Search Results - "POIRIER, J. Y"
Insulin pump failures are still frequent: a prospective study over 6 years from 2001 to 2007
Published in Diabetologia (01-12-2009)Get full text
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Technical risks with subcutaneous insulin infusion
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (01-06-2006)“…The popularity of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII), as a way for achieving long term strict glycaemic control in diabetic patients, has…”
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Serum paraoxonase activity and paraoxonase gene polymorphism in type 2 diabetic patients with or without vascular complications
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (01-09-2002)“…Serum paraoxonase (PON) activity and the relevance of PON gene polymorphism in vascular complications of type 2 diabetic patients were investigated in a…”
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Clinical and statistical evaluation of self-monitoring blood glucose meters
Published in Diabetes care (01-11-1998)“…Clinical and statistical evaluation of self-monitoring blood glucose meters. J Y Poirier , N Le Prieur , L Campion , I Guilhem , H Allannic and D Maugendre…”
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Contribution of technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime labelled leucocyte scintigraphy to the diagnosis of diabetic foot infection
Published in European journal of nuclear medicine (01-02-1998)“…We conducted a prospective study in order to evaluate the contribution of technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO) labelled leucocyte…”
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Comparison of Tc-99m-labelled antileukocyte fragment Fab′ and Tc-99m-HMPAO leukocyte scintigraphy in the diagnosis of bone and joint infections: a prospective study
Published in Nuclear medicine communications (01-08-2000)“…Between January and July 1998, we conducted a prospective study to compare Tc-99m-labelled antigranulocyte monoclonal antibody fragment Fab′ (LEUKOSCAN)…”
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Serum insulin-like growth factor-I measurement in the follow-up of treated acromegaly: Comparison of four immunoassays
Published in Clinica chimica acta (01-11-2006)“…Measurement of serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is currently used for the diagnosis and for monitoring treated acromegaly. In this work, we have…”
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Rathke's cleft cysts: surgical-MRI correlation in 16 symptomatic cases
Published in Journal of neuroradiology (01-10-1999)“…Rathke's cleft cysts (RCCs) are non neoplastic epithelial lesions of the sellar region that have been rarely reported as a clinical entity. We retrospectively…”
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Determination of lipoprotein(a) concentrations and apolipoprotein(a) molecular weights in diabetic patients
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (01-04-2000)“…Lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) with atherogenic and thrombotic properties has been frequently studied in diabetes, because a high cardiovascular risk has been reported…”
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P1140 Assistants bolus : Calcul de l’insuline active résiduelle (IAR), utilisation effective par les patients
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (26-03-2013)“…Introduction Les assistants bolus (AB) calculent automatiquement les bolus prandiaux et les corrections en cas d’hyperglycémie, après programmation de…”
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P1141 Mesure continue du glucose dans le diabète instable : étude observationnelle sur 6 mois
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (26-03-2013)“…Introduction L’apport de la mesure continue du glucose (MCG) dans le diabète instable n’est pas connu. L’objectif était d’évaluer le bénéfice de la MCG couplée…”
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O10 Une nouvelle loi de commande vers le pancréas artificiel: SP-MPC ( Saddle Point Model Predictive Control ), première étude clinique
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (01-03-2015)“…Introduction Notre algorithme SP-MPC est supposé contrôler de manière robuste la glycémie malgré les incertitudes du modèle (par exemple: la sensibilité à…”
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Increased prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies and subclinical thyroid failure in relatives of patients with overt endocrine disease-associated diabetes but not type 1 diabetes alone
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (01-09-1997)“…The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of thyroperoxidase (TPO) and thyroglobulin (Tg) antibodies, using a sensitive and specific…”
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P1121 Insulin Pump-RT Advisor® : une application smartphone d’aide à la décision pour les patients traités par pompe à insuline couplée à la mesure continue du glucose en temps réel
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (26-03-2013)“…Introduction L’utilisation de la mesure continue du glucose en temps réel (MCG-RT) peut améliorer l’équilibre du diabète. Cependant, l’adaptation du traitement…”
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Increased serum ferritin in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: relation to glycemic control
Published in Clinical chemistry (Baltimore, Md.) (01-06-1994)Get more information
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PO48 - Performances de la boucle fermée Error Dynamics Shaping face aux perturbations des repas : étude in silico sur une semaine
Published in Diabetes & metabolism (2011)“…Introduction Nous avons développé une nouvelle loi de commande, Error Dynamics Shaping (EDS) susceptible de stabiliser des systèmes dynamiques soumis, comme la…”
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Long-term outcome of the adult onset craniopharyngiomas
Published in Annales d'endocrinologie (01-06-2007)“…There is few published series dealing on the long-term outcome of the adult-onset craniopharyngiomas. We report the long term clinical, tomodensitometric and…”
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