Search Results - "Paredes, Cesar"
Acevedo Tarazona, Álvaro, y Jhon Jaime Correa Ramírez. 2016. Tinta roja. Prensa, política y educación en la Republica Liberal (1930-1946). El Diario de Pereira y Vanguardia Liberal de Bucaramanga. Bucaramanga: Universidad Industrial de Santander ISBN: 978-958-8956-06-0
Published in HiSTOReLo (01-07-2017)“…La prensa es transversal a la cotidianidad colombiana durante el siglo XIX y XX, también es una fuente documental del acontecer nacional, regional y local,…”
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Toward Identifying Consumer Responsibility on Voltage Distortion and Filtering Based on the Maclaurin Series
Published in IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. II, Express briefs (01-12-2020)“…Reducing the voltage distortion is an essential concern for consumers and power distribution companies. The distortion voltage due to the distorted current of…”
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Published in Historia y espacio (01-01-2016)“…El presente artículo tiene por objetivo analizar la glocalización cultural como amalgama y respuesta a una tendencia por globalizar pulsiones de la sociedad…”
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On proposing a non-intrusive device and methodology to monitor motor degradation
Published in Journal of King Saud University. Engineering sciences (01-03-2023)“…Monitoring the degradation of induction motors is an essential concern for industries, especially when there are high costs related to maintenance and their…”
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Chagas disease / COVID-19 comorbidity. An advantage to chagasic patients?
Published in Revista biomédica (01-09-2022)“…Introduction. Chagas’s disease a neglected and debilitating tropical illness, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi-infection, afflicts millions of people in most…”
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I4.0I: A New Way to Rank How Involved a Company Is in the Industry 4.0 Era
Published in Future internet (01-02-2023)“…Cloud, IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence are currently very present in the industrial and academic areas, being drivers of technological revolution…”
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Laparoscopic Resection of a Symptomatic Parasitic Leiomyoma of Paravesical and Obturator Fossa
Published in Journal of minimally invasive gynecology (01-07-2021)“…To show laparoscopic management of a symptomatic parasitic leiomyoma of paravesical and obturator fossa. Edited video demonstrating a step-by-step explanation…”
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Javier URIARTE. The Desertmakers. Travel, War, and the State in Latin America. New York: Routledge, 2020. 324 pp. ISBN: 978-1-138-66892-8
Published in América Latina, hoy (25-08-2020)Get full text
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Fernán E. González González. Poder y violencia en Colombia. Bogotá: CINEp, 2014. 583 páginas
Published in Anuario de historia regional y de las fronteras (2017)Get full text
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The Use of Wavelet Packet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks in Analysis and Classification of Dysphonic Voices
Published in IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering (01-10-2007)“…This paper presents a dysphonic voice classification system using the wavelet packet transform and the best basis algorithm (BBA) as dimensionality reductor…”
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Study of Non-Contact and Non-Ground Voltage Signal Measurement System in Medium Voltage
Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-02-2018)“…The measurement of current and voltage (as well as the indexes derived from them) in the electricity distribution network becomes more and more necessary in…”
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Estrategia pedagógica inclusiva para el desarrollo de habilidades deportivas en estudiantes con necesidades educativas intelectuales
Published in PODIUM - Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física (01-04-2024)“…RESUMEN El estudio versa sobre el desarrollo de habilidades deportivas en estudiantes con necesidades educativas intelectuales, en la clase de Educación Física…”
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Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible y educación ambiental. Estrategias de comunicación para su consolidación
Published in Revista venezolana de gerencia (01-01-2022)“…Alcanzar los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible requiere el impulso de los gobiernos y la unión de diferentes sectores de la sociedad en beneficio de los…”
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Abstract 5516: Regulation of TFPI-2 in the progression of ovarian cancer
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (01-07-2017)“…Ovarian cancer metastasis occurs when malignant cells migrate from the primary tumor into the ascitic fluid and form a secondary tumor in the peritoneal…”
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Abstract 5031: Distribution of single nucleotide polymorphisms related to paclitaxel and carboplatin toxicity in ovarian cancer patients
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (01-07-2017)“…Introduction: Standard first-line treatment for ovarian cancer consists in the combined use of taxanes and platinum, with neuropathies and neutropenia the most…”
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Tinta roja: prensa, política y educación en la República Liberal (1930 – 1946)
Published in Historia y Espacio (01-07-2017)“…La prensa es transversal a la cotidianidad colombiana durante el siglo XIX y XX, también es una fuente documental más o menos sistemática del acontecer…”
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Development and standardization of an indirect ELISA for the serological diagnosis of classical swine fever
Published in Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (01-07-1999)“…An indirect enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA-I) was developed and standardized for the serological diagnosis of classical swine fever (CSF). For the…”
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Looking at energy through the lens of Industry 4.0: A systematic literature review of concerns and challenges
Published in Computers & industrial engineering (01-05-2020)“…•We propose a systematic literature review on smart manufacturing and energy consumption.•We identify open questions and challenges in the joint-area of energy…”
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Validación de técnica de ganglio centinela en cáncer de endometrio en el Hospital de Talca
Published in Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecología (01-08-2023)“…Resumen Objetivo: Validar la técnica de ganglio centinela utilizando verde de indocianina en la estadificación del cáncer de endometrio. Método: Realizamos un…”
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Near-fatal asthma as clinical manifestation in onset diabetic patient: Case report
Published in Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana (12-10-2022)“…Near-fatal asthma (NFA) is defined as the most severe form of asthma characterized by a refractory asthma attack with an arterial carbon dioxide tension…”
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