Search Results - "Pannen, B H J"
Normothermia and hypothermia from an anaesthesiological viewpoint
Published in Der Anaesthesist (01-09-2007)“…For a long time the significance of perioperative accidental hypothermia was overlooked. The possible undesirable effects of a relatively small reduction in…”
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Differential expression pattern of heme oxygenase-1/heat shock protein 32 and nitric oxide synthase-II and their impact on liver injury in a rat model of hemorrhage and resuscitation
Published in Critical care medicine (01-12-1999)“…OBJECTIVE:To investigate the role of the vasodilator systems heme oxygenase-1/heat shock protein 32 (HO-1/HSP32) and nitric oxide synthase-II (NOS-II),…”
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Role of endothelins and nitric oxide in hepatic reperfusion injury in the rat
Published in Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) (01-03-1998)“…We determined the functional role of nitric oxide (NO) and endothelins (ET), two potent vasoactive mediator systems in the liver, for the pathogenesis of…”
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Expression pattern of heme oxygenase isoenzymes 1 and 2 in normal and stress-exposed rat liver
Published in Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) (01-03-1998)Get full text
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Chronic ethanol consumption increases hepatic sinusoidal contractile response to endothelin-1 in the rat
Published in Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) (01-11-1995)“…Recent evidence suggests that hepatic stellate cells function as liver-specific pericytes that are highly contractile in response to endothelin-1 (ET-1). Liver…”
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Endothelins and carbon monoxide interact to regulate rat liver microcirculation after haemorrhagic shock
Published in British journal of surgery (01-07-2000)“…Background Upregulation of stress‐induced vascular mediators such as endothelin (ET) 1, nitric oxide synthase (NOS)–nitric oxide or the haem oxygenase…”
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Etiology and sequelae of perioperative accidental hypothermia
Published in Anaesthesiologie und Reanimation (2002)“…Accidental hypothermia is a frequent event during the perioperative period. Recent studies revealed a drop in core temperature of over 2 degrees C in more than…”
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Evidence-based intensive care treatment of intracranial hypertension after traumatic brain injury
Published in Der Anaesthesist (01-02-2005)“…Traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs frequently and is associated with a poor prognosis. Severe TBI results in substantial disability or death in more than 40%…”
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Hepatic heat shock and acute-phase gene expression are induced simultaneously after celiotomy in the anesthetized pig
Published in Anesthesiology (Philadelphia) (01-10-1995)“…The liver plays a central role in the whole organism's response to injury. Expression of hepatic acute-phase and heat-shock genes likely contributes to the…”
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Evidenzbasierte Intensivtherapie des erh hten intrakraniellen Drucks nach Sch del-Hirn-Trauma
Published in Der Anaesthesist (01-02-2005)Get full text
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