Search Results - "Pamerneckas, Algimantas"
How the changes in the system affect trauma care provision: The assessment of and implications for Lithuanian trauma service performance in 2007–2012
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (2017)“…The aim of this study was to identify and assess the effects of changes in the Lithuanian trauma service from 2007 to 2012. We postulate that the implications…”
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Infundibulinės laparoskopinės cholecistektomijos metodika turi kokybiškai atsinaujinti: 18 metų 13 274 cholecistektomijų analizė, 45 jatrogeninių tulžies latakų sužalojimų aptarimas ir įvertinimas
Published in Lietuvos chirurgija (31-03-2015)“…Įžanga Atliktas Respublikinės Vilniaus universitetinės ligoninės 1996–2013 metų tulžies pūslės chirurgijos retrospektyvusis auditas, apibendrinantis 18 metų…”
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Infundibulinės laparoskopinės cholecistektomijos metodika turi kokybiškai atsinaujinti: 18 metų 13 274 cholecistektomijų analizė, 45 jatrogeninių tulžies latakų sužalojimų aptarimas ir įvertinimas
Published in Lietuvos chirurgija (31-03-2015)“…ĮžangaAtliktas Respublikinės Vilniaus universitetinės ligoninės 1996–2013 metų tulžies pūslės chirurgijos retrospektyvusis auditas, apibendrinantis 18 metų…”
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The treatment of multiple injuries: prehospital emergency aid
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (2006)“…To evaluate initial (prehospital) assessment and management of high-energy blunt polytrauma patients. Prehospital assessment and management of high-energy…”
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Early and late reconstruction in brachial plexus palsy: a preliminary report
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (2006)“…To evaluate the most effective surgical procedures in the early and late reconstruction of brachial plexus after its traumatic injury. A total of 14…”
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Golden hour - early postinjury period
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (2003)“…Quality and adequacy of specialized first aid for patients affected by high energy trauma is extremely important factor in order to reduce postraumatic…”
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Trauma in pregnancy: complications, outcomes, and treatment
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (2006)“…The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of the various traumas on mother and fetus and to present the solutions of trauma management. A review of data…”
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The assessment of clinical evaluation and treatment results of high-energy blunt polytrauma patients
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (01-01-2007)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the mechanism of high-energy blunt trauma, age and gender of patients, severity of regional and multiple injury,…”
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Multiple trauma: evaluation of patient's condition and local injuries by trauma classification systems
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (2002)“…Evaluation of polytrauma patient's status by using scoring system is very important for selection of patient's placement and management, prophylaxis and…”
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Successful treatment with continuous infusion of coagulation factor concentrates in severe hemophilia A complicated with mixed trauma, crush syndrome and acute renal failure
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (2005)“…Treatment method of hemophilia with continuous infusion of clotting factor concentrates is not widespread. We report our experience with the use of continuous…”
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Asmenų, Patyrusių Dauginius Kūno Sužalojimus, Kojų Ilgųjų Kaulų Lūžių Operacinio Gydymo Efektyvumas
Published 01-01-2007“…1.1. DARBO TIKSLASNustatyti ir įvertinti operacinio kojų ilgųjų kaulų lūţių gydymo įtaką pacientų su dauginiais kūno suţalojimais traumos baigčiai.1.2. DARBO…”
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First clinical experience with nonreamed intramedullary nailing in Lithuania
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (2004)“…Long bone diaphyseal fractures are very common. Limited choice of implants for treatment of these fractures in Lithuania often leads to unsatisfactory…”
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Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of bone
Published in Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) (2004)“…Primary lymphoma of bone is a rare condition that has been described as a malignant neoplasm formed of lymphoid and myelopoetic tissues. Morphologic substrate…”
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