Search Results - "PUEL, G"

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    Parameter identification of multi-body railway vehicle models – Application of the adjoint state approach by Kraft, S., Puel, G., Aubry, D., Funfschilling, C.

    Published in Mechanical systems and signal processing (01-12-2016)
    “…For the calibration of multi-body models of railway vehicles, the identification of the model parameters from on-track measurement is required. This involves…”
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    Journal Article
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    Construction of a stochastic model of track geometry irregularities and validation through experimental measurements of dynamic loading by Panunzio, Alfonso M., Puel, G., Cottereau, R., Simon, S., Quost, X.

    Published in Vehicle system dynamics (04-03-2017)
    “…This paper describes the construction of a stochastic model of urban railway track geometry irregularities, based on experimental data. The considered…”
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    Journal Article
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    Using mesh adaption for the identification of a spatial field of material properties by Puel, G., Aubry, D.

    “…It is well known that the solution of an inverse problem is ill‐posed and not unique. To avoid difficulties caused by this, when solving such a problem,…”
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    Journal Article
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    Improved calibration of simulation models in railway dynamics: application of a parameter identification process to the multi-body model of a TGV train by Kraft, S., Puel, G., Aubry, D., Funfschilling, C.

    Published in Vehicle system dynamics (01-12-2013)
    “…This paper aims at estimating the vehicle suspension parameters of a TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) train from measurement data. A better knowledge of these…”
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    Lack of knowledge in structural model validation by Ladevèze, P., Puel, G., Romeuf, T.

    “…This paper deals with the structural modeling of a family of similar, actual structures taking into account uncertainties and modeling errors. Only errors of…”
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    Journal Article
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    Validation of structural dynamics models containing uncertainties by Ladevèze, P., Puel, G., Deraemaeker, A., Romeuf, T.

    “…This paper deals with model validation in structural dynamics for a family of quasi-identical structures in the context of uncertain measurements. The crucial…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
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    Determination of the mechanical behaviour of the human cortical bone using micro-extensometry technique by DEVULDER, A, PUEL, G, BENSIDHOUM, M, SEDEL, L, HOC, T

    Published in Osteoporosis international (01-06-2010)
    “…The mechanical properties of cortical bone have been extensively studied at the macrostructural scale. However, knowledge of the macroscopic mechanical…”
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    Conference Proceeding Journal Article
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    On a strategy for the reduction of the lack of knowledge (LOK) in model validation by Ladevèze, P., Puel, G., Romeuf, T.

    Published in Reliability engineering & system safety (01-10-2006)
    “…Today, the quantification of the quality of a dynamic structural model remains a major issue, and the number of methods being devised in order to validate a…”
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    An Arnoldi reduction strategy applied to the semi-analytical finite element method to model railway track vibrations by Cettour-Janet, R., Barbarulo, A., Letourneaux, F., Puel, G.

    Published in Mechanical systems and signal processing (01-02-2019)
    “…•Arnoldi reduction is coupled to Semi-analytical finite element method.•Computational cost is drastically reduced by the Semi-analytical finite…”
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    Journal Article
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    Socio-technical Systems, Public Space and Urban Fragmentation: The Case of 'Cybercafés' in China by Puel, Gilles, Fernandez, Valérie

    Published in Urban studies (Edinburgh, Scotland) (01-05-2012)
    “…The geography of Internet access places is constructed by the interaction of the stakeholders, not only by the negotiation of local regulatory policies but…”
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    Géographie des lieux d'accès à Internet. Les conditions de l'accès public et les modèles d'usages dans les grandes villes de Chine by Puel, Gilles

    Published in Espace géographique (2009)
    “…RésuméCet article analyse comme une construction sociale la régulation publique des cybercafés en Chine et ses dynamiques spatiales. Trois études empiriques…”
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    La genèse de l’éco-conception en Chine dans le secteur des TIC, une exportation européenne by Huang, Dai Yue, Liu, Chao, Draetta, Laura, Puel, Gilles

    “…Cet article présente les premiers résultats d’une recherche empirique sur l’émergence des pratiques de l’éco-conception dans le secteur des technologies de…”
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    Journal Article
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    Les nœuds et les liens du réseau Internet: approche géographique, économique et technique by Puel, Gilles, Ullmann, Charlotte

    Published in Espace géographique (2006)
    “…Cette analyse, qui s’appuie sur des données techniques, économiques, géographiques mais aussi historiques, cherche à expliquer les relations entre le réseau…”
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    1128 Total body irradiation (TBI) before bone marrow grafting (BMG): Analysis of late side effects by Fayrel, V., Schmitt, Th, Stephan, J.L., Guyotat, D., Puel, G., Calmard-Oriol, P., Jaubert, J., Talabard, J.N., Freycon, F.

    Published in European journal of cancer (1990) (01-11-1995)
    “…Side effects after TBI and BMG indicated for various diseases (acute lymphoid leukemia -ALL, acute myeloïd leukemia -AML, chronic myeloid leukemia -AML,…”
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