Search Results - "PEREIRA, Priscilla Perez da Silva"
Maternal Active Smoking During Pregnancy and Low Birth Weight in the Americas: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Published in Nicotine & tobacco research (01-05-2017)“…Smoking during pregnancy may negatively impact newborn birth weight. This study investigates the relationship between maternal active smoking during pregnancy…”
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Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) sampling algorithm for monitoring the cleanliness of surgical instruments
Published in PloS one (15-08-2023)“…Background Timely detection of cleaning failure is critical for quality assurance within Sterilising Service Units (SSUs). Rapid Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)…”
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Prevalence of Frailty in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Published in PloS one (08-08-2016)“…Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have experienced a rapid increase in their proportion of older people. This region is marked by a high…”
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Use of Information and Communication Technologies among Adults in Weight Control: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Published in Nutrients (14-11-2022)“…Information and communication technologies are part of our day-to-day life in the execution of all activities, including health care. However, it is not known…”
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Factors Associated with Cocaine Consumption among Suicide Victim
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (02-11-2022)“…Cocaine use is an increasingly frequent event, especially in young people, and can cause irreversible consequences, such as suicide. To evaluate the factors…”
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Maternal Exposure to Alcohol and Low Birthweight: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Published in Revista Brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia (01-05-2019)“…To investigate the relationship between maternal exposure to alcohol and low birthweight (LBW). The literature search was performed in January 2017 using the…”
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Quality indicators for the processing of health products: A mixed-methods study
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2024)“…to analyze the use of quality assessment indicators and their implementation to improve quality in the processing of health products. a mixed-methods study…”
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Perfil da vítima e características da violência contra a mulher no estado de Rondônia - Brasil
Published in Cuidarte (01-01-2019)“…Introduçao: A violencia contra a mulher é um fenómeno grave que atinge os mais variados grupos. O Norte do Brasil é líder nacional em casos de violencia contra…”
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Nutritional status of children under five years of age in Rondônia, Brazil Northern region and in Brazil: 2008 to 2019
Published in Revista de nutrição (2022)“…ABSTRACT Objective To describe the nutritional profiles of children under five years of age in the state of Rondônia, comparing them with those from the…”
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Child mortality for avoidable causes in Rondônia: temporal series study, 2008-2018
Published in Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (2021)“…ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the trend of infant mortality from preventable causes in children under one year of age in Rondônia from 2008 to 2018. Method…”
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Avaliação da viabilidade de implantação de triagem neonatal para Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne no sistema público de saúde de um estado brasileiro
Published in Jornal de Assistência Farmacêutica e Farmacoeconomia (25-01-2023)“…Introdução: A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne é um distúrbio neuromuscular genético caracterizado pela perda progressiva da função muscular que pode levar ao…”
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Risk factors for healthcare-associated infections in intensive care units
Published in Revista de Enfermagem da UFPI (20-07-2023)“…Objetivo: Investigar os fatores de risco para infecções relacionadas à assistência entre pacientes internados em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de uma…”
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Uma análise de satisfação do uso de hipermídias em um aplicativo para dispositivo móvel de educação em saúde
Published in Revista iberoamericana de tecnologia en educación y educación en tecnología (01-06-2023)“…O uso da tecnologia na área da saúde tem crescido cada vez mais. Os dispositivos móveis possibilitam que as pessoas aprendam em qualquer lugar e a qualquer…”
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Hipermídias em Dispositivos Móveis para a Aprendizagem Autodirecionada sobre Saúde: a percepção do cuidador
Published in Revista iberoamericana de tecnologia en educación y educación en tecnología (13-06-2021)“…Este estudo objetiva compreender a percepção do cuidador, responsável (normalmente um familiar) e pessoa com cuidados especiais no processo de aprendizagem…”
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Práticas com Simulações Computacionais para Melhoria de Desempenho para Lidar com Situações de Emergências
Published in Revista iberoamericana de tecnologia en educación y educación en tecnología (11-07-2019)“…Este artigo é um recorte de uma proposta de pesquisa que visa utilizar a simulação computacional como ferramenta de apoio para o processo ensino-aprendizagem…”
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Preenchimento da caderneta de saúde da criança na primeira infância
Published in Revista brasileira em promoção da saúde = Brazilian journal in health promotion (02-04-2019)“…Objetivo: Avaliar o preenchimento da Caderneta de Saúde da Criança em uma capital da Região Norte do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo transversal e descritivo,…”
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Evaluation of working conditions at a central sterile services department in northern Brazil
Published in Revista brasileira de medicina do trabalho (2021)Get full text
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Creatine kinase test diagnostic accuracy in neonatal screening for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A systematic review
Published in Clinical biochemistry (01-12-2021)“…•Serum CK levels are elevated in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.•Accuracy outcomes suggest that the CK test performs well for DMD neonatal…”
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Adenosine triphosphate
Published in PloS one (15-08-2023)“…Background Timely detection of cleaning failure is critical for quality assurance within Sterilising Service Units (SSUs). Rapid Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)…”
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