Search Results - "Parent, Michel"
Using Hybrid Clustering to Approximate Fastest Paths on Urban Networks
Published in Journal of Data Science (13-07-2021)Get full text
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Brain-specific change in alternative splicing of Tau exon 6 in myotonic dystrophy type 1
Published in Biochimica et biophysica acta (01-04-2006)“…Alternative splicing is altered in myotonic dystrophy of type 1 (DM1), a syndrome caused by an increase of CTG triplet repeats in the 3′ untranslated region of…”
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Fractionation change of hydrogen isotopes in trees due to atmospheric pollutants
Published in Geochimica et cosmochimica acta (01-08-2005)“…Atmospheric pollution effects on hydrogen fractionation in trees are demonstrated for the first time in this study. The δ 2H ring-cellulose series obtained for…”
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A Multicriteria Decision Making Approach for Carsharing Stations Selection
Published in Journal of decision systems (01-01-2007)“…The current paper presents a three stage approach based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for carsharing stations selection. In the first stage, we…”
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Multivehicle Cooperative Local Mapping: A Methodology Based on Occupancy Grid Map Merging
Published in IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (01-10-2014)“…Local mapping is valuable for many real-time applications of intelligent vehicle systems. Multivehicle cooperative local mapping can bring considerable…”
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Impacts of smelter atmospheric emissions on forest nutrient cycles: Evidence from soils and tree rings
Published in The Science of the total environment (10-01-2021)“…Although the environmental impacts of metal atmospheric emissions from point sources such as smelter have been extensively studied, very few studies have…”
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Assessing rock aquifer vulnerability using downward advective times from a 3D model of surficial geology: A case study from the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Canada
Published in Geofísica internacional (01-12-2004)“…An aquifer vulnerability assessment method which relates vulnerability directly to groundwater Downward Advective Time (DAT) from a 3D geologic model is tested…”
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Geospatial modelling of shear-wave velocity and fundamental site period of Quaternary marine and glacial sediments in the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Valleys, Canada
Published in Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering (1984) (01-06-2016)“…The shear wave velocity of surficial sediments (VS) and the fundamental site period (TO) are important parameters for analysis of the free-field seismic…”
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Automated Vehicles: Autonomous or Connected?
Published in 2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (01-06-2013)“…Summary form only given. Fully automated vehicles have been a research topic for more than 30 years. In 1994, the Prometheus European project ended 8 years of…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Solid papillary carcinoma with reverse polarity of the breast harbors specific morphologic, immunohistochemical and molecular profile in comparison with other benign or malignant papillary lesions of the breast: a comparative study of 9 additional cases
Published in Modern pathology (01-09-2018)“…Solid papillary carcinoma with reverse polarity is a rare breast cancer of favorable prognosis that can be difficult to diagnose. We report here nine…”
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Advanced Urban Transport: Automation Is on the Way
Published in IEEE intelligent systems (01-03-2007)“…The automobile played a major part in the 20th century development of urban (now mostly suburban) organization and became fundamental to its operation. We must…”
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New Technologies for Sustainable Urban Transportation in Europe
Published in Transportation research record (01-01-2006)“…In the past few years, the European Commission has financed several projects to examine how new technologies could improve the sustain-ability of European…”
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Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphical modelling of the regional aquifer system of the St. Maurice Delta Complex (St. Lawrence Lowlands, Canada)
Published in Canadian water resources journal (03-04-2018)“…In the central part of the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Mauricie, Québec), Late Quaternary deglacial events led to the formation of a series of complex granular…”
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Regional VS30 model for the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Eastern Canada
Published in Georisk (02-07-2016)“…Shear-wave velocity of the top 30 m, V S30 , is commonly used for prediction of the seismic site response. This paper presents development, validation and…”
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Regional V S30 model for the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Eastern Canada
Published in Georisk (02-07-2016)Get full text
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Modeling, control and experimental verification on a two-wheeled vehicle with free inclination: An urban transportation system
Published in Control engineering practice (01-07-2011)“…This paper presents the results on the modeling and control of a two-wheeled prototype. The vehicle, named B2, like the Segway, is principally a self-balancing…”
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Multi-Vehicle Cooperative Local Mapping: A Methodology Based on Occupancy Grid Map Merging
Published in IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (20-03-2014)“…Local mapping is valuable for many real-time applications of intelligent vehicle systems. Multi-vehicle cooperative local mapping can bring considerable…”
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An approach to define potential radon emission level maps using indoor radon concentration measurements and radiogeochemical data positive proportion relationships
Published in Journal of environmental radioactivity (01-10-2013)“…The aim of this paper is to present the first step of a new approach to make a map of radonprone areas showing different potential radon emission levels in the…”
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Methods and Tools for Natural Hazard Risk Analysis in Eastern Canada: Using Knowledge to Understand Vulnerability and Implement Mitigation Measures
Published in Natural hazards review (01-02-2017)“…AbstractWhile Canada is exposed to a variety of natural hazards, most risk and emergency managers currently lack the necessary tools and guidance to adequately…”
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