Search Results - "PARSLEY, DAVID C."
Sudden Deaths: Taking Stock of Geographic Ties
Published in Journal of financial and quantitative analysis (01-06-2009)“…Analysis of a worldwide sample of sudden deaths of politicians reveals a market-adjusted 1.7% decline in the value of companies headquartered in the…”
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Explaining the border effect: the role of exchange rate variability, shipping costs, and geography
Published in Journal of international economics (01-10-2001)“…This paper exploits a three-dimensional panel data set of prices on 27 traded goods, over 88 quarters, across 96 cities in the US and Japan. We show that a…”
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Exchange rate pegs and foreign exchange exposure in East and South East Asia
Published in Journal of international money and finance (01-10-2006)“…This paper shows that many Asia-Pacific firms are significantly exposed to foreign exchange risk. Their exposure appears to be much more widespread than is…”
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News spillovers in the sovereign debt market
Published in Journal of financial economics (01-03-2005)“…We study the effect of a sovereign credit rating change of one country on the sovereign credit spreads of other countries from 1991 to 2000. We find evidence…”
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Exchange Rate Pass-through in South Africa: Panel Evidence from Individual Goods and Services
Published in The Journal of development studies (01-07-2012)“…This study estimates pass-through for South Africa using samples of final goods and services, and homogenous imports. Estimated pass-through to consumer goods…”
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Inflation and Relative Price Variability in the Short and Long Run: New Evidence from the United States
Published in Journal of money, credit and banking (01-08-1996)“…This paper presents new evidence that a positive association exists between inflation and relative prices and relative inflation rates in very disaggregated…”
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A Prism into the PPP Puzzles: The Micro-Foundations of Big Mac Real Exchange Rates
Published in The Economic journal (London) (01-10-2007)“…We match Big Mac prices with prices of its ingredients as a unique prism to study real exchange rates (RERs). This approach has several advantages. First, the…”
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Convergence to the Law of One Price Without Trade Barriers or Currency Fluctuations
Published in The Quarterly journal of economics (01-11-1996)“…Using a panel of 51 prices from 48 cities in the United States, we provide an upper bound estimate of the rate of convergence to purchasing power parity. We…”
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Measuring Financial Integration via Idiosyncratic Risk: What Effects Are We Really Picking Up?
Published in Journal of money, credit and banking (01-08-2007)“…We study the method proposed by Flood and Rose (FR, 2004, 2005) for checking for financial integration by estimating the risk-free rate using the idiosyncratic…”
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Accounting for real exchange rate changes in East Asia
Published in Journal of international money and finance (01-12-2007)“…This study measures the proportion of real exchange rate movements that can be accounted for by movements in the relative price of non-traded goods using the…”
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Pricing in International Markets: a "Small-country" Benchmark
Published in Review of international economics (01-08-2004)“…The paper studies export pricing to market (PTM) in a “small‐country” context using a panel of disaggregated exports from Hong Kong since 1992. Conventional…”
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The quality of accounting information in politically connected firms
Published in Journal of accounting & economics (01-02-2011)“…We document that the quality of earnings reported by politically connected firms is significantly poorer than that of similar non-connected companies. Our…”
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Exchange Rate Pass-through: Evidence from Aggregate Japanese Exports
Published in Southern economic journal (01-10-1993)“…An analysis of Japanese exports during the 1980s is presented that documents the stability of aggregate exchange rate pass-through. It is not possible to test…”
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Economic policy uncertainty and voluntary disclosures:How do Chinese firms respond?
Published in International review of economics & finance (01-04-2024)“…Equity markets in China present a unique setting to study voluntary disclosures due, inter alia, to the small role equity markets play in firm finance, the low…”
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Exchange rate pass-through in a small open economy: Panel evidence from Hong Kong
Published in International journal of finance and economics (01-04-2003)“…This paper presents estimates of exchange rate pass‐through derived from a panel of very disaggregated import unit‐values to Hong Kong. The estimation approach…”
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Official Exchange Rate Arrangements and Real Exchange Rate Behavior
Published in Journal of money, credit and banking (01-11-2001)“…We study the behavior of real exchange rates under various official designations of exchange rate arrangements. Examining many currencies, we find important…”
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Risk Sharing in a Politically Divided Monetary Union
Published in Open economies review (01-09-2021)“…We document stark asynchronicity across U.S. states, particularly across groups of states whose populations have voted consistently Democrat or consistently…”
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Insignificant and Inconsequential Hysteresis: The Case of U.S. Bilateral Trade
Published in The review of economics and statistics (01-11-1993)“…This paper casts doubt on the validity of the hysteresis hypothesis as an explanation of the persistent U.S. trade deficits in the 1980s. We propose two tests…”
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Slow Pass-through Around the World: A New Import for Developing Countries?
Published in Open economies review (01-04-2012)“…Developing countries traditionally experience pass-through of exchange rate changes that is greater and more rapid than high-income countries experience. This…”
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Exchange Rates, Domestic Prices, and Central Bank Actions: Recent U.S. Experience
Published in Southern economic journal (01-04-1998)“…Central banks that are primarily concerned with the behavior of prices will use monetary policy to try to insulate prices from exchange rate changes. Prices…”
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