Search Results - "Pauselli, C"
Seismic Reflection Profiles and Subsurface Geology of the Area Interested by the 2016–2017 Earthquake Sequence (Central Italy)
Published in Tectonics (Washington, D.C.) (01-04-2018)“…Starting from 24 August 2016, a long seismic sequence, including nine Mw > 5.0 earthquakes, struck a wide area of the Central Italy. A large amount of…”
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Thermal conductivity of Triassic evaporites
Published in Geophysical journal international (01-12-2021)“…SUMMARY Evaporites occur in various geological environments: sedimentary basins, orogenic belts, where they often act as tectonic decoupling layers, and as…”
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Integrated GPR and laboratory water content measures of sandy soils: From laboratory to field scale
Published in Construction & building materials (20-01-2018)“…•Integrated analyses were performed to understand water content in unsaturated zone.•We calibrated high-frequency GPR on a controlled soil column at laboratory…”
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Paleoseismological Constraints on the Anghiari Normal Fault (Northern Apennines, Italy) and Potential Implications for the Activity of the Altotiberina Low‐Angle Normal Fault
Published in Tectonics (Washington, D.C.) (01-09-2023)“…The NE‐dipping Anghiari normal fault, bounding to the west the Sansepolcro basin in the Upper Tiber Valley (northern Apennines), is thought to be a synthetic…”
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A new surface heat flow map of the Northern Apennines between latitudes 42.5 and 44.5 N
Published in Geothermics (01-09-2019)“…•A revised surface heat flow map of a sector of the Northern Apennines is presented.•The map is constrained by logs from 174 wells drilled for geothermal and…”
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The role of rheology, crustal structures and lithology in the seismicity distribution of the northern Apennines
Published in Tectonophysics (02-01-2017)“…The Northern Apennines of Italy is a unique area to study active crustal processes due to the availability of high-resolution subsurface geology (deep borehole…”
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Gravity modelling of the Tyrrhenian-Calabrian-Ionian subduction system
Published in Frontiers in earth science (Lausanne) (26-10-2023)“…This study provides a lithospheric-scale model along the Ionian Subduction zone in Southern Italy, contributing to the seismotectonic investigation of a region…”
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Experimental constraints on the rheology, eruption, and emplacement dynamics of analog lavas comparable to Mercury's northern volcanic plains
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Planets (01-07-2017)“…We present new viscosity measurements of a synthetic silicate system considered an analogue for the lava erupted on the surface of Mercury. In particular, we…”
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Tectonostratigraphy of Lake Trasimeno (Italy) and the geological evolution of the Northern Apennines
Published in Tectonophysics (20-09-2010)“…Trasimeno, a ~ 10 km diameter, shallow (< 6 m deep) lake located in the Central Apennines (Italy) was investigated using an integrated geological/geophysical…”
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Kinematic reconstruction of active tectonic and halokinetic structures in the 2021 NW Palagruža earthquake area (Central Adriatic)
Published in Journal of structural geology (01-05-2024)“…In March 2021, a compressional earthquake sequence (mainshock Mw 5.2) occurred in the Central Adriatic Sea, offshore Croatia. The struck area is characterized…”
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The NE-SW Sibari fault zone: A seismic hazard source in Ionian Northern Calabria (Italy)
Published in Tectonophysics (23-02-2024)“…A multidisciplinary approach including archaeological, geophysical, and geological/geomorphological surveys provided pieces of evidence that allowed us to…”
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Ground-penetrating radar signature of Quaternary faulting: a study from the Mt. Pollino region, southern Apennines, Italy
Published in Solid earth (Göttingen) (17-11-2021)“…With the aim of unveiling evidence of Late Quaternary faulting, a series of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) profiles were acquired across the southern portion…”
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The gravity anomaly of Mount Amiata; different approaches for understanding anomaly source distribution
Published in Geophysical journal international (01-11-2017)Get full text
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Using seismic attributes in seismotectonic research: an application to the Norcia Mw=6.5 earthquake (30 October 2016) in central Italy
Published in Solid earth (Göttingen) (16-03-2020)“…In seismotectonic studies, seismic reflection data are a powerful tool to unravel the complex deep architecture of active faults. Such tectonic structures are…”
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Inside the polygonal walls of Amelia (Central Italy): A multidisciplinary data integration, encompassing geodetic monitoring and geophysical prospections
Published in Journal of applied geophysics (01-04-2016)“…We investigate a portion of the ancient (VI and IV centuries BC) polygonal walls of Amelia, in Central Italy. After the collapse of a portion of the walls…”
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Elastic modeling of the Alto Tiberina normal fault (central Italy): geometry and lithological stratification influences on the local stress field
Published in Tectonophysics (09-10-2003)“…Two-dimensional, elastic, plane-strain, finite element models (FEMs) are generated to study the state of stress and failure induced by a low-angle normal…”
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Tectonic evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia: constraints from coupled numerical models of crustal deformation and surface erosion driven by subduction of the underlying mantle
Published in Physics of the earth and planetary interiors (15-04-2004)“…We have used a coupled thermo-mechanical finite-element (FE) model of crustal deformation driven by mantle/oceanic subduction to demonstrate that the tectonic…”
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Comparison of GPR and Capacitance Probe laboratory experiments in sandy soils
Published in 2018 17th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) (01-06-2018)“…The integration of different techniques for the estimation of the volumetric water content θ in low-loss sandy soils may allow to obtain more reliable measure,…”
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