Search Results - "PAPE, J. W"
Early Bactericidal Activity Trial of Nitazoxanide for Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Published in Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (21-04-2020)“…This study was conducted in treatment-naive adults with drug-susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to assess the safety, bactericidal…”
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West Nile Virus Disease: A Descriptive Study of 228 Patients Hospitalized in a 4-County Region of Colorado in 2003
Published in Clinical infectious diseases (01-05-2006)“…Background. Risk factors for complications of West Nile virus disease and prognosis in hospitalized patients are incompletely understood. Methods. Demographic…”
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Stepwise implementation of a new diagnostic algorithm for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Haiti
Published in The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease (01-02-2014)“…SETTING: The uptake of tests endorsed by the World Health Organization to detect and appropriately confirm multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in…”
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Outcomes of HIV-infected patients treated for recurrent tuberculosis with the standard retreatment regimen
Published in The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease (01-06-2012)“…SETTING: The Groupe Haitien d'Etude du Sarcome de Kaposi et des Infections Opportunistes (the GHESKIO AIDS and TB Center) in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.OBJECTIVE:…”
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Cases of Cat-Associated Human Plague in the Western US, 1977–1998
Published in Clinical infectious diseases (01-06-2000)“…Exposure to cats infected with Yersinia pestis is a recently recognized risk for human plague in the US. Twenty-three cases of cat-associated human plague (5…”
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Effect of isoniazid prophylaxis on incidence of active tuberculosis and progression of HIV infection
Published in The Lancet (British edition) (31-07-1993)“…Tuberculosis occurring with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is a serious and growing public health problem. We have carried out a randomised…”
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Childhood Cryptosporidiosis Is Associated with a Persistent Systemic Inflammatory Response
Published in Clinical infectious diseases (01-09-2006)“…Cryptosporidiosis in young children prompts local inflammation in the intestinal tract. We studied a cohort of young children with cryptosporidiosis to…”
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The International EU/COLIPA In Vitro Phototoxicity Validation Study: Results of Phase II (Blind Trial). Part 1: The 3T3 NRU Phototoxicity Test
Published in Toxicology in vitro (01-06-1998)“…To date, no standardized international guideline for the testing of chemicals for phototoxic potential has been accepted for regulatory purposes. In 1991, the…”
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Use of A Public Telephone Hotline to Detect Urban Plague Cases
Published in Zoonoses and public health (01-11-2012)“…Summary Current methods for vector‐borne disease surveillance are limited by time and cost. To avoid human infections from emerging zoonotic diseases, it is…”
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Serum Mannose-Binding Lectin Deficiency Is Associated with Cryptosporidiosis in Young Haitian Children
Published in Clinical infectious diseases (01-08-2006)“…Background. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is a component of the innate immune response and binds microbial surfaces through carbohydrate recognition domains…”
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Diagnostic yield of active case finding for tuberculosis at human immunodeficiency virus testing in Haiti
Published in The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease (01-11-2019)“…SETTING: The Groupe Haïtien d'étude du Sarcome de Kaposi et des Infections Opportunistes (GHESKIO) Centres, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, facilitate "test and treat"…”
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Trends in proportion of older HIV-infected people in care in Latin America and the Caribbean: a growing challenge
Published in Epidemiology and infection (01-07-2018)“…We aimed to quantify the proportion of people receiving care for HIV-infection that are 50 years or older (older HIV patients) in Latin America and the…”
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Blood transcriptomic markers of Mycobacterium tuberculosis load in sputum
Published in The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease (01-08-2018)“…BACKGROUND: Peripheral blood transcriptome signatures that distinguish active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) from control groups have been reported, but…”
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Diagnostic yield of active case finding for tuberculosis and HIV at the household level in slums in Haiti
Published in The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease (01-11-2017)“…SETTING: Haiti has the highest burden of tuberculosis (TB) in the Americas, with an estimated prevalence of 254 per 100 000 population. The Haitian Group for…”
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Heterosexual transmission of HIV in Haiti
Published in Annals of internal medicine (15-08-1996)“…Despite the importance of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission through heterosexual contact, the incidence of HIV infection in heterosexual cohorts…”
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HIV infection in Haiti : natural history and disease progression
Published in AIDS (London) (10-11-2000)“…A study was conducted to define the natural history and disease progression of HIV infection in a developing country. A prospective longitudinal cohort study…”
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CD4 deficit and tuberculosis risk persist with delayed antiretroviral therapy: 5-year data from CIPRA HT-001
Published in The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease (01-01-2015)“…SETTING: Port-au-Prince, Haiti.OBJECTIVE: To determine long-term effects of early vs. delayed initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on immune recovery and…”
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The natural history of human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection in Haitian infants
Published in The Pediatric infectious disease journal (01-01-1999)“…OBJECTIVES.The current study followed HIV-infected women through pregnancy and their infants through the first 2 years of life to determine the rate of…”
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A multi-centre evaluation of nine rapid, point-of-care syphilis tests using archived sera
Published in Sexually transmitted infections (01-12-2006)“…Objectives: To evaluate nine rapid syphilis tests at eight geographically diverse laboratory sites for their performance and operational characteristics…”
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An interstate outbreak of tick-borne relapsing fever among vacationers at a Rocky Mountain cabin
Published in The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene (01-06-1998)“…In July 1995, an outbreak of acute febrile illness affected 11 (48%) of 23 family members from Nebraska and Kansas who had vacationed at a Colorado cabin in…”
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