Search Results - "Pabon, P"
Evaluation of Proteolytic Digestion Efficiency in Hydrogen Exchange–Mass Spectrometry Experiments Using the Digestible Peptide Score
Published in Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (03-07-2024)“…In a hydrogen exchange–mass spectrometry (HX-MS) experiment, the enzymatic proteolysis of the deuterated protein is an essential step. Often the differences in…”
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Automated Specific Amino Acid Footprinting Mass Spectrometry: Repurposing an HDX Platform for Determining Reagent Feasibility
Published in Analytical chemistry (Washington) (26-07-2022)“…Protein footprinting is a mass spectrometry (MS)-based approach to measure protein conformational changes. One approach, specific amino acid labeling, imparts…”
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Rapid Assessment of Pepsin Column Activity for Reliable HDX-MS Studies
Published in Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (01-09-2021)“…Hydrogen/deuterium exchange with mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) is a widely used technique to probe protein structural dynamics, track conformational changes, and…”
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2‑Propylphenol Allosterically Modulates COQ8A to Enhance ATPase Activity
Published in ACS chemical biology (19-08-2022)“…COQ8A is an atypical kinase-like protein that aids the biosynthesis of coenzyme Q, an essential cellular cofactor and antioxidant. COQ8A’s mode of action…”
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Impact of crop-manure ratios on energy production and fertilizing characteristics of liquid and solid digestate during codigestion
Published in Environmental technology (02-10-2014)“…The influence of maize silage-manure ratios on energy output and digestate characteristics was studied using batch experiments. The methane production,…”
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Prognostic relations between inflammatory markers and mortality in diabetic patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome
Published in Heart (British Cardiac Society) (01-03-2004)“…Objective: To determine the differences in the inflammatory status between diabetic and non-diabetic patients and to evaluate the usefulness of C reactive…”
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Chiropteran diversity and diet of fruit bats in a tropical dry forest of northern South America
Published in Therya (26-09-2023)Get full text
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Hypertension and Diabetes Prevalence Among U.S. Hispanics by Country of Origin: The National Health Interview Survey 2000-2005
Published in Journal of general internal medicine : JGIM (01-08-2010)“…Background Despite their diverse cultural origins, Hispanics in the US are generally studied as a single ethnic group. Objectives 1) Assess demographic and…”
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Effects on Vocal Range and Voice Quality of Singing Voice Training: The Classically Trained Female Voice
Published in Journal of voice (2014)“…Summary Objectives A longitudinal study was performed on the acoustical effects of singing voice training under a given study program, using the voice range…”
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Implications of reactor type and conditions on first-order hydrolysis rate assessment of maize silage
Published in Water science and technology (01-01-2009)“…The biodegradability and first-order hydrolysis coefficient of maize silage have been assessed from batch experiments using different types of inoculum and…”
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Automatic phonetogram recording supplemented with acoustical voice-quality parameters
Published in Journal of speech and hearing research (01-12-1988)“…A new method for automatic voice-quality registration is presented. The method is based on a technique called phonetography, which is the registration of the…”
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An OxiTop(®) protocol for screening plant material for its biochemical methane potential (BMP)
Published in Water science and technology (01-01-2012)“…A protocol was developed for determining the biochemical methane potential (BMP) of plant material using the OxiTop(®) system. NaOH pellets for CO(2)…”
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The role of immature platelet fraction in acute coronary syndrome
Published in Thrombosis and haemostasis (01-01-2010)Get more information
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Protein C and antithrombin III in acute myocardial infarction
Published in Thrombosis research (15-09-1986)Get more information
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Reduction in acute myocardial infarction mortality over a five-year period
Published in Revista española de cardiologia (01-03-2006)“…To assess recent changes in the management of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and their impact on mortality using data from the PRIAMHO I and…”
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The role of the TERC-63G>A and TERT-1327C>T telomerase polymorphisms in the study of men with acute coronary syndrome
Published in Minerva cardioangiologica (01-12-2015)“…Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein that maintains telomere length. Telomeres and telomerase are involved in cellular ageing and have been connected to some…”
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Management of myocardial infarction in Spain in the year 2000. The PRIAMHO II study
Published in Revista española de cardiologia (01-12-2003)“…Hospital registries are useful tools to measure the degree of implementation of new treatments and clinical practice guidelines. The hospital registry…”
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Vacunación del adulto en atención primaria: durante y después de pandemia
Published in Revista peruana de investigación en salud (30-10-2022)“…La inmunización es uno de los avances más importantes de la medicina, logrando la protección contra numerosos microorganismos que han puesto en riesgo la salud…”
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Assessment of CO2 arteriography in arterial occlusive disease of the lower extremities
Published in Journal of vascular and interventional radiology (01-02-2000)“…To compare the diagnostic ability and usefulness of carbon dioxide arteriography with that of angiography using iodinated contrast medium in ischemia of the…”
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