Search Results - "Palomo Cobos, L"

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    Incidence of ischemic heart disease in the HERMEX study and its association with classical cardiovascular risk factors by Fernández-Bergés, D, Buitrago Ramírez, F, Palomo Cobos, L, Lozano Mera, L, González-Fernández, M R, Rubini, A, Ramírez Moreno, J M, Robles Pérez-Monteoliva, N R, Félix-Redondo, F J

    Published in Semergen, medicina de familia (01-03-2022)
    “…Knowledge about the incidence of coronary heart disease in our country is scarce and its sources are not comparable. Our aim was to determine the incidence of…”
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    Assessment of safety practices for medication-use systems in Spanish hospitals (2007) by Otero López, M J, Martín Muñoz, M R, Castaño Rodríguez, B, Palomo Cobos, L, Cajaraville Ordoñana, G, Codina Jané, C, Martínez Cutillas, J, Pérez Encinas, M, Salvador Garrido, P, Santos Rubio, M D

    Published in Medicina clínica (01-12-2008)
    “…To examine the current status of safety practices for medication-use systems in Spanish hospitals and to identify major areas of risk. Those hospitals that…”
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    Virtud y virtuosismo de las nuevas tecnologías en Atención Primaria by Palomo Cobos, L.

    Published in Semergen, medicina de familia (2004)
    “…Los avances científicos aplicados a la sanidad han incrementado la supervivencia de las personas y han mejorado la calidad de la vida humana, pero algunos…”
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    Effectiveness of tetanus vaccination in an adult population 10 years after the last dose by Palomo Cobos, L

    Published in Atención primaria (15-09-1994)
    “…To check if antitetanus immunity after a correct vaccination lasts the anticipated 10 years. Sero-epidemiological crossover study. Determination of tetanus…”
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    Analysis of the implementation of safety practices in the automated medication dispensing cabinets by Otero López, M J, Bermejo Vicedo, T, Moreno Gómez, A M, Aparicio Fernández, M A, Palomo Cobos, L

    “…To determine the degree of implementation of recommended safety practices in the design and use of automated medication dispensing cabinets (ADCs) in Spanish…”
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    Alcohol consumption among students of the autonomous community of Extremadura by Prieto Albino, L, Escobar Bravo, M A, Palomo Cobos, L, Galindo Casero, A, Iglesias González, R, Estévez Calderero, A

    Published in Atención primaria (31-05-2000)
    “…To find the number of drinkers, the relationship of their environment to the habit and attitudes to alcohol of Estremaduran children in the eighth year of…”
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    Las hospitalizaciones por Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC) desde el punto de vista del médico de atención primaria by Gervás, Juan, Caminal Homar, Josefina

    “…Las ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC), por ejemplo casos graves de asma, neumonía e insuficiencia cardiaca, obligan al ingreso hospitalario, salvo…”
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    Tobacco consumption in school-children from the autonomous community of Extremadura by Prieto Albino, L, Escobar Bravo, M A, Palomo Cobos, L, Galindo Casero, A, Iglesias González, R, Estévez Calderero, A

    Published in Atención primaria (15-04-1999)
    “…To find the number of smokers among school-children in Extremadura in the eighth year of EGB/second of ESO, the relationship of their environment with the…”
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    Current status of postgraduate training in family and community medicine in the rural environment by Igual Fraile, D, Fernández Rojas, J, Comellas Nicolás, C, Palomo Cobos, L

    Published in Atención primaria (30-06-1997)
    “…To find the present state of postgraduate teaching in Family and Community Medicine, (FCM) in rural areas, according to the view of teaching unit (TU)…”
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    Episodes of sickness attended by general/family physicians according to demographic context. 2. Utilization by Palomo Cobos, L, García Olmos, L, Gérvas, J, García Calleja, A, López Ruiz, A, Sánchez Rodríguez, F

    Published in Atención primaria (30-06-1997)
    “…To describe the use of consultations, the place where care is given and referral demand, in function of episodes of illness and the demographic context. An…”
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    Episodes of disease taken care of in general practice/family medicine according to demographic context (I): morbidity by Palomo Cobos, L, García Olmos, L, Gérvas, J, García Calleja, A, López Ruiz, A, Sánchez Rodríguez, F

    Published in Atención primaria (31-05-1997)
    “…To identify the population seen at general/family medical practices and quantity the episodes of illnesses attended, in function of the demographic context. An…”
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