Search Results - "Padilla Góngora, David"
Interpersonal justice climate, extra-role performance and work family balance: A multilevel mediation model of employee well-being
Published in PloS one (20-11-2018)“…The global economic recession is relevant in public administration, especially in terms of the human factor. If we pretend to empower people as a resource, a…”
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Comparison of Two Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Programs: A Follow-Up Study among Primary versus Specialized Health Care
Published in PloS one (11-11-2016)“…To compare home-based rehabilitation (RITH) and standard outpatient rehabilitation in a hospital setting, in terms of improving the functional recovery and…”
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Factors Associated with the Anxiety, Subjective Psychological Well-Being and Self-Esteem of Parents of Blind Children
Published in PloS one (07-09-2016)“…The objective was to examine the connection of the personal, social and family context, educational variables with the levels of anxiety, subjective…”
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Analysis of home-based rehabilitation in patients with motor impairment in primary care: a prospective observational study
Published in BMC geriatrics (14-07-2017)“…The purpose of health and social policies is to encourage older people more longevity, remain free of disability and experience quality of life while living in…”
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Relación del nivel ocupacional, funcionamiento cognitivo y satisfacción vital en mayores de 55 años
Published in Universitas psychologica (2019)“…El progresivo envejecimiento de la población obliga a las administraciones con competencias en materia sanitaria a intervenir en los efectos adversos de la…”
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Effectiveness of Physiotherapy Treatment for Urinary Incontinence in Women: A Systematic Review
Published in Journal of women's health (Larchmont, N.Y. 2002) (01-04-2019)“…Urinary incontinence (UI) may be defined as involuntary urine loss, which can be diagnosed based on patient-reported measures and is a hygiene and social…”
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Home-Based versus Hospital-Based Rehabilitation Program after Total Knee Replacement
Published in BioMed research international (01-01-2015)“…Objectives. To compare home-based rehabilitation with the standard hospital rehabilitation in terms of improving knee joint mobility and recovery of muscle…”
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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Nursing/Physiotherapy Program in Chronic Patients
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (25-06-2019)“…This study aimed to evaluate the functional impact of a shared intervention model by the mobile physiotherapy and rehabilitation team (MPRT) and primary care…”
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Influencia de la ocupación en actividades de la vida diaria y de ocio sobre la salud real de la persona mayor
Published in Psychology, society & education (01-01-2016)“…El siglo XXI está destinado a conformarse por una población con tendencia a envejecer. Por esto, se han de buscar estrategias para mejorar la calidad de vida…”
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Keys to active ageing: new communication technologies and lifelong learning
Published in SpringerPlus (17-06-2016)“…The purpose of this study is to describe the creation and implementation of an ICT education program for the elderly in various Active Participation Centers in…”
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Análisis bibliográfico sobre el sentimiento de miedo durante la pandemia de la Covid-19 en personas mayores
Published in INFAD (Barcelona) (08-08-2021)“…Introducción: En las últimas encuestas sobre la población española, la tasa de personas mayores con más de 65 años gira entorno al 19% de la población. Debido…”
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Treatment and rehabilitation of dysphagia following cerebrovascular disease
Published in Revista de neurologiá (16-03-2014)“…INTRODUCTION. Bronchopneumonia is a frequent complication in the first days after a cerebrovascular disease and is linked with a higher rate of mortality. It…”
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Home-based rehabilitation in the functional recovery of patients with cerebrovascular disease
Published in Revista de neurologiá (16-06-2013)“…The study of the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment applied to patients with sequelae following a cerebrovascular disease (CVD) plays a decisive role…”
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Tendencias y aplicaciones de las TIC en la educación permanente de personas mayores
Published in INFAD (Barcelona) (03-12-2018)“…En esta investigación pretendemos mostrar las últimas tendencias de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) y su aplicación en la educación…”
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Organisational Climate, Role Stress, and Public Employees' Job Satisfaction
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (21-05-2019)“…The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model is an integrative theoretical framework for monitoring workplaces with the aim to increase job engagement and prevent…”
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Analysis of the activity of mobile rehabilitation-physiotherapy units in primary care
Published in Atención primaria (01-05-2010)“…To describe the home care provided by mobile rehabilitation-physiotherapy teams as a response to the needs of the dependent population, the characteristics of…”
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Published in INFAD (Barcelona) (28-10-2016)“…Resumen.En este trabajo partimos de la realidad de nuestra sociedad longeva que, como se viene diciendo desde hace tiempo, supone un desafío para este siglo…”
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Effectiveness of a Training Program in the Management of Stress for Parents of Disabled Children
Published in Journal of child and family studies (01-04-2020)“…Objectives Children suffering from disabilities require special care that may influence their family environment and result in parental stress. The objective…”
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Inclusive Education in Spain: Developing Characteristics in Madrid, Extremadura and Andalusia
Published in Research in comparative and international education (01-09-2009)“…The aim of this work is to analyse and communicate the ‘state of the art’ in inclusive education for the Spanish communities of Madrid, Extremadura and…”
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Clinical and functional features of patients with cerebrovascular disease
Published in Revista de neurologiá (16-01-2012)Get full text
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