Search Results - "Paramashanti, Bunga"

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  1. 1

    Trends and determinants of minimum dietary diversity among children aged 6–23 months: a pooled analysis of Indonesia Demographic and Health Surveys from 2007 to 2017 by Paramashanti, Bunga A, Huda, Tanvir M, Alam, Ashraful, Dibley, Michael J

    Published in Public health nutrition (01-07-2022)
    “…To examine minimum dietary diversity (MDD) trends and determinants among children aged 6-23 months. Secondary analysis of the Indonesia Demographic and Health…”
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  2. 2

    Breastfeeding perceptions and exclusive breastfeeding practices: A qualitative comparative study in rural and urban Central Java, Indonesia by Paramashanti, Bunga A., Dibley, Michael J., Huda, Tanvir M., Alam, Ashraful

    Published in Appetite (01-03-2022)
    “…Breastfeeding has been associated with improved growth, development, and health outcomes for infants and children. However, the exclusive breastfeeding rate in…”
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    Caregiver perceptions of complementary feeding in rural and urban Indonesia: A qualitative comparative study by Paramashanti, Bunga A., Dibley, Michael J., Huda, Tanvir M., Nugraheny, Esti, Suparmi, Suparmi, Nugraheni, Wahyu Pudji, Rahmawati, Widya, Alam, Neeloy Ashraful

    Published in Midwifery (01-11-2024)
    “…To explore caregivers’ perspectives on complementary feeding in rural and urban areas of Central Java, Indonesia. A qualitative comparative study using…”
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    Wealth- and education-related inequalities in minimum dietary diversity among Indonesian infants and young children: a decomposition analysis by Paramashanti, Bunga A., Dibley, Michael J., Alam, Ashraful, Huda, Tanvir M.

    Published in Global health action (31-12-2022)
    “…Over the last two decades, Indonesia has experienced remarkable economic growth. However, the percentage of infants and young children meeting the minimum…”
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    Improving adolescent knowledge and attitude toward the intergenerational cycle of undernutrition through audiovisual education: findings from RESEPIN study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia by Siswati, Tri, Olfah, Yustiana, Kasjono, Heru, Paramashanti, Bunga

    Published in Indian journal of community medicine (01-04-2022)
    “…Background: Adolescent health and nutrition contribute to the intergenerational cycle of undernutrition. Objectives: The aim of this study is to examine the…”
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    Rural-Urban Differences in Dietary Behavior and Obesity: Results of the Riskesdas Study in 10-18-Year-Old Indonesian Children and Adolescents by Nurwanti, Esti, Hadi, Hamam, Chang, Jung-Su, Chao, Jane C-J, Paramashanti, Bunga Astria, Gittelsohn, Joel, Bai, Chyi-Huey

    Published in Nutrients (18-11-2019)
    “…Obesity has become a significant problem for developing countries, including Indonesia. High duration of sedentary activity and high intake of unhealthy foods…”
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    Family support and exclusive breastfeeding among Yogyakarta mothers in employment by Ratnasari, Dewi, Paramashanti, Bunga Astria, Hadi, Hamam, Yugistyowati, Anafrin, Astiti, Dewi, Nurhayati, Eka

    Published in Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (01-06-2017)
    “…Background and Objectives: Exclusive breastfeeding provides many benefits to both infants and mothers. Despite the introduction of laws aimed at protecting the…”
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    Reinforcing Roles of Lady Health Workers in Sedayu Community Feeding Center: Six-Steps Program Planning and Evaluation by Paramashanti, Bunga Astria, Sulistiyawati, Sulistiyawati

    “…Child malnutrition remains a challenge in Indonesia public health nutrition field. The assistance of lady health workers child feeding centers becomes…”
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  10. 10

    Early introduction of complementary food and childhood stunting were linked among children aged 6-23 months by Paramashanti, Bunga Astria, Benita, Stella

    Published in Jurnal gizi klinik Indonesia (25-07-2020)
    “…Background: Indonesia’s national stunting prevalence remains high. The transition from exclusive breastfeeding to poor complementary feeding practices may put…”
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    Factors influencing breastfeeding continuation and formula feeding beyond six months in rural and urban households in Indonesia: a qualitative investigation by Paramashanti, Bunga Astria, Dibley, Michael J, Huda, Tanvir M, Prabandari, Yayi Suryo, Alam, Neeloy Ashraful

    Published in International breastfeeding journal (31-08-2023)
    “…Background Global and Indonesian guidelines suggest that breastfeeding should continue for at least the first two years of life. While many studies have…”
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  12. 12

    Timely initiation of breastfeeding is associated with the practice of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia by Paramashanti, Bunga Astria, Hadi, Hamam, Gunawan, I Made Alit

    Published in Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (01-12-2016)
    “…Background and Objectives: Exclusive breastfeeding has been proven to be essential for optimal health, and for reducing infections and mortality in children…”
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    The impact of behavior change communication on healthy living movement-related knowledge and behavior among adolescents: A mixed-methods study by Siswati, Tri, Widiyanto, Santo Yoseph Didik, Olfah, Yustiana, Setyowati, Setyowati, Paramashanti, Bunga Astria

    Published in Public health of Indonesia (20-03-2023)
    “…Background: Behavior change communication (BCC) is a validated health communication technique for influencing changes in knowledge and behaviors. Objective:…”
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  14. 14

    The risk of inappropriate timing of complementary foods introduction is increased among first-time mothers and poor households by Puspitorini, Puspitorini, Lestari, Prasetya, Paramashanti, Bunga Astria

    Published in Jurnal gizi klinik Indonesia (07-01-2021)
    “…Background: Global recommendations suggest mothers provide the first complementary food to infants when they reach six months of age. Failure to introduce…”
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    Effect of mHealth based intervention on Maternal Knowledge and Practices of Child Care: A quasi-experimental study by Siswati, Tri Siswati, Sitasari, Almira, Paramashanti, Bunga Astria, Tjaronosari, Tjaronosari, Nurhidayat, Nurhidayat, Wijanarka, Agus, Waris, Lukman

    Published in Public health of Indonesia (21-03-2024)
    “…Background:Child malnutrition contributes to elevated rates of mortality and morbidity, profoundly affecting child welfare. Maternal childcare knowledge and…”
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    Edukasi gizi pada ibu oleh kader terlatih meningkatkan asupan energi dan protein pada balita by Abdillah, Faza Muhammad, Sulistiyawati, Sulistiyawati, Paramashanti, Bunga Astria

    Published in AcTion (Banda Aceh, Indonesia) (13-11-2020)
    “…Child nutrition can have a long-term impact on the development of future human capital, particularly in relation to cognitive capability, productivity, and…”
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    Pengaruh integrasi intervensi gizi dan stimulasi tumbuh kembang terhadap peningkatan berat badan dan perkembangan balita kurus by Paramashanti, Bunga, Sulistyawati, Sulistyawati

    Published in Jurnal gizi klinik Indonesia (30-07-2018)
    “…Background: Indonesia has faced the problem where double burden malnutrition increasing. On the other hand, malnutrition in children may affect the development…”
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  19. 19

    Individual dietary diversity is strongly associated with stunting in infants and young children by Paramashanti, Bunga Astria, Paratmanitya, Yhona, Marsiswati, Marsiswati

    Published in Jurnal gizi klinik Indonesia (30-07-2017)
    “…Background: The increased nutrient fulfillment is required for optimal growth and development during the first two years of life. Based on WHO, dietary…”
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    Gambaran Pengetahuan Masyarakat Terhadap Pelayanan Gizi Berbasis Gen Dalam Pencegahan Penyakit Tidak Menular di Indonesia by Wulandari, Fatma Annisa, Aji, Arif Sabta, Afifah, Effatul, Paramashanti, Bunga Astria, Listiyana, Fani, Khouridhiya, Mumtaz, Surendran, Shelini

    Published in Amerta nutrition (31-12-2023)
    “…Latar Belakang: Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) merupakan masalah kesehatan utama di Indonesia dengan prevalensi yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya…”
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