Search Results - "PARANHOS, Juçara T."
Organ-specific and environmental control of accumulation of psychollatine, a major indole alkaloid glucoside from Psychotria umbellata
Published in Biochemical systematics and ecology (01-12-2009)“…Psychollatine is an unusual indole alkaloid produced by Psychotria umbellata Vell, an Atlantic Forest understorey tree. Leaves, young inflorescences and fruit…”
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N,β- d-Glucopyranosyl vincosamide, a light regulated indole alkaloid from the shoots of Psychotria leiocarpa
Published in Phytochemistry (Oxford) (01-02-2004)“…From leaves of Psychotria leiocarpa, an indole alkaloid was isolated to which the structure N,β- d-glucopyranosyl vincosamide ( 1) was assigned. This…”
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Extracts affecting mitotic division in root-tip meristematic cells
Published in Biológia (01-10-2008)“…Some species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) are important in herbal medicine, where their extracts are used internally for infections of the female reproductive…”
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Regeneration of Psychotria umbellata and production of the analgesic indole alkaloid umbellatine
Published in Tree physiology (01-02-2005)“…Psychotria umbellata Vell. (Rubiaceae), a Brazilian coastal woody species, produces umbellatine (also known as psychollatine), an analgesic indole alkaloid. An…”
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Brachycerine, a Novel Monoterpene Indole Alkaloid from Psychotria brachyceras
Published in Journal of natural products (Washington, D.C.) (25-07-2003)Get full text
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Brachycerine, a Novel Monoterpene Indole Alkaloid from Psychotria b rachyceras
Published in Journal of natural products (Washington, D.C.) (25-05-2001)“…Brachycerine (1), an unusual alkaloid from the leaves of Psychotria brachyceras, was characterized through spectroscopic data interpretation and its…”
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Brachycerine, a Novel Monoterpene Indole Alkaloid from Psychotria brachyceras
Published in Journal of natural products (Washington, D.C.) (01-05-2001)“…Brachycerine (1), an unusual alkaloid from the leaves of Psychotria brachyceras, was characterized through spectroscopic data interpretation and its…”
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