often followed by epilepsy and may be related to the breakdown of red blood cells and hemoglobin within the CNS. Injection of hemoglobin or iron…”
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An event-related brain potential investigation of PTSD and PTSD symptoms in abused children
Published in Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science (01-01-1997)“…We tested 186 children ranging in age from 6 years, 10 months to 13 years, 7 months; 174 suffered either physical and/or sexual abuse, and 12 were nonabused…”
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Stress ulcer and open-field behavior of spontaneously hypertensive, normotensive, and Wistar rats
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-04-1989)“…Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and the normotensive Wistar/Kyoto (WKY) rat were observed, along with Wistar rats (which represent the parent strain),…”
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Biochemistry and neurotoxicology of guanidino compounds. History and recent advances
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-07-1987)“…Guanidino compounds are known to have important biological roles, such as the participation of arginine in ureagenesis, and of creatine in muscular…”
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A pitfall for the expectancy theory of human eyelid conditioning
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-10-1985)“…Two simple eyeblink conditioning experiments with random intermittent reinforcement schedules were performed. In Experiment 1, subjects had to rate their…”
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The orienting response: stimulus factors and response measures
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-07-1990)“…This paper outlines some of the basic ideas of the orienting response (OR) that have developed from the classical writings of E.N. Sokolov, in particular the…”
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Long latency auditory evoked potentials: intensity, inter-stimulus interval, and habituation
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-01-1988)“…Experiment 1 elicited the P1, N1, P2, and N2 components of the long latency auditory evoked potential (AEP) using a 1000 Hz tone presented at 30, 50, or 70 dB…”
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Reaction time task as unconditional stimulus. Comparing aversive and nonaversive unconditional stimuli
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-04-1990)“…Nonaversive unconditional stimuli (USs) are seldom used in human classic conditioning of autonomic responses. One major objection to their use is that they…”
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Current perspectives on posttraumatic stress disorder: from the clinic and the laboratory
Published in Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science (01-01-1997)Get full text
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The OR and significance
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-07-1990)“…A brief review was conducted of past and current research and theory as well as future implications of the problem of significance and the OR. Research and…”
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Patterns of covert speech behavior and phonetic coding
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-01-1989)“…In previous research a discriminative relationship has been established between patterns of covert speech behavior and the phonemic system when processing…”
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Sex differences and bilateral electrodermal activity: a replication
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-10-1989)“…The present study was aimed at replicating the results of a previous work on sex differences and electrodermal asymmetry from our laboratory (Román, et al…”
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Orienting reaction, organizing for action, and emotional processes
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-07-1990)“…In the first half of the sixties, general notions were formulated concerning the functional role of the orienting reaction (OR) in adaptive activity, its…”
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Individual differences in the orienting response: nonresponding in nonclinical samples
Published in Pavlovian journal of biological science (01-07-1990)“…The complete failure of the electrodermal orienting response (OR), although widely studied in clinical samples, has received little systematic attention in…”
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