Search Results - "Panchapakesan, Chitra"
Exploring theory-based behavioral interventions promoting COVID-19 prevention and healthcare-seeking for migrant worker men in Singapore: a qualitative study
Published in BMC public health (18-11-2022)“…Background The first wave of COVID-19 during April to July 2020 in Singapore largely affected the migrant workers living in residential dormitories. A…”
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Predicting public mental health needs in a crisis using social media indicators: a Singapore big data study
Published in Scientific reports (05-10-2024)“…Mental health issues have increased substantially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, health policymakers do not have adequate data and tools to…”
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Influence of public hesitancy and receptivity on reactive behaviours towards releases of male Wolbachia-Aedes mosquitoes for dengue control
Published in PLoS neglected tropical diseases (01-11-2022)“…Singapore, a highly urbanized Asian tropical country that experiences periodic dengue outbreaks, is piloting field releases of male Wolbachia-carrying Aedes…”
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Exploring COVID-19 circuit breaker (CB) restrictions at a migrant worker dormitory in Singapore: a case study and nested mixed-method analysis of stress management and mental health
Published in BMJ open (01-08-2022)“…IntroductionMeasures to mitigate the COVID-19 outbreak in the migrant worker dormitories in Singapore included lockdown and isolation of residents for…”
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Epihack Sri Lanka: development of a mobile surveillance tool for dengue fever
Published in BMC medical informatics and decision making (13-06-2019)“…Dengue is a serious problem around the globe, with 3.9 billion people at risk of the disease. Sri Lanka has recently seen unprecedented rates of dengue with…”
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Social media-based civic engagement solutions for dengue prevention in Sri Lanka: results of receptivity assessment
Published in Health education research (01-02-2016)“…This article focuses on a novel social media-based system that addresses dengue prevention through an integration of three components: predictive surveillance,…”
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The Evolution of Public Sentiments During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Comparisons of India, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States
Published in JMIR infodemiology (01-01-2022)“…Public sentiments are an important indicator of crisis response, with the need to balance exigency without adding to panic or projecting overconfidence. Given…”
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Mainstream News Media's Role in Public Health Communication During Crises: Assessment of Coverage and Correction of COVID-19 Misinformation
Published in Health communication (2023)“…Public health crises like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic appear to be the perfect breeding ground for misinformation. As influential information sources,…”
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Determinants of eHealth Literacy among Adults in China
Published in Journal of health communication (03-05-2020)“…eHealth can empower patients to make informed health decisions. However, inaccurate and misleading health information is not uncommon on the Internet, which…”
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A Household-Based Survey to Understand Factors Influencing Awareness, Attitudes and Knowledge towards Wolbachia-Aedes Technology
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (15-11-2021)“…In 2016, Singapore introduced the release of male Wolbachia-Aedes mosquitoes to complement vector control efforts and suppress Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in…”
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A Digital Mobile Community App for Caregivers in Singapore: Predevelopment and Usability Study
Published in JMIR nursing (01-04-2021)“…Background: With increasing life expectancy and aging populations, the global prevalence of chronic diseases and the long-term care required for people with…”
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Are Parents Doing It Right? Parent and Child Perspectives on Parental Mediation in Singapore
Published in Journal of family communication (02-10-2021)“…This study examines how parents and their children differ in their perceptions of parental mediation strategies implemented to supervise and monitor children's…”
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Perceptions and Knowledge-Sharing Behavior of Pre-University Students
Published in The International information & library review (03-04-2015)“…Knowledge sharing is an essential element of a collaborative learning process. The purpose of this study was to investigate students' knowledge-sharing…”
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A Comparison between the Predictors of Vaccine Uptake Intentions for Influenza and Dengue
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (29-11-2018)“…Infectious diseases have a huge health and economic burden globally. Vaccination has been found to be a crucial health intervention for diseases. The study…”
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A Social Media mHealth Solution to Address the Needs of Dengue Prevention and Management in Sri Lanka
Published in Journal of medical Internet research (01-07-2016)“…Sri Lanka has witnessed a series of dengue epidemics over the past five years, with the western province, home to the political capital of Colombo, bearing…”
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Developing a Digital Solution for Dengue Through Epihack: Qualitative Evaluation Study of a Five-Day Health Hackathon in Sri Lanka
Published in JMIR formative research (29-08-2019)“…Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease that has increasingly affected Sri Lanka in recent years. To address this issue, dengue surveillance through…”
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Effectiveness of a Mobile-Based Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance System (FluMob) Among Health Care Workers: Longitudinal Study
Published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth (07-12-2020)“…Existing studies have suggested that internet-based participatory surveillance systems are a valid sentinel for influenza-like illness (ILI) surveillance…”
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Effects of moving the center's in an RBF network
Published in IEEE transactions on neural networks (01-11-2002)“…In radial basis function (RBF) networks, placement of centers is said to have a significant effect on the performance of the network. Supervised learning of…”
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Foodscover: Eliminating food waste in the retail sector through technology
Published in 2021 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW) (01-09-2021)“…With growing concern over food waste globally, greater attention is brought to technologies to reduce food waste. Singapore, being a modern city-state with a…”
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